
5465 products
  • Francis Ford Coppola 2021 Claret Black Label Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Seriously tasty and full-bodied, this inky-colored wine is packed with ripe fruit, fine tannins and firm texture, and needs a juicy steak or tender roast as a table mate. A core of black cherry and black plum is shaded by spicy oak.

    In stock (50)

  • Francis Ford Coppola 2021 Claret Black Label Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Seriously tasty and full-bodied, this inky-colored wine is packed with ripe fruit, fine tannins and firm texture, and needs a juicy steak or tender roast as a table mate. A core of black cherry and black plum is shaded by spicy oak.

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  • Francis Ford Coppola 2021 Diamond Collection Merlot 750ml

    Dark succulent fruit balanced by natural acidity. Intense aromatics of raspberry and blueberry lead to flavors of crushed berries, vanilla and leather, which are wrapped up in a soft, smooth tannin structure.

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  • Francis Ford Coppola 2021 Diamond Collection Pinot Noir 750ml

    Carefully cultivated, first in the vineyards and later in the cellar, this vintage is rich with a mouth-coating texture and flavors of warm pie crust, plum, and blueberries, culminating in a melted tannin finish. Aromas also present notes of cranberry and blueberry compote, roasted nuts, and dark chocolate. A delicious…

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  • Francis Ford Coppola 2022 Diamond Collection Merlot 750ml

    Diamond Collection wines are made from grapes grown across California and are carefully combined to create wines perfect for all occasions – including those special just because ones.   The concentration and flavor complexity of our Diamond Collection Merlot is derived from blending fruit from diverse appellations in California. Medium-bodied with…

    In stock (12)

  • Francis Ford Coppola 2022 Diamond Collection Pinot Noir 750ml

    Carefully cultivated, first in the vineyards and later in the cellar, this vintage is rich with a mouth-coating texture and flavors of warm pie crust, plum, and blueberries, culminating in a melted tannin finish. Aromas also present notes of cranberry and blueberry compote, roasted nuts, and dark chocolate. A delicious…

    In stock (12)

  • Francis Ford Coppola 2023 Diamond Collection Pinot Noir 750ml

    Carefully cultivated, first in the vineyards and later in the cellar, this vintage is rich with a mouth-coating texture and flavors of warm pie crust, plum, and blueberries, culminating in a melted tannin finish. Aromas also present notes of cranberry and blueberry compote, roasted nuts, and dark chocolate. A delicious…

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  • Francis Ford Coppola Diamond Collection 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Developed concentration and flavors of melon, vanilla and creme brulee- pairs great with grilled chicken or pork chops. Diamond Collection wines are made from grapes grown across California and Oregon, and are carefully combined to create wines perfect for all occasions – including those special just because ones. Diamond Collection…

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  • Francis Ford Coppola Diamond Collection 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    Developed concentration and flavors of melon, vanilla and creme brulee- pairs great with grilled chicken or pork chops. Diamond Collection wines are made from grapes grown across California and Oregon, and are carefully combined to create wines perfect for all occasions – including those special just because ones. Diamond Collection…

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  • Francis Ford Coppola Diamond Collection DOC Prosecco Sparkling 750ml

    Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Prosecco is crafted from select grapes grown in northeastern Italy, between the Adriatic Sea and the Dolomite Mountains. Enjoy on its own, with a meal, or as an aperitif. Saluté to every day!

    In stock (40)

  • Franciscan Estate 2022 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Franciscan Cornerstone Cabernet Sauvignon showcases the bold and rich characteristics of the varietal. The wine features flavors of dark fruit such as blackberry and plum, with nuances of mocha, vanilla, and a touch of spice. Its full body and firm tannins provide a structured and satisfying drinking experience.

    In stock (44)

  • Francois Lurton Fumees Blanches 2023 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Light yellow color with a green tint. Clean, youthful, fruity, aromatic- typical grape scent with hints of citrus, pear, gooseberry and blackcurrant leaves. Dry, very fresh, fruity taste with hints of lime, gooseberry, pear and blackcurrant leaves.

    In stock (27)

  • Francois Lurton Les Hauts De Janeil 2021 Syrah-Grenache IGP Cotes Catalanes Red Blend 750ml

    The Domaine Mas d'en Janeil is located at the foot of the Corbiéres, in the heart of the famous terroir of the Agly Valley. 35 hectares of vines grow on a variety of soils and produce grapes of perfect quality. The aim is to capture the purity of the terroir…

    In stock (12)

  • Francois Montand Brut Sparkling 750ml

    This 100% Chardonnay sparkling wine is from Gascony south of Bordeaux. It has a wonderful polished nose, clean flavors and an impressive amount of zip. It is not to sweet, but has enough richness and balance to enjoy by itself.

    In stock (9)

  • Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Dark outside yet light within. Sweet yet delightfully refreshing. The richness of Frangelico is rooted in its origins. Made from the hazelnuts from Italy, they are combined with coffee, cocoa and vanilla distillate and extracts for a sweet yet balanced golden…

    In stock (9)
