
5454 products
  • Domaine Spiropoulos 2021 Organic Moschofilero PDO Mantinia White Dry 750ml

    The complex Moschofilero grape calls attention to its elegant and more distinctive dimensions in Domaine Spiropoulos’s Mantinia wine. Produced exclusively from selected organically grown grapes from the family-owned vineyards in the upland region of Mantinia. With roses, lemon-blossom and bergamot aromas which peak on the palate, and slightly acidy and…

    In stock (6)

  • Domaine Trotereau Quincy 2020 White 750ml

    With a distinctive flavor profile born from warmer soils, it tastes of ripe, succulent citrus devoid of grassiness, while boasting the same flinty nerve as a good Sancerre. The snappy finish beckons a refill.

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  • Domaine Vocoret and Fils 2022 Chablis 750ml

    Terroir achieves its crowning glory with Chardonnay from the Kimmeridgian soils of Chablis. These wines are at their best when they’re grown and vinified plainly and simply, with nature taking its course in the vineyard as well as the cellar. And these are the kind of wines crafted perfectly by…

    In stock (9)

  • Domaine Wachau 2018 Riesling Federspiel Terrassen 750ml

    The grapes in this cuvée come from various vineyard terraces in Spitz, Dürnstein and Weissenkirchen and are harvested by hand. The wine perfectly reflects the microclimates and rocky terrain of the Wachau Valley. Its crystalline colour, with highlights of green, offers up distinctive aromas of citrus and exotic fruits and…

    In stock (11)

  • Domaines Ott By.Ott 2020 Cotes De Provence Rose 750ml

    By. Ott is a wine produced with all the savoir-faire of the Domaines Ott team in the newly constructed cellar of Château de Selle. It is a refined and elegant wine for any rosé enthusiast. The blends originate from select vineyards in Côtes de Provence that have been chosen to…

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  • Domaines Ott Chateau De Selle 2022 Cotes De Provence Rosé 750ml

    Domaines Ott was founded in 1912 by Alsatian engineer Marcel Ott. Today, the wineries are owned and managed by Champagne Louis Roederer, producing some of the world’s most prestigious wines. These wines are made at three distinctively different estates: Château Romassan (Bandol), Clos Mireille and Château de Selle (both Côtes…

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  • Domaines Ott Chateau Romassan 2022 Bandol Rose 750ml

    The distinguished elegance, fullness and lovely taut character of the Château Romassan Rosé are the result of meticulous vine tending and winemaking. Each plot is worked in accordance with its intrinsic qualities but the vines all grow in typical Bandol terroirs: arid soil (limestone, sandstone and sandy marl) and exceptionally…

    In stock (18)

  • Dominio De Eguren Protocolo Tinto 2018 Red Blend 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The Eguren family produces Protocolo Tinto, one of the world's best value wines, from vineyards in Manchuela, Rioja, and Toro. They lease vineyards on long term contracts from farmers in Manchuela who grow Tempranillo on the limestone rich soils at high altitudes in this southeastern corner of Spain.…

    In stock (2)

  • Dominio De Eguren Protocolo Tinto 2019 Red 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The Eguren family produces Protocolo Tinto, one of the world's best value wines, from vineyards in Manchuela, Rioja, and Toro. They lease vineyards on long term contracts from farmers in Manchuela who grow Tempranillo on the limestone rich soils at high altitudes in this southeastern corner of Spain.…

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  • Dominus 2019 Napa Valley Red Blend 750ml

    Deep garnet-purple colored, the nose slowly unfurls to unveil beguiling floral notes of candied violets and rose oil over a core of creme de cassis, blackberry pie, and plum preserves, giving way to notions of licorice, Indian spices, iron ore, and crushed rocks. Full-bodied, the palate is jam-packed with taut,…

    In stock (5)

  • Dominus 2021 Napanook Napa Valley Red Blend 750ml

    The 2021 Napanook is one heck of a Napanook, offering complex notes of currants, cassis, graphite, leafy tobacco, lead pencil, and chocolate. Incredible on the palate, it s full-bodied and round, with supple, vibrant, incredible tannins. This is easily the finest vintage I've tasted of this cuv e and it…

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  • Don Fulano Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Don Fulano Añejo is a marriage of very old tequilas aged in French limousine and nevers oak casks that previously held wines. It’s deep and complex with dried fruits and spice elements like cardamom and allspice which complement elegantly the right touch of sweetness that comes from slowly cooked mature…

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  • Don Fulano Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Don Fulano Blanco is a bright and colorful expression of highland agave. It’s fresh on the nose and yet profound with a beautiful elegance. There is harmony between a wide spectrum of aromas that only mature hillside agave offers; a myriad of delicate fruit notes is balanced by a light…

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  • Don Fulano Reposado Tequila 750ml

    Don Fulano Reposado is the great representative of the spirit of Don Fulano: a marriage of mature highland agave with French limousine oak. It’s rich and buttery, yet strangely delicate and ethereal at the same time. Cooked agave fully expresses itself and blends seamlessly with an herbal sweetness, hints of…

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  • Don Julio 1942 Alma Miel Tequila Joven 750ml

    Don Julio 1942 Alma Miel Tequila Joven is a luxuriously smooth sipping tequila that captures the essence and dedication of Don Julio González's legacy in tequila-making. Made from the sweetest parts of agave piñas, harvested at peak ripeness, it combines the rich flavors of blanco tequila distilled with oven-roasted agave…

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