
276 products
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  • Parrot Bay Spiced Rum 750ml

    Smooth and medium bodied, this spiced rum is a secret blend of Caribbean rums. Its subtle notes of vanilla and caramel give classic rum cocktails a distinctive, flavorful finish.

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  • Plantation Stiggins Fancy Pineapple Rum 750ml

    Plantation Stiggins Pineapple Rum is an artisinal infusion of pineapple in Carribean Rum. Delicious by itself, in an Old Fashioned or in a Classic Daiquiri. Enjoy!

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  • Planteray 5Yr Grand Reserve Rum 750ml

    A very fine blend of Barbados rums, aged for five years in bourbon casks in the Caribbean then refined in old French oak casks. Its succulent nose, typical of the Barbados style, reveals notes of toasted coconut, fudge and oaky vanilla. Planteray Grande Réserve 5 Year Old can be enjoyed…

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  • New

    Planteray Rum XO 20TH Anniversary 750ML

    A luxurious and exquisite blend of Barbadian richness and French Savoir-Faire, creating one incredibly indulgent rum first launched in celebration of our Master Blender, Alexandre Gabriel and subsequently achieving over 55 Gold Medals making it the most awarded XO Rum.

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  • Planteray Stiggins Fancy Pineapple Rum 1L

    Fruit flavored rums may have a less than stellar reputation these days, but wait until you meet Stiggins! Rum infused with pineapple has long been a tradition in the caribbean, and this rum serves as an homage to that tradition while also putting a Plantation twist on it. The barks…

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  • Pussers Age 15 Years Navy Rum 750ml

    The Story Pusser’s 15 Year True Aged Rum is hand crafted in small batches.  It is a superb, coveted and limited 15 year aged rum that continues to win awards and accolades amongst peers. The Blend PUSSER’S Rum is a blend of rums from stills located in Guyana and Trinidad.…

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  • Pussers British Navy Rum 750ml

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  • Pussers Gunpowder Proof Rum 750ml

    Pusser’s ‘Gunpowder Proof’ is a traditional Royal Navy style rum produced at original Admiralty strength and in accordance with the Admiralty’s blending recipe last used when the Royal Navy discontinued its daily ration on 31 July 1970. Gunpowder Proof: Prior to the invention of the hydrometer, the ship’s purser shutdown…

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  • Pyrat XO Reserve Rum 750ml

    From this dark amber liquid wafts a luxurious aroma of toffee, marzipan, candied fruit and sarsparilla. On the sweeter side of the spectrum, this aged rum is gorgeous and mouth-filling, with caramel and a sprinkling of ginger and cinnamon fireworks on the elongated finish.

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  • Quintana 5Yr Aged Rum 750ml

    This Rum has elements of smoked and pure cocoa, vanilla, nutmeg and coffee notes that ultimately burst into a cascade of warm and rich flavors like the mexican caribbean.

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  • Rhum Barbancourt 4Yr Rum 750ml

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  • Rhum Clement Private Cask Finished in Oloroso Cask Rum 700ml

    The Clement Private Collection series is a unique selection of casks reserved by our Cellar Management re-barreled in various exotic barrels. The bottle in your hand came from an Oloroso sherry cask, where the rhum rested one year after previously spending its first 4 years in a heavily charred American…

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  • Rhum Clement Private Cask Tequila Cask Rum 700ml

    The Clement Private Collection series is a unique selection of casks reserved by our Cellar Management re-barreled in various exotic barrels. The bottle in your hand came from an reposado Tequila cask, where the rhum rested one year after previously spending its first 4 years in a heavily charred American…

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  • Rhum Clement Select Single Barrel Rum 700ml

    Select Barrel matures in specific oak barrels selected for their distinctive natural sweetness and intense aromatic properties for at least three years under the close supervision of the master of the Habitation Clément. Imaginative alchemy with a current approach to selected oak leads to a wonderfully ripe Rhum Agricole with…

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