
5477 products
  • Kahlua Especial 70 Proof 750ml

    Launched in 2002, Kahlúa Especial boasts a richer coffee taste and extra kick. This intensely flavored dark espresso liqueur is made from the purest Arabica coffee beans and is deliciously served on-the-rocks or in a martini.

    In stock (27)

  • Kahlua Mudslide RTD 1.75L

    A mudslide that is ready to go! Let the aroma of coffee, vanilla and caramel welcome you to its smooth and creamy body of full flavor. Enjoy over ice or add to your favorite coffee beverage-hot or cold- for a spirited twist!

    In stock (6)

  • Kahlua Vanilla Liqueur 750ml

    Deep mahogany color. Sweet toasted marshmallow aromas and flavors with a touch of cocoa and coffee. Finishes with a sweet toasted meringue fade. SILVER MEDAL 2009 INTERNATIONAL WINE & SPIRITS COMPETITION

    In stock (25)

  • Kahlua White Russian RTD 1.75L

    Kahlúa White Russians give you immediate access to your favorite beverage without the hassle of mixing your own drinks. This pre-mixed cocktail features Kahlúa's popular coffee liqueur with vodka, creating a refreshingly sweet beverage you'll love.

    In stock (6)

  • Kaiken Ultra 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    This wine has an intense ruby red color with violet hues. On the nose, it features great complexity where the Cabernet spiciness blends perfectly with mature fruit allowing plum and cherry aromas to stand out. Its oak ageing contributes by adding complexity and sophistication to the wine. On the mouthfeel…

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  • Placeholder

    Kaiyo Mizunara Oak Japanese Whisky 750ml

    Kaiyo Whisky is very intriguing indeed, starting out as a teaspooned malt (with the bulk of the malt whisky coming from one distillery, along with a drop of malt whisky from another distillery, meaning it can't be called a single malt). It's matured in mizunara oak - mizunara can impart…

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  • Kammer Williams Birne Brandy 750ml

    How to get a pear in a bottle? Leave the little pear on the tree and place the bottle around it; as it grows, the pear (and bottle) are harvested from the tree and the bottle is filled with pear brandy. Fully ripened fruit yields an fruity bouquet and exquisite…

    In stock (3)

  • Kamora Coffee Liqueur 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Great to rev up an evening with true coffee liqueur. Kamora brings you the finest beans, roasted to perfection, blended to a satiny smooth decadence with vanilla, chocolate and caramel notes. In a cocktail, in coffee or alone on ice, Kamora…

    In stock (19)

  • Kamora Coffee Liqueur 750ml

    Kamora is a chocolate brown Mexican liqueur with a lovely coffee aroma. Its spiced, coffee bean taste is beautifully balanced sweetness zapped with intensity and depth. The full rich flavor is versatile and mixableKamora brings you the finest beans, roasted to perfection, blended to a satiny smooth decadence with vanilla,…

    In stock (5)

  • Kangakoi 7Yr Single Grain Whiskey 750ml

    Kangakoi - a true samurai wearing ritual armor (from "kan," meaning perfect, complete, whole).  In Japan, only the warriors of pure spirit and perfect technique may wear the traditional armor of the samurai.  Our Kangakoi Whisky is aged for 7 years in sherry barrels to achieve the same level of…

    In stock (2)

  • Karnobatska Grape Brandy 1L

    Karnobat Is A Brandy That Comes From Grape Varieties; Such As, Red Misket, Rkatsiteli, And Dimyat. It's Taste Is Mild And Well-Balanced. 1L Brandy, Bulgaria

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  • Karnobatska Immature Muscat Grape Brandy 1L

    Karnobatska Muskatova rakia is a classic, aged muscat brandy with a mild taste and individual character. It has a fine muscat aroma and rich taste with soft vanilla tones. It has the characteristic taste and aroma of the Muscat Ottonel variety, delicate golden color.

    In stock (5)

  • Kastra Elion Greek Vodka 375ml

    Full bodied with subtle notes of ripe olives, refined with peppery undertones and a soft, buttery finish.

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  • Sale

    Kastra Elion Greek Vodka 750ml

    Full bodied with subtle notes of ripe olives, refined with peppery undertones and a soft, buttery finish.

    In stock (1)

    Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $39.99.
  • Kate Arnold Willamette Valley 2019 Pinot Noir 750ml

    The secret to complex and interesting flavor in grapes is a combination of two things-the right vineyard site and long hanging fruit. Leaving fruit to hang is tougher in a warm vintage year like 2015 since sugars run so high, however, we allow for a slightly larger crop yield to…

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