
5454 products
  • E&J Xo Brandy 750ml

    In stock (11)

  • Eagle Rare Double Eagle Very Rare 20 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

    This very limited 20-year-old bourbon whiskey lives up to its name, maturing twice as long as our standard Eagle Rare 10-year-old bourbon and featuring two beautifully-sculpted crystal glass eagles in the Double Eagle decanter. Even after two decades of aging in an oak barrel, this bourbon whiskey is surprisingly balanced.…

    In stock (1)

  • Early Times Bottled In Bond 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky 1L

    Early Times Bottled-In-Bond Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky is a tribute to the 75th anniversary of the original Early Times bonded bourbon recipe. From a rich heritage that began in 1860, Early Times Bottled-In-Bond Bourbon is a legacy expression inspired by Early Times’ traditional whisky-making methods of the good old days.…

    In stock (229)

  • Early Times Kentucky Whisky 1.75L PET

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* The name Early Times was a tribute to the old-fashioned method of making whisky. Today, the process is much more exacting, but it still delivers the unmistakable mellow taste. Early Times Kentucky Whisky is known for being a high-quality whisky that…

    In stock (100)

  • Early Times Kentucky Whisky 750ml

    The name Early Times was a tribute to the old-fashioned method of making whisky. Today, the process is much more exacting, but it still delivers the unmistakable mellow taste. Early Times Kentucky Whisky is known for being a high-quality whisky that delivers a consistently smooth taste and flavor profile while…

    In stock (7)

  • Early Times Kentucky Whisky 750ml PET

    The name Early Times was a tribute to the old-fashioned method of making whisky. Today, the process is much more exacting, but it still delivers the unmistakable mellow taste. Early Times Kentucky Whisky is known for being a high-quality whisky that delivers a consistently smooth taste and flavor profile while…

    In stock (6)

  • Ecco Domani 2023 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    Ecco Domani Pinot Grigio wine offers light citrus and delicate floral aromas, tropical fruit flavors and a crisp, refreshing finish. Try matching our Pinot Grigio wine with light pastas, poultry and fish. Our Ecco Domani delle Venezie IGT Italian Pinot Grigio Wine is pale straw in hue and has delicate…

    In stock (146)

  • Echo 2018 Lynch Bages Pauillac Red 750ml

    Like its big brother, Echo de Lynch-Bages displays the characteristic taste, aromas and length of Pauillac wines. As an echo of the first wine, it receives the same care and attention from the vine to the cellars. It is the result of a selection of Lynch-Bages' youngest vines and specific…

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  • Echo Bay 2021 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Tropical fruit flavors of passion fruit, kiwi and mango layered over a foundation of pleasant citrus and crisp, refreshing acidity create a fruit driven, well-balanced Sauvignon Blanc. Critical Acclaim TP 92 Tasting Panel One of our favorite global winemakers is Nick Goldschmidt, who really gets this variety. From…

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  • Edinburgh Lemon and Jasmine Gin 750ml

    Inspired by the Sicilian sun-drenched lemon groves and the perfumed scent of jasmine flowers in the height of bloom. Our Classic London Dry is at its heart, building on the fruity and citrus notes, Edinburgh Lemon & Jasmine Gin is filled with bright zesty lemon and the heady perfumed scents…

    In stock (5)

  • Educated Guess 2019 North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Have you ever found yourself in a wine shop or restaurant perusing the wines and wondering how to choose the best wine for the money?  You may admire a label, recognize a name or recall a great review -- in essance you're makin an "Educated Guess."  This is exactly what…

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  • Educated Guess 2021 Napa County Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This North Coast Cabernet Sauvignon opens with concentrated aromas of dark berries, plums, and a hint of cracked peppercorn. The primary source for the Cabernet fruit is from the famed Beckstoffer Crimson Ridge Vineyard. This vineyard is known for its volcanic soils and has a western facing orientation,…

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  • Educated Guess 2022 Napa County Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    What can we say about our Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon? It’s sumptuous, lush, and full-bodied with flavors of juicy blackberry and cherry fruit, creamy milk chocolate, and dust notes all tied together with a toasty oak finish that in a word is .. lingering. Educated Guess falls all the requirements…

    In stock (18)

  • Efe 3 Triple Destilled Raki 750ml

    Grapes produced on the Aegean soil and picked up carefully have been made into 100% grape suma, distilled 3 times with anise seeds and at each stage the pure flavor of Kara Efe appeared a little more. Bozdag water is used for a more pleasant taste. Kara Efe is produced…

    In stock (9)

  • Efe Gold Premium Raki 750ml

    A very pure triple-distilled raki made by distilling grape alcohol with aniseed. Efe Raki brought together the experts to produce the taste that defines Raki by an authentic recipe. Selected top-quality grapes and anis seeds of the Aegean coast gives Efe Raki its distinct taste and unmistakable aroma every time.…

    In stock (10)
