
5477 products
  • Khor Platinum Vodka 700ml

    KHOR Platinum is one of few corn-based vodkas crafted from state of the art silver filtration technology. It is then passed through an intricate birch and alder tree charcoal filter system. This exceptionally precise process gives Platinum a clean, balanced, and soft finish. Thanks to an optimal balance of ingredients,…

    In stock (9)

  • Kickled Mary Premium Bloody Mary Mix 32oz

    Kickled Mary is made with all fresh and natural ingredients. It is light refreshing and bursting with fresh flavors. Kickled Mary Bloody Mary Mix – a light and refreshing Bloody Mary with a kick! This mix is full of the bold, robust flavor that can only come from using the…

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  • Kickled Mary Wasabi Premium Bloody Mary Mix 32oz

    Kickled Mary is made with all fresh and natural ingredients. It is light refreshing and bursting with fresh flavors. Kickled Mary Bloody Mary Mix – a light and refreshing Bloody Mary with a kick! This mix is full of the bold, robust flavor that can only come from using the…

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  • Kikori Japanese Blended Whiskey 750ml

    Distilled in Japan, and made from 100% locally gornw rice, Kikori whiskey is a smootha dn welcome newcomer to the whiskey category. Barrel aged for a minimum of three years in American oak, French Limousin oak and sherry casks, Kikori is golden and pure in color witha floral and fragrant…

    In stock (6)

  • Kikusui Funaguchi Sake 200ml

    Japan's first Nama-Sake launched in 1972 pioneered the new trend of Nama-Sake sparking the Nama-sake boom. Being un-pasteurized and undiluted allows you to enjoy the fruity aroma and fresh full bodied flavor of this Sake, and 19% ABV gives you a high-impact sensory experience. Because of the delicate nature of…

    In stock (18)

  • Kilchoman Machir Bay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Machir Bay, our signature peated single malt, is a vatting of Kilchoman matured in both bourbon and sherry casks. Named after Islay’s most spectacular beach, the high proportion of bourbon barrels create a distinct balance of classic Islay character and fresh floral complexity.

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  • Killepitsch Krauter Liqueur 750ml

    More than 90 fruits, berries, herbs provide the base for this 84 proof Herbal liqueur. Similat to Jaegermeister in color, consistancy, and taste, Killepitsch goes beyond with a much stronger, more complex nature with hints of licorice, anise, and gentian. Great on the rocks, as a shot, or cocktail additive.…

    In stock (4)

  • Kilo Kai Rum 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* KILO KAI is spiced rum blended with the unique flavors and scents of the Caribbean. The complexity arises in the flavors of anise, vanilla, banana, cherry, nutmeg and orange peels that linger harmoniously on the palate. It is crafted with 1-year-old…

    In stock (2)

  • Kilo Kai Rum 700ml

    KILO KAI is spiced rum blended with the unique flavors and scents of the Caribbean. The complexity arises in the flavors of anise, vanilla, banana, cherry, nutmeg and orange peels that linger harmoniously on the palate. It is crafted with 1-year-old and 3-year-old rums for a smooth blend that delicately…

    In stock (5)

  • Kim Crawford 2018 Rose New Zealand 750ml

    New Zealand’s pristine landscape, diverse soil types, and maritime climate with cool summers and mild winters create an ideal environment for growing wine grapes. The secret to Kim Crawford’s success is serious attention to detail in the vineyards and winery, with a special focus on sustainable practices, individual vineyard block…

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  • Kim Crawford 2021 France Rose 750ml

    Pink wine that pairs perfectly with lighter salads, seafood, light pasta and rice dishes, and goat cheese. Conveniently packaged bottle of screw top wine perfect for enjoying at any table, home or away. Dry wine has delightful aromas of bright berry and tropical fruit with a lively nose Elegant, bright,…

    In stock (1)

  • Kim Crawford 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    This aromatic Pinot Noir is both elegant and refined with black cherries and red currants on the nose and on the palate. Underscored by ripe tannins and oak nuances, this beauty is well balanced with a smooth velvety finish. It is perfect with salmon.

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  • Kim Crawford 2022 Illuminate Rose 750ml

    The grapes were harvested, destemmed, and gently crushed direct to press with minimal skin contact. The wine has a vibrant color despite having little time on the skins. The clarified juice was cool fermented with selected yeast strains to retain the primary varietal characters.   'Spinning Cone' technology is used…

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  • Kim Crawford 2022 Illuminate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Kim Crawford produces one of Marlborough’s benchmark Sauvignon Blancs and has been named in the "Wine Spectator Top 100” four times. A perennial favorite enjoyed by the glass in restaurants, it has also been named in the “2019 Wine & Spirits Restaurant Top 10” Sauvignon Blanc category. The secret to…

    In stock (38)

  • Kim Crawford Marlborough 2022 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    These grapes were selected from vineyards in Marlborough’s Wairau Valley and the neighbouring Awatere Valley. Fast draining, alluvial loams over gravelly subsoils in these valleys provide ideal growing conditions for our Sauvignon Blanc. Individual blocks were targeted for their strengths and overall contribution to the blend. The vines ranged in…

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