
5475 products
  • Hahn 2023 Pinot Noir California 750ml

    Concentrated dark fruit and berry flavors are backed by medium-grained tannins and fresh acidity, with loamy and minerally accents on the ripe finish. Drink now through 2024. 28,000 cases made.

    In stock (11)

  • Hahn SLH 2019 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Red ruby in the glass, this wine opens with aromas of red cherry, blackberry and hints of earthiness and toasty oak. The palate is rich, with refined tannins, balanced acidity and flavors of red fruit, cherry, raspberry and notes of vanilla and plum on a long complex finish.

    In stock (4)

  • Hakutsuru Plum 750ml

     From ancient times in Japan, people have appreciated the Japanese Plum, Ume, for its delightful taste and for its fresh aroma. This wine is made from selected Ume using highly developed fermentation skills and technique. Serve chilled on the rocks or with soda to enjoy its unique and elegant taste.

    In stock (9)

  • New

    Hakutsuru Superior Junmai Ginjo 750ml

    From ancient times in Japan, people have appreciated the Japanese Plum, Ume, for its delightful taste and for its fresh aroma. This wine is made from selected Ume using highly developed fermentation skills and technique. Serve chilled on the rocks or with soda to enjoy its unique and elegant taste.

    In stock (5)

  • Half Shell Vodka 750ml

    Half Shell Vodka, the newest spirit developed by Santa Rosa Beach, Florida-based Distillery 98 and distributed by Breakthru Beverage Group, is packaged in a recyclable paperboard bottle. Made from 94% recycled paperboard, Half Shell Vodka’s Frugal Bottle embodies the Florida Panhandle’s legacy of community and sustainability by using 6x less…

    In stock (6)

  • Hall Napa Valley 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Hall 2018 Napa Valley Cabernet is deep ruby in the glass, and displays effusive aromas of crème de cassis, dark plum, anise, and dried herbs. The palate is lush and layered with fine-grained tannins supporting flavors of dark berry, cocoa, and a hint of freshly turned earth. The…

    Out of stock (0)

  • Hamilton Russell Vineyard 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    A tight, minerally wine with classic Hamilton Russell Vineyards length and complexity. Unusually prominent pear and lime fruit aromas and flavours are brought beautifully into focus by a tight line of bright natural acid and a long, dry minerality. An elegant, yet textured and intense wine with a strong personality…

    In stock (24)

  • Hana Fuji Apple Sake 750ml

    HANA Fuji Apple lives up to its name with an appealing aroma that fulfills its promise on the palate with the crisp tartness of a delicious Fuji apple. The lovely lingering finish continues the taste of rich apple flavor. Its low alcohol makes it a fine aperitif, either straight up…

    In stock (4)

  • Hand on Heart 2020 Alcohol Removed Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Plenty of black currants and acai berries jump out of the glass of this youthful and vibrant Cabernet Sauvignon with hints of mocha and tobacco. This Cabernet Sauvignon is full of mouth-watering rich flavors of grilled herbs, olive leaf, black currants, red raspberry, cola nut, and licorice. The wine has…

    In stock (4)

  • Handy and Schiller Barreled Manhattan Signature Cocktail 750ml

    The Sazerac Company has introduced Handy and Schiller Barreled Cocktails, named for two men who had an impact on the cocktail culture in New Orleans: Thomas Handy and John Schiller. Schiller was a New York bartender who found his way to New Orleans and, by 1860, began operating the Sazerac…

    In stock (13)

  • Handy and Schiller Barreled Old Fashioned Signature Cocktail 750ml

    Exclusively from The Sazerac Company, this Old Fashioned pre-mixed cocktail is blended perfectly, then aged in Buffalo Trace Bourbon and Sazerac Rye barrels to impart an additional smooth, oaky flavor. The Handy and Schiller brand was named in honor of two founding personalities of the Sazerac Company. In 1857, John…

    In stock (32)

  • Haraki Cretan Tsikoudia Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (3)

  • Sale
    Harken 2022 Barrel Fermented Chardonnay Wine

    Harken 2022 Barrel Fermented Chardonnay 750ml

    Harken Chardonnay is 100% barrel fermented to create a rich Chardonnay exhibiting a classic profile of tropical fruit and Bosc pear alongside warm oak aromatics. The luscious palate suggests crème brulée and buttered toast, and finishes with fresh acidity.

    In stock (6)

    Original price was: $11.97.Current price is: $10.97.
  • Sale

    Harken 2023 Barrel Fermented Chardonnay 750ml

    Harken Chardonnay is 100% barrel fermented to create a rich Chardonnay exhibiting a classic profile of tropical fruit and Bosc pear alongside warm oak aromatics. The luscious palate suggests crème brulée and buttered toast, and finishes with fresh acidity.

    In stock (75)

    Original price was: $11.97.Current price is: $10.97.
  • Harlen Davis Wheatley – HDW CLIX Vodka 750ml

    Situated on the Kentucky River in Frankfort, Buffalo Trace Distillery takes its name from an ancient pathway that migrating buffalo used when travelling westward. The trail was well-known among American pioneers and was eventually used by Native Americans and American settlers who crossed the Ohio River and followed the buffalo…

    In stock (2)
