
331 products
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  • Pernod Absinthe 750ml

    In the copper stills in the new distillery in Thuir, the wormwood from Pontarlier and the green anise are distilled after maceration in a neutral wine spirit base. The heart cut of the distillation is then macerated again in an aromatic bouquet of star anise, Melissa, petit wormwood, hyssop, and…

    In stock (4)

  • Pernod Anise & Herb Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (9)

  • Pimms Liqueur 750ml

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  • PInaq Blue Liqueur 750ml

    A refreshing blend of exotic fruit juices, smooth 5 times distilled premium vodka, aged French VSOP cognac, and hints of sweet saffron.

    In stock (7)

  • PInaq Colada Liqueur 750ml

    Tropical Liqueur made with Jamaican Rum, Fresh Dutch Cream, and Premium Dutch Vodka.

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  • PInaq Rose Liqueur 750ml

    Tropical Liqueur made with French VSOP Cognac, Premium Dutch Vodka and a splash of Rosé Wine.

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  • PInaq Tropical Liqueur 750ml

    The sweetness of Tropical pineapple and aromatic notes of passion fruit balanced perfectly with French VSOP Cognac and Dutch Vodka for an exceptionally smooth yet daringly bold experience. Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, and Non-GMO.

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  • Podrum Pevac Pelinkovac Bitter Liqueur 750ml

    Better known as herbal medicinal liqueur. Recognizable by the bitter taste of wormwood, and the taste is complemented by medicinal plants that enrich it with specific aromas and flavors.

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  • Ponche Kuba Cream Liqueur 750ml

    A spiced rum based cream liqueur from the Caribbean, as created by Don Jaime Sprock in 1942 after he tasted his way around the islands. Tasting Notes: Appearance: Creamy Nose: Delicate, sweet flavors with a lightly spiced aroma. Taste: Rich, sweet, exceptionally smooth and delicate.

    In stock (25)

  • Praline Original Pecan Liqueur 750ml

    Just like sweet pecan pie, this creamy liqueur exudes richness with plenty of dark brown sugar and pecan flavors. For a unique adults-only treat, sip it chilled on its own, blend it into holiday cocktail or stir a bit into coffee.

    In stock (22)

  • R Jelinek Fernet Liqueur 750ml

    Throughout Central Europe, brandy produced from plums (slivovitz) has been popular for centuries and R. Jelinek has always been at the center. While traveling in Bohemia and if you were to inquire about R. Jelinek, the response would generally be ah, you mean the plum people. The point being that…

    In stock (6)

  • Ramazzotti Bitter Liqueur 750ml

    Ramazzotti is the oldest genuine House of Amaro, founded in Milan in 1815 by Ausano Ramazzotti. It is rich in quality and history and it has been the 1st to spread the italian sense of life worldwide. Ramazzotti has a wide range of products in different spirits’ segments to drink…

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  • Ricard Pastis De Marseille Anise Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (14)

  • Ricura Horchata Cream Liqueur 750ml

    A delicious combination of the finest Barbados rum with cream and natural cinnamon flavors, Ricura has aromas of bread and rice pudding with a creamy cinnamon finish.

    In stock (7)

  • Romana Black Sambuca Liqueur 750ml

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