
5477 products
  • High West Double Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    Our distinctive Double Rye embodies a harmonious balance of bold rye spice with bright botanical notes that simultaneously showcase layers of freshness and complexity. A blend of column and pot-still whiskies, aged a minimum of two years. Curated to highlight the wonderful, bold spice character that comes from high rye…

    In stock (3)

  • High West Manhattan Barrel Finished Cocktail

    A premium pre-batched cocktail, matured in used rye barrels- allowing the flavors to create a rich, smooth, and well-rounded product.  How to Enjoy Pour it over ice and garnish with a cherry. Unopened bottles have a 3 Year shelf life, once opened, refrigerate for up to 30 days. Back Label…

    In stock (19)

  • High West Old Fashioned Barrel Finished Cocktail

    A premium pre-batched cocktail, matured in used rye barrels-allowing the flavors to create a rich, smooth, and well-rounded product.  How to Enjoy Pour it over ice and garnish with an orange and lemon twist. Unopened bottles have a 3 Year shelf life, once opened refrigerate for 30 days. Back Label…

    In stock (37)

  • High West Rendezvous Rye Limited Supply American Whiskey 750ml

    From the makers: Rendezvous Rye is our flagship whiskey. Almost every other straight rye whiskey you can buy today is barely legal, with 51-53% rye in the mash bill. Not Rendezvous Rye. It honors the way rye whiskey used to be made, with a high rye content and full, uncompromising…

    In stock (13)

  • Highland Park 12Yr Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ml

    Highland Park's spectacular 12 Year Old expression had a full-on Viking make-over in 2017, dubbed Viking Soul (the 18 Year Old is also getting a redesign, too). Stylish new livery and matching sub-name (Viking Honour) aside, the Orcadian single malt remains the same - delicious as ever! Tasting Note: Nose:…

    In stock (13)

  • Highland Park 15Yr Viking Heart Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    This is a wonderfully rich and complex single malt. Opening with rich and spicy aromas of crème brulee, heather honey and crumbled cinnamon, intensely fruity notes follow - fresh pineapple dressed with a scattering of sun-kissed lemon zest. There’s a hint of freshly-baked sponge cake too, warm from the oven,…

    In stock (5)

  • Highland Park Cask Strength Release No. 4 Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Our fourth release has been matured predominantly in first-fill sherry seasoned European oak casks, along with first-fill sherry seasoned American oak casks, a small quantity of refill casks, ex-bourbon casks and – for the first time – ex-port casks too. Bottled straight from the cask, without the addition of water…

    In stock (6)

  • Highlands Forty One 2019 Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Our wines are crafted from 100% estate-owned fruit grown in the heart of Paso Robles. With this amazing fruit, our winemaking focus is the purest expression of Paso Robles Cabernet. Experience the forces that shape the wine: warm days, cool nights, and limestone-rich soils. You are taken on a roller…

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  • Highlands Forty One 2020 Paso Robles Black Granite Red Blend 750ml

    #1 TOP 100 BEST BUY 2022, Wine Enthusiast "This is a rather meaty, substantial wine for a fair price. Aromas of boysenberry, elderberry, roast beef and violet lead into a thick palate of cassis, more violet and pleasant mocha touches." -MATT KETTMANN 91 Points, WE

    In stock (7)

  • Highway Hemp Vodka 750ml

    Highway is a first-of-its-kind vodka distilled with hemp seed. Co-founded by Ben Williams and Wendell Robbins, the Highway Distillery— the nation's premiere Black-owned spirits production facility and distillery — believes vodka should have distinct character, inviting consumers to experience the natural flavors of the spirit and the grains that produce…

    In stock (66)

  • Hillrock Estate Solera Aged Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    In the early 1800’s, New York produced more than half the young nation’s Barley and Rye and the Hudson Valley was the country’s breadbasket. With abundant high quality grain, local craft spirits flourished and over 1000 farm distilleries produced Whiskey and Gin reflecting the unique terroir of the region. In…

    In stock (2)

  • Hine Rare Vsop Cognac 750ml

    A terrific VSOP from Hine, Rare is classed as Fine Champagne, meaning that the eaux-de-vie used are all from the Grande or Petite Champagne areas, with at least 50% from Grande Champagne.

    In stock (2)

  • Hiram Walker 60 Proof Triple-Sec Liqueur 750ml

    Sipping your favorite beach drinks with the delightful orange flavor of Hiram Walker Triple Sec makes you feel like you are on an exotic vacation. Made with wild oranges from the Caribbean island of Curacao and sweet oranges from Spain, this Triple Sec has been distilled three times for ultimate…

    In stock (6)

  • Hiram Walker Apricot Brandy 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Made with several varieties of tree-ripened apricots for a robust and fruity flavor. The crisp, natural essences are extracted and then expertly blended to ensure fresh, true flavors in every bottle.

    In stock (6)

  • Hiram Walker Blackberry Brandy 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Hiram Walker produces one of the broadest portfolios of Liqueurs in the world – 43 distinct and naturally delicious products from contemporary Schnapps to classic Brandies. Hiram Walker Liqueurs are made using only the best all natural ingredients.

    In stock (14)
