
5465 products
  • Evesham Wood Le Puits Sec 2017 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Intermingling notes of earth and flowers move to an explosive mid-palate of red fruits and plum followed by an elegant, bright, lifted finish. Stock up and experience the evolution of this wine over the next decade. Critical Acclaim WE 93 Wine Enthusiast The estate vineyard, this is dry-farmed…

    In stock (2)

  • Evolution Big Time 6 Red 750ml

    This big time blend reveals flavors of black cherry and currants, with a hint of savoriness, and has a finish that's long and juicy. Well worth the wait.

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  • Evolution Lucky No 9 2019 White 750ml

    Evolution Lucky No. 9 White launched the alternative white category two decades ago and remains a classic staple in any wine lover's fridge. Aromatic wine with heaps of citrus notes like lychee and lime zest, hints of tropical fruit and just a touch melon.

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  • Ex Post Facto 2021 Syrah 750ml

    Unbeknownst to many, Winemaker Greg Brewer has been crafting seductive and compelling Syrah for 25 years. It’s not Syrah through a Pinot Noir producer’s perspective; it is Syrah through the lens of experience in distinctive cool-climate Santa Barbara wine country. The release of our fourth vintage delivers the exacting texture…

    In stock (22)

  • Exclusiv 1 Vodka 1.75L

    Crisp citrus and anise nose with a smooth, silky medium body of milk and pepper, balanced with a long, sweet honey finish. So soft, it can be enjoyed neat or simply with a fruit garnish.    

    In stock (58)

  • Exclusiv 1 Vodka 750ml

    Crisp citrus and anise nose with a smooth, silky medium body of milk and pepper, balanced with a long, sweet honey finish. So soft, it can be enjoyed neat or simply with a fruit garnish.    

    In stock (7)

  • Exclusiv Berry Vodka 750ml

    Clear. Bright aromas of macerated berries and cherries in cream and nougat with a silky, moderately sweet medium body and a clean, berry ice cream, chalk and spice driven finish.

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  • Exclusiv Peach Vodka 750ml

    Exclusiv Vodka is especially unique due to its roots in Moldova, a country that gained its independence from Russia in 1991. Exclusiv Vodka is made with high-quality winter wheat and a fine distilling process, giving it a sweeter, more polished taste without polishing techniques. Exclusiv Peach Vodka offers full-bodied flavor…

    In stock (13)

  • Exclusiv Pineapple Vodka 750ml

    Moldova- A spirit so exclusive in taste, they had to name it Exclusiv. From the gently rolling wheat fields of Moldova, comes an exciting vodka steeped in Russian tradition. Infused with pineapple flavors, this vodka is great alone or mixed into cocktails.

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  • Experience 2019 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This wonderful Cabernet Sauvignon comes from husband and wife duo Travis & Catherine Vale. The name Experience is a nod to the bus they met on in New Zealand called the ‘Kiwi Experience’. Intense ruby in colour, this bottle opens with a lovely bouquet of forward fruit, soft notes of…

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  • Ezimit Ovche Pole 2021 Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dry red wine with controlled origin from our Ovche pole vineyards. Vibrant and lovely deep red color, with complex and powerful aromas reminiscent of cherries, plums, almonds and dried food. Delicate flavours with a touch of jam and barriers that lingers in your mouth. Aged yellow cheese, creamy salads, grilled…

    In stock (20)

  • Ezimit Ovche Pole 2021 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    Dry white wine with controlled origin from our Ovche pole vineyards. Straw yellow color with green reflections, characterized by a clean, delicate and complex aroma, reminiscent of white flowers with notes of yellow apple, honey and tropical fruits. Soft, well-rounded and elegant taste with distinct body and pleasant creamy finish.…

    In stock (5)

  • Ezimit Ovche Pole 2021 Plavac 750ml

    Dry red wine with controlled origin from our Ovche pole vineyards. Deep red color and a very specific aromatic smell full of blackberries. Rich body abundant in tannins that are not acrid in character and flavours of blackberry, dark cherry, pepper, carob and dry figs. Pork chops, veal fillet, minced…

    In stock (5)

  • Fable 2017 Chardonnay 750ml

    "Pastry cust and toasted almonds give way to lemon cream and chai on the nose. The palate is elegant with mouth watering acidity and texture. Pears, apples and briny wet stone linger on a second sip finish." -Winery Notes

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  • Fable 2017 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Bright, toasty oak and black fruit on the nose, the palate is silky with flavors of dark currant, roasted chestnut and bing cherry. Visually a lighter wine but the complete opposite in weight and texture. A testament to a phenomenal vintage!

    In stock (11)
