
5475 products
  • Hecht and Bannier 2019 Cotes De Provence Rose 750ml

    We focused our selections on the cooler parts of the upper Provence vineyards where the oak and olive tree forests protect the vines planted in the clay-limestone soils and, in some ways, seem to nourish them. The higher altitudes also allow a full maturity without excessive sugars (and therefore alcoholic…

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  • Hedges Family Estate 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark red garnet color. Complex aromatics of intense black fruits, with toast, mixed spice, cedar, tar, a touch of graphite and a hint of vanilla. Lush, yet structured character on the palate. This wine has a long finish, just when you think it’s gone a little surprise flavor and bite…

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  • Heering Cherry Liqueur 750ml

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  • Heinz Eifel 2016 Rheinhessen Eiswein 375ml

    This wine is a gastronomic specialty made from hand-picked frozen grapes that were harvested in the early morning hours at 10F. These grapes produce only a small amount of highly concentrated juice. The resulting wine is similarly concentrated with intense flavors of apricot, pineapple and spicy pear. It's silky sweetness…

    In stock (4)

  • Heitz Cellar 2018 Martha’s Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Heitz Cellar's Cabernet Sauvignon from Martha’s Vineyard is a benchmark of Napa Valley excellence, and the 2018 vintage stands as a testament to the winery’s storied legacy. Celebrated for its exceptional terroir and meticulous craftsmanship, this iconic wine showcases the pinnacle of Heitz Cellar’s winemaking artistry. Housed in a distinguished…

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  • Heitz Cellar Martha’s Vineyard 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    James Suckling, 98 PTS Structured and powerful with chewy and firm tannins with a light vanilla and currant undertone. Full bodied. Juicy and savory. Luscious and intense yet polished. Tension, energy and wonderful length and brightness. Drinkable but needs another three to four years to come around. Decanter, 97 PTS…

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  • Heitz Cellar Napa Valley 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The 2018 vintage was one of exceptional quality for Heitz Cellar. The cooler to moderate temperatures during the growing season allowed us to balance sugar and phenolic maturity in the fruit while maintaining natural acidity to help preserve the fresh characteristics of the vintage. The elegance and balanced…

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  • Heitz Cellar Trailside Vineyard 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Juicy, with an engaging mix of red currant, blood orange and raspberry coulis fruit, laced with rooibos tea, mineral, sassafras and mineral notes. Ripe and tightly focused, showing a racy edge that imparts nice lift from start to finish

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  • Hella Aromatic Bitters 5oz

    Our Aromatic bitters are really well balanced. They have the quintessential aromatic notes of cinnamon, clove and Jamaican allspice with the depth and kick of black peppercorns and caraway. By using wormwood in addition to Gentian root the bitter finish is prominent and complex without being overwhelming. A true classic.

    In stock (32)

  • Hella Orange Bitters 5oz

    Our orange formula fulfills the needs of even the most demanding cocktail menu. A superior, Orange forward formula relying on the purity and simplicity of real ingredients. No orange extracts here, just real skins. The aromatic spice blend completes this dynamic and full bodied Orange bitters. House-blend no longer required.

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  • Hella Smoked Chili Bitters 5oz

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  • Hendricks Flora Adora Gin 750ml

    Within the walls of the HENDRICK'S GIN Palace Garden, a most magical party is flourishing! Butterflies and bees dance in dizzy reverie, feasting on a banquet of fragrant flowers laid out especially by Ms Lesley Gracie. Now our Master Distiller wishes to invite you to join in these enchanting celebrations…

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  • Hendricks Gin 1.75L

    HENDRICK’S GIN is created via an absurdly inefficient, yet quite glorious process. In essence, to make one gin, we first create two. One on an old-fashioned pot still, yielding a rich and intricate spirit. The other on a long-necked Carter Head, producing a delicate, more refined spirit. Each still is…

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  • Hendricks Gin 375ml

    Tasting Notes: Smell / Nose Huge, intense nose with an initial burst of crisp zesty botanicals harmoniously balanced juniper and coriander and a deep, surprisingly floral aroma of violets & rose.   Taste / Palate Smooth and superbly balanced botanicals. Hendricks Gin is clean & dry without being in way…

    In stock (9)

  • Hendricks Gin 50ml

    Tasting Notes: Smell / Nose Huge, intense nose with an initial burst of crisp zesty botanicals harmoniously balanced juniper and coriander and a deep, surprisingly floral aroma of violets & rose.   Taste / Palate Smooth and superbly balanced botanicals. Hendricks Gin is clean & dry without being in way…

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