
17 products
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  • Bisol Jeio Prosecco Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG Sparkling 750ml

    Creamy, racy and fun, this offers inviting aromas of green apple, wisteria and aromatic herb. The vibrant palate delivers Bartlett ear, citrus and thyme accompanied by an elegant, continuous mousse. It has a crisp, dry close.

    In stock (3)

  • Candoni Prosecco Extra Dry Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Delicate and fruity with a hint of honey, Candoni Prosecco is crisp and clean in the mouth. It has a pleasant acidity level that leaves behind a delicious and persistent freshness with a dry, well-balanced finish. Candoni Prosecco is produced in a flourishing winery nestled in the midst of the…

    In stock (22)

  • Fattoria Moretto 2021 Lambrusco Secco 750ml

    Produced from organically farmed hillside vineyards just outside of Modena, Moretto’s Grasparossa is made for the notoriously rich cuisine of Emilia-Romagna, arguably the home of Italy’s finest meats and cheeses. The bone-dry finish features bracing acidity and chalky tannins, designed to cut through the fat of a mortadella sandwich or…

    In stock (26)

  • Fitvine Brut Prosecco DOC White Sparkling 750ml

    Our low sugar delicately bubbly wine boasts scents of fruity tropical flowers, and ripe pear. Palate is vibrant, loaded with harmonious notes of green apple, citrus and mineral finesse. Finishing with a clean light and elegant crisp acidity. Pair with a delicate aperitif, roasted cashews or camembert cheeses for a…

    In stock (8)

  • Francis Ford Coppola Diamond Collection DOC Prosecco Sparkling 750ml

    Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Prosecco is crafted from select grapes grown in northeastern Italy, between the Adriatic Sea and the Dolomite Mountains. Enjoy on its own, with a meal, or as an aperitif. Saluté to every day!

    In stock (28)

  • Gancia Prosecco Sparkling 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This sparkling is made from the best selection of Glera grapes coming from the Prosecco area. Production takes place between Friuli and Veneto, in the area of the Prosecco di Treviso. After harvesting, the grapes are soft pressed and then vinified in white (without the skins) at 18°…

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  • Josh Cellars Extra Dry Prosecco Sparkling 750ml

    The wine has refreshing acidity and a touch of sweetness from the ripe fruit. It has aromas of pear, green apples and citrus and light the effervescence provides a vibrant and crisp taste.

    In stock (11)

  • Kim Crawford Prosecco Sparkling 750ml

    Kim Crawford Prosecco sparkles with vibrant and crisp notes of pear, citrus and tropical fruit. Refreshing and easy to drink, Kim Crawford Prosecco is a wine that lets your amazing self shine. Complex fruit with tropical, citrus and stone fruit flavors followed by a clean finish. Perceptible bubble sensation on…

    In stock (6)

  • La Marca Luminore Conegliano Valdobbiaene Prosecco Superiore DOCG Sparkling 750ml

    Inspired by the sun-drenched hillsides of Conegliano Valdobbiadene, Luminore is a Prosecco Superiore, crafted for life’s extraordinary moments. Luminore is the perfect example of how the finest quality grapes, expert craftsmanship and attention to detail combine to create a wine that has the ability to ignite moments of sparkling brilliance.…

    In stock (1)

  • Mionetto Luxury Prosecco Superiore Docg Valdobbiadene Veneto 750ml

    Meticulously produced from grapes grown in the Prosecco Superiore DOCG zone, which make this wine the finest expression possible of the Glera grape. This elegant sparkling wine appears a distinctive, luminous straw yellow, with a long-lasting bead of pin-point bubbles. Its rich bouquet is redolent of floral essences and emphatic…

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  • Nino Franco Rustico Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore 750ml

    #1 Wine Enthusiast Top 100 Wines of 2019 Made in the heart of the Prosecco DOCG zone, Nino Franco’s Rustico Prosecco Superiore is unquestionably the world’s finest value in a high-quality sparkling wine. Made from 100% Glera (traditionally called Prosecco), the non-vintage, light-bodied Rustico offers gorgeously elegant notes of pear,…

    In stock (41)

  • Prima Perla DOC Prosecco Treviso 750ml

    This Prosecco is crisp, clean and refreshing with flavors and aromas of pears, peaches, green melons and citrus with a touch of honey and vanilla. This bubbly, light-bodied sparkling wine is creamy with accents of pear, peach and melon. This Prosecco goes well with lighter fare, such as appetizers, fish,…

    In stock (14)

  • Ruggeri Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Giall’Oro Extra Dry 750ml

    Clear, bright straw yellow with lots of fine mousse. Finely marked nose with notes of tree-ripened apple and acacia blossom. Creamy and round on the palate with a generous, juicy finish.

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  • Santa Margherita Prosecco 750ml

    The wine is dry with fine, lively bubbles, delicate pear and apple fruit aromas and a crisp finish. Whether served at the beginning of a beautiful evening for two, or sipped throughout a lively meal with friends, this celebrated bubbly has versatility at the table that can be shared time…

    In stock (6)

  • New

    Soligo Brut Prosecco DOC Treviso 750ml

    An award-winning sparkling wine with a fresh and balanced flavor. Soligo Prosecco is a sparkling wine primarily made from the Glera grape in the Veneto region. It offers a fresh and well-balanced taste, with a pleasant sapid finish. Introducing Soligo Prosecco, a delightful sparkling wine hailing from the picturesque region…

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