
5465 products
  • Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 50ml

    Dark outside yet light within. Sweet yet delightfully refreshing. The richness of Frangelico is rooted in its origins. Made from the aromatic Tonda Gentile hazelnuts found in the Italian region of Piedmont, they are combined with coffee, cocoa and vanilla distillate and extracts for a sweet yet balanced golden elixir…

    In stock (10)

  • Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 750ml

    Dark outside yet light within. Sweet yet delightfully refreshing. The richness of Frangelico is rooted in its origins. Made from the aromatic Tonda Gentile hazelnuts found in the Italian region of Piedmont, they are combined with coffee, cocoa and vanilla distillate and extracts for a sweet yet balanced golden elixir…

    In stock (45)

  • Frank Family Vineyards 2021 Carneros Chardonnay 750ml

    A vibrant citrus-led nose delves into nuanced flavors of baked apple, toasted oak, and brioche on the full-bodied palate. The rich mouthfeel is harmonized by a lasting thread of bright acidity that lifts and maintains freshness on the long finish. 

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  • Franziskaner Weissbier 6pk

    In stock (20)

  • Freddy Nerks 2016 Kuitpo Rosso Red Blend 750ml

    About The Wine Freddy Nerks is the exciting new project of former Alpha Box & Dice owner/winemaker, Justin Lane. The idea behind the label is to bring lively, youthful expressions of cool climate wines to bottle that massively over-deliver in the value stakes. Justin focuses his fruit sources around the…

    In stock (6)

  • Freddy Nerks 2017 Syrah 750ml

    Top value cool climate Syrah made with a light touch by winemaker Justin Lane.

    In stock (15)

  • Freemark Abbey Napa Valley 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Our 2021 Napa Valley Chardonnay is intended to be the best of both worlds stylistically. The nose opens with rich and layered aromas of pear, mandarine, tuberose, vanilla and oak spice. The palate is met with flavors of brioche, apple pie, lemon curd and fresh pineapple. It has a creamy…

    In stock (17)

  • Frei Brothers Reserve Alexander Valley 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This Cabernet Sauvignon opens with aromas of cassis and crushed berries. On the palate, flavors of blackberry, raspberry, cedar and tobacco are framed by firm, velvety tannins and a long, elegant finish.

    In stock (8)

  • Frei Brothers Reserve Russian River Valley 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Our russian river valley chardonnay is a soft and complex reflection of one of sonoma's most renowned cool-climate regions. This wine displays flavors of green apple, orange zest and apple pie, complemented by notes of butter and toast. The rich, nutty flavors in this chardonnay lead to a silky finish…

    In stock (2)

  • Frei Brothers Reserve Russian River Valley 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    Our russian river valley chardonnay is a soft and complex reflection of one of sonoma's most renowned cool-climate regions. This wine displays flavors of green apple, orange zest and apple pie, complemented by notes of butter and toast. The rich, nutty flavors in this chardonnay lead to a silky finish…

    In stock (40)

  • Freixenet Brut Cordon Negro Sparkling 750ml

    Freixenet’s most popular cava, Cordon Negro Brut is often referred to as the “Black Bottle Bubbly.” As the #1 imported sparkling wine in the world, crisp and creamy Cordon Negro Brut’s delicate bubbles make this the ideal wine for any occasion. Get ready to sparkle!

    In stock (67)

  • Frenzy 2022 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Intensely aromatic and lively, with flavors of passionfruit and guava underpinned with aromas of fresh herbs and blackcurrant, this is a great wine to enjoy as an aperitif, or match with seafoods. The palate is vibrant with zingy fruit that is balanced with a long, crisp mineral finish

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  • Frescobaldi Castelgiocondo 2016 Brunello di Montalcino 750ml

    Castel Giocondo 2016 is yet another chapter that encapsulates the wonderful story of this wine. The ruby-red color is vibrant and intense. The wide-ranging bouquet is utterly elegant with fruity sensations that pervade the nose when you first smell it. Hints of forest fruits and ripe red berries, accompanied by…

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  • Frigate Reserve 21Yr Rum 750ml

    The epitome of what a superior aged rum should be in our minds. It has a deep, rich flavor and is smooth as can be. Guaranteed we are carrying this in our flask for all of life's great adventures. Winner of the 2019 International Rum Conference for Best Overall Rum…

    In stock (7)

  • Fris 80 Proof Vodka 750ml

    FRÏS Vodka is four times distilled and utilizes a patented Freeze Filtered Process that removes impurities. The distilled spirit is then blended with purified water, resulting in a vodka with an exceptionally clean and crisp taste.

    In stock (14)
