
5471 products
  • Frenzy 2022 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Intensely aromatic and lively, with flavors of passionfruit and guava underpinned with aromas of fresh herbs and blackcurrant, this is a great wine to enjoy as an aperitif, or match with seafoods. The palate is vibrant with zingy fruit that is balanced with a long, crisp mineral finish

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  • Frescobaldi Castelgiocondo 2016 Brunello di Montalcino 750ml

    Castel Giocondo 2016 is yet another chapter that encapsulates the wonderful story of this wine. The ruby-red color is vibrant and intense. The wide-ranging bouquet is utterly elegant with fruity sensations that pervade the nose when you first smell it. Hints of forest fruits and ripe red berries, accompanied by…

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  • Frigate Reserve 21Yr Rum 750ml

    The epitome of what a superior aged rum should be in our minds. It has a deep, rich flavor and is smooth as can be. Guaranteed we are carrying this in our flask for all of life's great adventures. Winner of the 2019 International Rum Conference for Best Overall Rum…

    In stock (7)

  • Fris 80 Proof Vodka 750ml

    FRÏS Vodka is four times distilled and utilizes a patented Freeze Filtered Process that removes impurities. The distilled spirit is then blended with purified water, resulting in a vodka with an exceptionally clean and crisp taste.

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  • Fris Vodka 1.75L PET

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* FRÏS Vodka gets its name from the cutting-edge Freeze Filtered technology used to make it. After being distilled four times, the vodka is Freeze Filtered in sub-zero temperatures to remove any impurities before being blended with purified water. As a result,…

    In stock (48)

  • Frogs Leap 2019 Napa Valley Estate Grown Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Occasionally, we like to say as winemakers that we would gladly hit a repeat button on a great vintage—and while usually meant in jest, the 2019 vintage gave us just such an opportunity. The 2019 growing season was long and warm, with cool nights, which helped to set the vines…

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  • Fuji Blended Japanese Whisky 750ml

    Japanese craftsmanship and skilled blending from Master Blender Jota Tanaka creates this whisky that reflects the best of Japanese and Scottish style. Precious Mt. Fuji snowmelt water is used in mashing and barrel entry of the Japanese whiskies, and in final blending of all the malt and grain whiskies.

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  • Fuligni 2017 Brunello Di Montalcino 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Aged by regulations for four years, of which approximately two and a half are in wood, Fuligni’s regular Brunello di Montalcino also has optimal lasting characteristics but is destined for more immediate drinking. With its elegant combination of fruit and spicy aromas, the Fuligni Brunello is, in any…

    In stock (15)

  • Fulton’s Harvest Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur 750ml

    Pumpkin & Spice & Everything Nice. Fulton’s Harvest Pumpkin Pie is a creamy, incredibly smooth liqueur made with an enticing blend of pumpkin, brown sugar and nutmeg. This delicious drink is instantly reminiscent of homemade pumpkin pie.

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  • Fundador Brandy 750ml

    Fundador is the market-leading Spanish grape brandy. Made using Airen and Palomino grapes, Fundador (literally 'Founder') was the first brand marketed as a 'Brandy de Jerez and is aged in a sherry-soaked Solera. Elegant, smooth and delicate brandy, aged and carefully finessed in Sherry Casks seasoned with exclusive Fino, Amontillado…

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  • Fundador Sherry Cask Fine Brandy 1L

    Fundador is the market-leading Spanish grape brandy. Made using Airen and Palomino grapes, Fundador (literally 'Founder') was the first brand marketed as a 'Brandy de Jerez and is aged in a sherry-soaked Solera. Elegant, smooth and delicate brandy, aged and carefully finessed in Sherry Casks seasoned with exclusive Fino, Amontillado…

    In stock (33)

  • Funky Buddha Floridian Wheat Beer 6pk

    Brewed to embody the freewheeling spirit of the Sunshine State, our unfiltered German-style wheat beer is smooth, flavorful, and outta sight! A refreshing wheat body is followed by bright notes of tropical fruit and spice that shine like the Florida sun. Mild or sharp goat cheeses, arugula salad with lemon…

    In stock (4)

  • Funky Buddha Hop Gun 6pk

    Just like the perfect wingman, our East Coast IPA-style IPA is made with an ideal balance of good charm and bold wit. A payload of good ol’ American hops burst with flavors of grapefruit and pineapple while daring caramel malts swoop in to balance out the finish. Washed rind cheeses,…

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  • Funky Buddha Maple Bacon Coffee Porter 4pk

    Like the intricate patterns of a mandala, Maple Bacon Coffee Porter weaves together unforgettable flavors of sticky maple syrup, roast-y coffee, and smoky bacon to complete our manifestation of a diner-style breakfast in a glass. Maple syrup-drenched pancakes, bacon and egg sandwich, molten chocolate cake, braised short ribs, steak and…

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  • Funky Buddha Undefeated Season Brut French Countryside Style Ale 25.4oz

    This past weekend, the last two undefeated teams in the NFL fell, securing the 1972 undefeated Dolphins’ legacy for another year. We imagine that those teammates raised a glass of a fine bubbly in memoriam, but we propose a finer liquid:  Announcing Undefeated Saison. This 6.2% ABV French-style saison was…

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