
5477 products
  • Knob Creek 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

    Knob Creek Rye is patiently aged for seven years in deeply charred barrels and bottled at 100 proof to give it the signature Knob Creek full flavor. At seven years, Knob Creek Rye achieves its optimal flavor profile resulting in the perfect balance between sweet barrel notes and spicy rye…

    In stock (19)

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    Knob Creek 10yr Rye 750ml

    Experience the bold and robust flavors of Knob Creek 10 Year Rye Whiskey, a distinguished spirit that showcases the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Knob Creek. Bottled at 100 proof, this small batch rye whiskey is aged for 10 years, delivering a deep and complex flavor profile that rye enthusiasts will…

    In stock (6)

  • New

    Knob Creek 18yr 750ml

    This limited-edition release celebrates the time, effort, and commitment to our never-ending pursuit of craft. Aged twice as long as our flagship bourbon, Knob Creek 18-Year-Old owes its rich copper color and deep notes of caramelized oak to its extensive aging in our Kentucky rack houses. Proof 100.

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  • Knob Creek 90 Proof Smoked Maple Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Smoked maple bacon, maple syrup, smoked ham, those are all items we enjoy hitting our tongue, but have you ever imagined drinking a glass of bourbon imbued with those flavors? Knob Creek Smoked Maple Bourbon is about to hit the shelves in one of Knob Creek’s infamous small batch editions,…

    In stock (14)

  • Knob Creek 9Yr 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* The original that started it all, Knob Creek Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is still made to exacting standards. Knob Creek is aged to fully draw out the natural sugars in its charred white oak barrels. This exceptional, full-bodied bourbon strikes the…

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  • Knob Creek 9Yr 120 Proof Single Barrel Reserve Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Full proof for full flavor. An honest Pre-Prohibition style bourbon.

    In stock (14)

  • Knob Creek Bourbon X Rye Blended Straight Whiskey 750ml

    Introducing Knob Creek Bourbon X Rye Blended Whiskey, a harmonious fusion of 30% Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey aged for a robust 9 years and 70% Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey aged for 7 years. Crafted with precision and a commitment to quality, this distinctive blend highlights our mastery in the are…

    In stock (4)

  • Knob Creek Private Barrel Select Single Barrel Reserve 120 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml Exclusive Private Barrel Select Under the care of seventh-generation distillers, minutes become days, the days become years and the years become bourbon. Refined enough to sip, yet strong enough to carry a cocktail. We call it Knob Creek. The nose begins with fresh orange peel, banana, and ending with…

    In stock (16)

  • Kona Bigwave Ale 6pk

    In stock (3)

  • Kona Longboard Lager 6pk

    In stock (15)

  • Kono 2023 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Distinctly Marlborough, this pure and bright Sauvignon Blanc has a vibrant fruit driven nose bursting with citrus and tropical fruit. On the palate luscious flavors of lemon zest and guava combine with notes of currant leaf and fresh bell pepper. Finely balanced with zesty acidity, an underlying minerality, and just…

    In stock (31)

  • Korbel Brandy 1.75L

    Handcrafted in small batches, using only the finest California grapes, Korbel Brandy is masterfully aged to perfection in premium oak barrels – fire charred and mellowed to achieve a golden amber color, rich butterscotch aroma, and extra smooth taste. The Korbel brothers discovered that the climate of the Russian River…

    In stock (2)

  • Korbel Brandy 750ml

    Since 1889, our Sonoma County winery has been producing award-winning California brandy. Handcrafted in small batches at our artisan distillery using only the finest California grapes, Korbel California brandy is masterfully aged to perfection in premium oak barrels – fire charred and mellowed to achieve a golden amber color, rich…

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  • Korbel XS Smooth Brandy 750ml

    This vanilla-citrus infused premium brandy is slow barrel aged and expertly handcrafted from the finest vanilla, natural orange essence, fragrant spices and balanced with a hint of pure cane sugar for a distinctively smooth, exotic taste. The Korbel brothers discovered that the climate of the Russian River Valley was ideal…

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  • Kosta Browne 2018 One-Sixteen Russian River Valley Chardonnay 750ml

    TASTING NOTES Nose: Pure, with bright lemon zest, honeysuckle, cantaloupe and notes of brioche.  Mouth: Precise and intentional entry with a lively energetic mid-palate, focused acidity and a round, nimble weight.

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