
5534 products
  • Apothic 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon is a bold red wine with an impossibly smooth profile. Layers of blackberries and black currant reveal a dark fruit presence while aromas of vanilla deliver a silky texture that rolls across the palate, smooth as silk.

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  • Apothic 2020 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Inspired by Apotheca, a mysterious place where wine was blended and stored in 13th century Europe, the wines of Apothic are truly unique in style and taste. Our winemaker, Debbie Juergenson, continues to challenge convention by crafting bold, captivating Apothic blends. From vintage to vintage, the character and flavor of…

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  • Apothic 2021 Inferno 750ml

    Apothic Winery Apothic Inferno has red and dark fruit flavors combine with layers of maple and spice, giving way to a long, clean finish.

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  • Apothic 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    Apothic Chardonnay shows notes of toasted oak, spice, and cream. Intense aromas of apple blossom, ripe pear, and lemon drop complement its silky texture for a bright and fresh finish.

    In stock (3)

  • Apothic Dark Red Blend 750ml

    There's a romance in darkness, it draws our curiosity and beckons a desire to taste the unknown. Apothic Dark blends dark fruit flavors of blueberry and blackberry with opulent notes of coffee and dark chocolate for a rich, yet silky smooth, wine experience.

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  • Apothic Red Blend 750ml

    A masterful red blend wine featuring rich Zinfandel, smooth Merlot, flavorful Syrah, and bold Cabernet Sauvignon. These unique elements come together to create a red blend with layers of dark red fruit complemented by hints of vanilla and mocha.

    In stock (134)

  • Appleton Estate 15Yr Black River Casks 750ml

    Appleton Estate 15 Year Old Black River Casks is a tribute to the Black River that is integral to Jamaica’s rum history and the source of the limestone-filtered water used to craft our rums. The rums that make up Black River Casks are hand-selected and crafted with Jamaican limestone-filtered water,…

    In stock (5)

  • Appleton Estate 21Yr Rare Limited Edition Rum 750ml

    Appleton Estate can be found deep in the heart of Jamaica’s lush Nassau Valley, with a distinct landscape that is wholly unique and especially ideal for rum-making. The combination of the climate, soil and topography of Appleton Estate make it one of the few rums in the world to claim…

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  • Appleton Estate 8Yr Reserve Jamaican Rum 750ml

    Appleton Estate 8 Year Old Reserve was created as a transition into our exquisite sipping rums. Its a blend of 20 choice aged rums and because of its flavor profile it is ideal for luxury cocktails or for sipping. Either way, you'll taste what 260 years of rum blending expertise…

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  • Appleton Estate Rare Cask 12Yr Rum 750ml

    Aged for a minimum of twelve years in oak, Appleton Estate "Extra" is a spectacular example of Jamaican rum. This is a mature spirit with layers to spare - the nose abounds with vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, toasted walnuts and orange peel. The palate is strikingly flavorful, introducing notes of apricot,…

    In stock (11)

  • Appleton Estate Signature Blend Rum 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Infused with passion and excellence, this blend of pot and column still rums adds a dash of Jamaican spirit to cocktails.

    In stock (12)

  • Appleton Estate Signature Blend Rum 750ml

    Appleton Estate Signature Blend is a ‘blended rum’, which means it is a combination of several rums of different styles and ages and does not have an age statement. The Blend: 15 select aged rums, aged for an average of 4 years (no age statement on the bottle). Appearance: A…

    In stock (8)

  • Arak Razzouk Raki 750ml

    Arak Razzouk is the anise-based spirit distilled from grape juice with fresh aniseeds, imparting its distinctive fresh savor making it the national beverage of its mother country. Arak Razzouk, is made from special varieties of sweet mountain grapes, which are crushed, fermented, and then distilled over a low fire and…

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  • Archery Summit 2020 Dundee HIlls Pinot Noir 750ml

    A medley of graphite, spice and crushed red strawberries waft from the glass. Further digging reveals even more to the nose of this Pinot Noir, in the flickering form of oak spice and caramelized fruits. On the palate, there’s opulent fruit and signature Dundee Hills spices like allspice, cardamom and…

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  • Archery Summit 2021 Dundee HIlls Pinot Noir 750ml

    The 2021 Dundee Hills Pinot Noir touts all the hallmarks of our storied appellation. It begins with brambleberry, ripe rainier cherry, blackberry blossoms, cocoa powder, and spice on the nose. The palate is just as lively, with fresh, juicy red fruit backed by graceful tannins and acid. Finishing with spiced…

    In stock (4)
