
5473 products
  • George Dickel 17Yr Cask Strength Reserve Tennessee Whisky 750ml

    Initially released as a limited time offering, George Dickel is excited to announce the return of George Dickel 17 Year Old Reserve, an incredibly rare, aged Tennessee whisky. Inspired by the previous release and its dedicated fans, General Manager and Distiller Nicole Austin intentionally searched for barrels that captured what…

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  • George Dickel 18Yr Limited Release Bourbon Whisky 750ml

    The new Dickel Bourbon Aged 18 Years is a small-batch bourbon that has been aged in charred oak barrels and blended to perfection. Hailing from the quiet hills of Cascade Hollow, the long aging process in our single-story rickhouses imparted Dickel Bourbon 18 Year Old with mellow yet complex flavors…

    In stock (6)

  • George Dickel 8Yr Small Batch Bourbon Whisky 750ml

    Tennessee- Chilled Charcoal Filtered Bourbon from The Cascade Hollow Distillery. Handcrafted, small-batch bourbon that has been aged gracefully in charred oak barrels for 8 years and blended to perfection.

    In stock (17)

  • George Dickel Bottled in Bond 13Yr Distilled Fall 2008 Tennessee Whisky 750ml

    In 2019, George Dickel entered the Bottled in Bond category by launching the brand's Fall 2005 whisky, which earned the coveted "Whisky of the Year" award from Whisky Advocate and was the top-rated American Whiskey of 2019 by Wine Enthusiast. Bold and balanced, this latest release is an 11-year-old whisky…

    In stock (21)

  • George Dickel Bottled in Bond 13Yr Distilled Spring 2007 Tennessee Whisky 750ml

    In 2019, George Dickel entered the Bottled in Bond category by launching the brand's Fall 2005 whisky, which earned the coveted "Whisky of the Year" award from Whisky Advocate and was the top-rated American Whiskey of 2019 by Wine Enthusiast. Bold and balanced, this latest release is an 11-year-old whisky…

    In stock (32)

  • George Dickel Column Still Leopald Brothers Three Chamber Collaboration Blend Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

    George Dickel has teamed up with the Leopold Bros to produce an innovative rye whisky offering.The release blends George Dickel’s column still rye produced at Cascade Hallow Distillery with Leopold Bros’ Three Chamber Rye to recreate a historic style. This union between column distilled rye and Three Chamber distilled rye…

    In stock (1)

  • George Dickel Signature Recipe Tennessee Whisky 750ml

    This recipe is blended with older whiskies to achieve deep, assertive flavors with an incredibly smooth finish. Our Signature Recipe is bold and brazen with enormous depth, range and personality – considered by many to be the gold standard of Tennessee Whisky.

    In stock (14)

  • George Dickel Sour Mash Classic Recipe Tennessee American Whiskey 750ml

    CA mellow, approachable Tennessee whisky, with aromas of light caramel and wood finished with warm vanilla, known for it’s smooth-sipping character.

    In stock (7)

  • George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    A truly original bourbon, complements of a truly original bootlegger. A bourbon inspired by the finest bourbon of the Prohibition era. Remus Bourbon captures the rebellious spirit of the Roaring 20s with a hint of vanilla, a maple aroma and a sweet-yet-characteristic rye flavor.

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  • Georges Duboef 2019 Pouilly Fuisse 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This Flower Label Pouilly-Fuissé displays a brilliant gold color with aromas of ripe pear and white flowers, with a hint of toast and vanilla. Full-bodied, round and unctuous. Balanced by a nice acidity. Superb finish on a subtle mineral note.

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  • Georges Duboeuf 2017 Fleurie Clos De Quatre Vents Beaujolais 750ml

    History and terroir : Clos des Quatre Vents covers 12 hectares. The vines surround the lovely building, hidden by a windbreak of pines. The clos is part of the property of Doctor DARROZE, and is exemplary for its magnificent exposure and granite “terroir”. Georges DUBOEUF has been buying the entire…

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  • Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Villages 2019 Beaujolais 750ml

    This Beaujolais-Villages displays a deep, luminous cherry color, red with bluish tints. The bouquet offers ripe red fruit character, suggesting strawberry and black currant, with a touch of cinnamon. Velvet-like in the mouth, with soft tannins, it is well balanced and complete. A wine which lends itself to all occasions,…

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  • Georges Vigouroux Chateau Leret Monpezat 2016 Malbec De Cahors 750ml

    Deep, rich color of impressive density. Plenty of body and a good length. The powerful tannins are softened by a well-integrated oak from ageing in barrels. Intense nose of back fruits like blackcurrant and mixed spices. A great pairing with poultry, game, cheeses, all rich foods. The Domain is situated…

    In stock (4)

  • Gerard Bertrand AN 825 2021 Cremant De Limoux Brut Sparkling 750ml

    Gérard Bertrand reveals the history of the great terroirs of the South of France. The first written trace of the Abbey of Saint Hilaire date back to 825. The Abbey is located near Limoux and is famous for having housed the monks who discovered the secret of effervescent wines. The…

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  • Gerard Bertrand 2021 Orange Gold 750ml

    Orange Gold pays tribute to the first orange wines of Georgia 4500 years ago. Gérard Bertrand wants to create a new profile of orange wines, very fresh. With this unique name, Orange Gold pays homage to the power of the sun and the magnificent sunsets of the South of France.…

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