
5465 products
  • Four Roses Single Barrel 100 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    FOUR ROSES SINGLE BARREL A premium Single Barrel Bourbon with a taste you’ll want to savor again and again. Complex, full bodied and surprisingly smooth with a delicate long finish that’s unbelievably mellow. Contains hints of ripe plum, cherry and other fruits, mild spices, plus sweet aromas including caramel, cocoa,…

    In stock (3)

  • Four Roses Small Batch 90 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    For a spirits enthusiast who wants a go-to premium bourbon, Four Roses Small Batch is a perfectly balanced everyday bourbon that elevates every moment to a special occasion.

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  • Four Roses Small Batch Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Master Distiller Brent Elliott selected and mingled six of Four Roses’ 10 Bourbon recipes, each aged a minimum of 6 years, to handcraft Small Batch Select. Non-chill filtered and 104 proof, our newest permanent product-line extension offers truly unique flavor characteristics. 104 proof. 52% alcohol/volume TASTING NOTES NOSE:Raspberries, clove, and…

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  • Four Roses Yellow Label Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Four Roses Yellow Label is a straight bourbon that's great for cocktails and easy sipping. It's smooth and mellow with a soft finish, but also packs more flavor than other low-proof bourbons. A must for your home bar, it comes in…

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  • Four Vines Biker 2019 Zinfandel 750ml

    Paso Robles Zins are bold, full-bodied wines with jammy fruit and pepperspice. Biker roars out of the glass with heady aromas of blackberry, black currant and spice. Flavors of wild bramble, sweet black cherry and jam follow while the finish is intense, layered and long. Biker will not disappoint when…

    In stock (9)

  • Four Vines Biker 2020 Zinfandel 750ml

    Black cherry and spicy aromas lead to an elegant palate of wild black- berry and plum flavors bolstered by a touch of black pepper and sweet, toasted oak. The 2020 offers a plush mouthfeel and a long, velvety finish.

    In stock (29)

  • Four Vines Naked Central Coast 2020 Unoaked Chardonnay 750ml

    California’s Central Coast is a vast, rugged landscape stretching from Santa Barbara north to Monterey Bay. It’s wild country with a gorgeous coastline and few towns. Wide open with fertile farming soil and abundant ranchland, this place attracted more than just farmers and cowboys it also attracted artists, rebels, seekers…

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  • Four Virtues 2020 Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Heavily charred new Bourbon oak barrels impart nuanced layers of caramel, vanilla and toasty oak to the wine’s naturally intense dark berry character. The result is a robust, deliciously complex and silky smooth Lodi Cabernet Sauvignon. Four Virtues Cabernet Sauvignon is named thus because of a popular saying that exceptional…

    In stock (4)

  • Four Walls Irish and American Rye Blended Whiskey 750ml

    Four Walls is a new Irish American Whiskey brand from Rob McElhenney, Glenn Howerton and Charlie Day made in tribute to the four walls the gang calls home - the bar.  Hand selected barrels of grain and malt Irish whiskeys are uniquely blended with American rye whiskey for a new…

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  • Fournier Pere ET Fils 2019 Vin De France Pinot Noir 750ml

    Pale to medium ruby with a clear rim. On the nose ripe red fruit, wet leaves, and slight notes of vanilla. Moderate acid, minimal tannin, medium alcohol and light bodied. Red fruit on the palette. Strong strawberry and stewed fruit nose. Light to medium ruby color. Light body, dry with…

    In stock (5)

  • Foxglove Central Coast 2016 Chardonnay 750ml

    Foxglove Chardonnay always represents great value. With this wine, you have the richness of fruit from California's Central Coast giving you tropical notes. However, the wine is bottled without going through malolactic fermentation and has no oak on it so it maintains a very clean profile. Great on its own…

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  • Foxglove Paso Robles 2016 Zinfandel 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Brambly, ripe Zinfandel fruit and spice in a fresh package. The use of stainless on the Foxglove Zin keeps the ripe fruit from being too dark. With a slight chill this is an excellent BBQ wine!

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  • Foxglove Paso Robles 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The grapes are destemmed (no whole clusters) at the winery into stainless steel tanks for fermentation. Pressing occurs at dryness. Malolactic fermentation completes after pressing.

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  • Fraga Do Corvo 2022 Godello Monterrie D.O. 750ml

    The godello grape in this white wine comes from vines that are between 18 and 25 years old and grow at high altitudes along the Támaga River in Monterrei, Galicia. The fruit is selected from the best locations in the Fraga do Lecer vineyards and samples the breadth of soils…

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  • Francis Coppola Diamond Collection 2021 Sonoma County Chardonnay 750ml

    Introducing Diamond Collection Pavilion Chardonnay – the best of both worlds, old and new. It’s a bold Chardonnay with a sophisticated old world crispness melting into a rich, vanilla forward finish that screams new world – Santa Barbara and Sonoma County to be exact. Diamond Collection Pavilion Chardonnay is a…

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