
5465 products
  • Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka 750ml

    In stock (8)

  • Fishbone 2015 Shiraz 750ml

    Produced from premium Western Australian Shiraz fruit, the wine has deep plum purple colour, fruity aroma, and soft tannins supporting dark berry flavours. Vineyard: Geographe, Western Australia. Shiraz 100%. Nose: Ripe plum & rhubarb, with hint of tobacco and vanilla. Palate: Dry, spiced dark fruits, balanced acidity with healthy tannin…

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  • Fitvine 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Full-flavored, clean tasting wine with no added nonsense. With less sugar and no flavor additives there are notes of lavender, currants and oak shine through.

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  • Fitvine 2021 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    We wanted to know what's actually in the wine we drink. So we created a clean-tasting wine with less sugar, fewer sulfites, and no flavor additives. We made a wine for those who are active, have dietary restrictions, or are just looking for a better fit. It was our goal…

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  • Fitvine 2022 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    FitVine Wine was born when friends made a pact to craft amazing and healthy wines that also fit their lifestyles. Our team is always on the go, whether we’re doing CrossFit, cycling, running, skiing, paddle boarding, or just enjoying the outdoors. We set about combining our love for wine and…

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  • Fitvine Brut Prosecco DOC White Sparkling 750ml

    Our low sugar delicately bubbly wine boasts scents of fruity tropical flowers, and ripe pear. Palate is vibrant, loaded with harmonious notes of green apple, citrus and mineral finesse. Finishing with a clean light and elegant crisp acidity. Pair with a delicate aperitif, roasted cashews or camembert cheeses for a…

    In stock (10)

  • Five Farms Irish Cream Liqueur 750ml

    Five Farms Irish Cream Liqueur has been awarded the Chairman’s Trophy at the 2018 Ultimate Spirits Challenge, the premier spirits competition in the world. The 97 score awarded to Five Farms is the highest that an Irish Cream Liqueur has ever received in this prestigious competition, signaling the arrival of…

    In stock (29)

  • Five Fetes 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Up, up and away! This full-bodied Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon wine lights up beef, lamb, poultry and game,

    In stock (18)

  • Fleischmanns Blended Whiskey 1.75L PET

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Fleischmann's Whiskey Blend Preferred 80 is a lighter amber color blended from the finest quality bourbons and grain spirits to create a neutral spirit. Its more neutral quality makes it an ideal whiskey to use in cocktails and mixed drinks.

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  • Fleischmanns Gin 1.75L PET

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* As the first American made gin, Fleischmann's aroma consists of juniper and spicy, dusty coriander on the nose, while the palate itself is smooth and rich with a lighter gin taste.

    In stock (3)

  • Fleischmanns Vodka 1.75L PET

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Fleischmann's Vodka is a member of the Fleischmann's family of products, a name that has represented quality since 1870. Clear. Medium-bodied. Grass, green herbs. Compact texture. Rather austere and full on the nose. Somewhat grainy, with a tight feel on the…

    In stock (6)

  • Fleur Charmante Liqueur 750ml

    Fleur Charmante embodies the spirit and tradition of cocktail making with modern flair. Since the 1800s, liqueurs have transformed spirits into elegant cocktails. Today, Fleur Charmante pays homage to the classics of cocktail making while being distinct enough to enjoy over ice for a delicately simple experience. Made in the…

    In stock (3)

  • Fleur De Mer Cotes De Provence 2021 Rose 750ml

    On a warm summer day, the rolling hills of Provence are awash in a sea of vibrant purple and lavender. In French, Fleur de Mer means “Flower of the Sea.” Our pretty and delicate peach-pink Fleur de Mer Rosé celebrates the harmony of Provençal wines and the Provence region’s beautifully…

    In stock (14)

  • Flor De Cana 12Yr Centenario Rum 750ml

    Flor de Cana is a sustainably produced premium rum that is carbon neutral & Fair Trade. Awarded Double Gold at SF World Spirits Competition in 2021 and Gold at the John Barleycorn Awards in 2019.

    In stock (22)

  • Flor De Cana 15Yr Eco-Terra Rum 750ml

    A 15-year-old Nicaraguan rum from Flor de Cana that is both carbon neutral and Fair Trade certified, this rum is distilled with 100% renewable energy. Aromas of nutmeg, hazelnut, caramel and pepper fill the nose, complemented by notes of dark chocolate, vanilla, oak, caramel, roasted hazelnuts and cinnamon throughout the…

    In stock (9)
