
5472 products
  • Gin & Juice Apricot 4pk

    Experience the smooth taste of Gin and Juice Apricot Cocktail by musical legends Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. With a premium gin base and a hint of apricot, this cocktail pays homage to Snoop's iconic hit. Cheers to their entry into the spirits industry as entrepreneurs.

    In stock (6)

  • Gin & Juice Citrus 4pk

    Experience the smooth taste of Gin and Juice Cirtus Cocktail by musical legends Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. With a premium gin base and a hint of apricot, this cocktail pays homage to Snoop's iconic hit. Cheers to their entry into the spirits industry as entrepreneurs.

    In stock (6)

  • Gin & Juice Melon 4pk

    Experience the smooth taste of Gin and Juice Melon Cocktail by musical legends Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. With a premium gin base and a hint of apricot, this cocktail pays homage to Snoop's iconic hit. Cheers to their entry into the spirits industry as entrepreneurs.

    In stock (2)

  • Gin & Juice Passion Fruit 4pk

    Experience the smooth taste of Gin and Juice Passion Fruit Cocktail by musical legends Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. With a premium gin base and a hint of apricot, this cocktail pays homage to Snoop's iconic hit. Cheers to their entry into the spirits industry as entrepreneurs.

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  • Gin & Juice Variety 8pk

    Experience the smooth taste of Gin and Juice Variety 8 pack contains 2 each of Melon, Apricot, Citrus and Passionfruit.  With a premium gin base and a hint of apricot, this cocktail pays homage to Snoop's iconic hit. Cheers to their entry into the spirits industry as entrepreneurs.

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  • Gin Mare Gin 750ml

    Each bottle of Gin Mare is made at our distillery, a thirteenth century chapel located in an ancient fishing village between the Costa Brava and the Costa Dorada. Every bottle of Gin Mare is unique. The acidity levels of our star ingredient, the arbequina olive, change every year. This means…

    In stock (4)

  • Girasole Mendocino County 2019 Pinot Blanc 750ml

    Deep straw in color with aromas of lemon curd and fresh cut melon. Crisp nectarine, honeysuckle and wet stone flavors mingle with subtle mineral notes. This lovely wine leaves your palate feeling bright and refreshed.

    In stock (6)

  • Girlan 2022 Pinot Grigio Sudtirol Alto Adie DOC 750ml

    Like most producers in Alto Adige who want to sell some wine on the international market, Girlan does make a Pinot Grigio. It’s a good wine, but the truth of the matter is that their Pinot Bianco is miles more interesting (in our humble opinion!), so we ship this instead.…

    In stock (10)

  • Giulio Cocchi Storico Vermouth Di Torino 750ml

    Cocchi Vermouth di Torino has been produced since 1891. Cocchi uses estate Moscato as the wine base, and vibrant, spicy botanicals such as cocoa, citrus, ginger, and rhubarb.It avoids a heavy sheen of vanilla or caramel that clashes with other cocktail ingredients.

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  • Glencadam 13Yr Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Batch 3 of Glencadam's limited-edition 13-year-old single malt offers malty, floral aromas with hint summer fruits and subtle vanilla. The palate offers refined notes of ripe berries, peaches and apple, alongside sweet cream and oak spice that linger into the finish.

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  • Glencadam 15Yr Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Glencadam 15 has gone from strength to strength since a packaging facelift in 2009, at which time the strength was upped to 46% by owners Angus Dundee, who took over the distillery from Allied in 2003. An undersung distillery that is now starting to stretch its wings with some very…

    In stock (5)

  • Glendalough 7Yr Single Malt Mizunara Finished Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Glendalough's Mizunara 7-year single malt is vivid, but delicate with seamless depth. It is vibrant, fruity, and floral on the nose, enjoying a luxuriously smooth mouthfeel with notes of dark chocolate orange, sandalwood and cinnamon synonymous with Mizunara whiskeys. This unique whiskey benefits from an exceptionally long finish of toasted…

    In stock (10)

  • Glendalough Double Barrel Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Upon its release, this whiskey won double gold at The World Spirits Competition in San Francisco. It really is an Irish whiskey that will make you think twice about Irish whiskey. A lovely, light and drinkable whiskey, it's also complex with a depth of flavour beyond its years. Aged twice…

    In stock (31)

  • Glendalough Pot Still Irish Whiskey 750ml

    There is no more Irish a whiskey than Pot Still, so we felt it was fitting to age it in Irish Oak. We at Glendalough Distillery are proud to play our part in bringing back the use of Irish oak for whiskey cask-making. Each bottle is numbered and traceable to…

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  • Glendalough Rose Gin 750ml

    To make this very special, small-batch Gin we completely rebalance our Wild Gin recipe and redistill it with extra fruit, flowers, spices... and of course a lot of fresh rose petals. Three varieties of rose are used; the rare and elusive Wild Rose from the Wicklow mountains, large fragrant Heritage…

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