
5475 products
  • Gran Gala Orange Liqueur 1L

    Bring exceptional taste and smoothness to your cocktails with imported Gran Gala triple Orange Liqueur. Gran Gala is a rare blend of VSOP Italian brandy infused with the rich and lively flavor of fresh oranges. The result: Gran Gala's rich amber color, velvety-smooth mouth feel and full-bodied, sweet fruit flavor.

    In stock (17)

  • Gran Moraine 2017 Yamhill Carlton Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Aromas of white peach, macaroon, navel orange, lemon curd, poached pear, rose petal and apricot blossom. The palate has lively acidity, gravely minerality and flavors of Nashi pear, honeydew melon, Golden Delicious apple and flint followed by a long citrus driven finish. Critical Acclaim JS 93 James Suckling…

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  • Gran Moraine 2019 Yamhill Carlton Pinot Noir 750ml

    An aromatic mix of toasted hazelnuts, blackberry fruit spread, nutella and peanut butter opens into an inviting palate with generous fruit and well-tempered tannins. The moderately low alcohol in no way detracts from the flavor, and subtle details of spice and herb that higher alcohol often conceals are here to…

    In stock (1)

  • Gran Moraine 2021 Yamhill Carlton Pinot Noir 750ml

    This Pinot Noir boasts a vibrant aroma of blue raspberry candy, soy sauce, lilac, wet soil, tamarind, Earl-grey tea, and blood orange, which are perfectly complemented by its flavors of tangerine, pomegranate, sassafras, saffron, pipe tobacco, spruce tips, and Himalayan blackberry. The lively acidity up front combined with the energetic…

    In stock (4)

  • Gran Moraine Yamhill Carlton Brut Rose Sparkling 750ml

    Our Brut Rosé is a blend of multiple vintages – with each vintage adding distinctive qualities to the final blend. It is the epitome of style, grace, and elegance. Made using the traditional méthode champenoise, our Brut Rosé is a blend of 52 percent Pinot Noir, 44 percent Chardonnay and…

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  • Gran Patron Burdeos Anejo Tequila 750ml

    Gran Patrón Burdeos is made from the finest 100% Weber Blue Agave, is distilled and then aged in American and French oak barrels at Hacienda Patrón distillery in Jalisco, Mexico. It’s then distilled again and racked in vintage Bordeaux barrels. COLOR Dark amber AROMA Rich Bordeaux wine TASTE Notes of…

    In stock (2)

  • Gran Patron Piedra Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml

    This handmade, luxury extra anejo tequila is crafted from the finest 100 percent Weber blue agave from the Highlands of Jalisco. Gran Patron Piedra has been produced using only the traditional Tahona production process and aged for over three years in American and French oak barrels.

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  • Gran Patron Platinum Tequila 750ml

    In stock (10)

  • Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge Orange and Cognac Liqueur 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* The history of Cordon Rouge is inextricably linked to that of Grand Marnier. One day, Louis-Alexandre had the inspiration to blend cognac, the finest of all spirits and the pride of southwestern France since the seventeenth century, with aromatic orange essence.…

    In stock (12)

  • Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge Orange and Cognac Liqueur 200ml

    The history of Cordon Rouge is inextricably linked to that of Grand Marnier. One day, Louis-Alexandre had the inspiration to blend cognac, the finest of all spirits and the pride of southwestern France since the seventeenth century, with aromatic orange essence. He took more than a decade to create, improve,…

    In stock (10)

  • Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge Orange and Cognac Liqueur 375ml

    The history of Cordon Rouge is inextricably linked to that of Grand Marnier. One day, Louis-Alexandre had the inspiration to blend cognac, the finest of all spirits and the pride of southwestern France since the seventeenth century, with aromatic orange essence. He took more than a decade to create, improve,…

    In stock (6)

  • Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge Orange and Cognac Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (74)

  • Grand Marnier Cuvee Louis Alexandre Liqueur 750ml

    Grand Marnier's special edition Cuvée Louis Alexandre was created in honor of the founder of the house Marnier Lapostolle, the producer of the world's famous Grand Marnier liqueur cognac. This liqueur is at 40% ABV alcohol (70 Proof in UK, 80 Proof in US). Louis-Alexandre is an exclusive blend of…

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  • Grande Absente Liqueur 750ml

    Grande Absente is an authentic absinthe, made after the original recipe with only the best botanicals, including fresh anise, lemon balm, star anise, mint, mugwort and other herbal

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  • Grants Blended Scotch Whiskey 1.75L

    The Grant family motto is ‘Stand Fast.’ Five generations later and still producing world class whisky, we stand by our words with our patiently crafted flagship whisky. Complex, clean with aromas of ripe pear and summer fruits. Balances vanilla sweetness with malty and light floral fragrances on the palate. Long…

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