
5465 products
  • Florio 2017 Dry Vecchioflorio Marsala Superiore 750ml

    Pressing of the grapes with a high sugar content to pass the precious substances found in the skins to the must. Fermentation at controlled temperature and blend of the resulting wine with fortified must, cooked must and wine-brandy. Almost 3 years in oak casks and vats of various capacities. One…

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  • Florio 2018 Sweet Vecchioflorio Marsala Superiore 750ml

    The Duca di Salaparuta group comprises three historic brands which represent Sicily and Italy worldwide: Corvo and Duca di Salaparuta, dating back to 1824, and Florio, which dates from 1833. Acquired by Illva Saronno Holding and brought together in a single group, the two historic companies now constitute the leading…

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  • Florio 2019 Sweet Vecchioflorio Marsala Superiore 750ml

    The Florio Vecchioflorio Marsala Superiore Sweet appears a bright and intense amber color in the glass. The nose reveals hints of ripe grapes and vanilla. The palate is warm and rounded, with an elegant finish of dried fruit, dates and grapes in alcohol. As an aperitif it goes well with…

    In stock (19)

  • Flowers 2022 Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 750ml

    95 PTS Wine Enthusiast - Cellar Selection This native-yeast-fermented Chardonnay is a swirl of golden sunshine in the glass, with aromas of tangy tangerine, orange blossom and sweet cinnamon on the nose. Bright and balanced, the palate has lovely precision and freshness. 94 PTS James Suckling This is really tangy…

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  • Flowers 2022 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir Wine

    Every Flowers wine is made to express the land where it was farmed. Our coastal proximity and high-elevation vineyards give our wine its distinct minerality and fresh natural acidity. Farmed sustainably, fermented with 100% native yeast, and crafted with minimal intervention in the cellar, Flowers Pinot Noir is a pure…

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  • Foley Johnson Rutherford Estate 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The Foley Johnson 2019 Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon comes from our own estate vineyards in the heart of Rutherford, comprised of thicker and heavier adobe soils with small amounts of gravel which are perfect for growing Cabernet Sauvignon. Our Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon is a wonderful expression of the classic Bordeaux varietal.…

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  • Folie A Deux 2017 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    2017 Grapes for the Folie à Deux 2017 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon were carefully selected from prime vineyards in northern Sonoma’s renowned Alexander Valley. A pure expression of its region. Concentrated aromas of graphite, boysenberry, dark cherry, a hint of menthols and black olive sit atop clove and brown sugar…

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  • Fonseca Bin No. 27 Port 750ml

    Fonseca Bin No. 27 was created over a century ago for family consumption, and only released commercially in 1972. It is produced primarily from wines from Fonseca's own quintas in the Cima Corgo and thus shows an exceptional quality and consistency from year to year. Blended from reserve wines selected…

    In stock (16)

  • Fontanabianca Barbaresco DOCG 750ml

    The Fontanabianca 2017 Barbaresco delivers terrific results at an approachable price. This production of 25,000 bottles offers a full bouquet of Nebbiolo typicity with the extra heft and exuberance of this warm vintage. The bouquet delivers all the headline aromas you might expect, with wild cherry, dried blueberry, spice, licorice…

    In stock (6)

  • Fords Gin 750ml

    "At 90 proof Fords Gin holds in a lot of flavor. When tasting, we recommend a splash of water to release the flavours. You'll notice the high oil content just by looking in the glass. The coriander, citrus and florals really come to life. It's also a good way to…

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  • Forever Summer by Mirabeau 2022 Rose 750ml

    A delicious and light everyday rosé with a lovely freshness, a pretty nose of cherry and almond flower and aromas of white peaches. Enjoy as an aperitif or with all kinds of food. Pretty nose with cherry and almond flower notes and combava zest aromas. On the palate, a lovely…

    In stock (10)

  • Forge Cellars 2021 Arlo Seneca Lake Cabernet Franc 750ml

    With complete candor, we can admit that our fascination with “collecting sites” can sometimes seem a bit crazy. Despite the possibility that we truly are a bit mad, the utter joy of watching people discover and connect with different vineyards is unparalleled. Certain sites speak more deeply to some people…

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  • Forge Cellars 2021 Classique Seneca Lake Dry Riesling 750ml

    Winemaking partners Rick Rainey and Louis Barruol (of Château de St. Cosme, in Gigondas) have organized Forge Cellars to explore the unique qualities of Seneca Lake vineyard sites. With a focus on biointensive and regenerative growing practices, they have made a commitment to sustainability in every aspect of their business.…

    In stock (9)

  • Formosa 12Yr Single Malt Whiskey 750ml

    Formosa Whisky is a product of 15 years of research by Formosa Distillary, in an effort to produce high quality malt whisky in tune with the world standard.  The whisky is made from selected Taiwanese malted barley grown in Daye district. Portuguese sailors, passing Taiwan in 1544, first jotted in…

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  • Foro Rosso Torino Vermouth 1L

    Fantastic sweet vermouth and an incredible value. From the Terre dei Solari winery of Piemonte Italy, this vermouth uses Moscato and Inzolia wine, which goes through two wormwood infusions. Other botanicals include balsam, saffron, bitter and sweet orange peels, myrr, mace, rhubarb, sandalwood, and cinnamon. Intense with aromatic herbs, with…

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