
37 products
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  • Joao Portugal Ramos 2020 Reserva Alentejo Vinho Tinto Red 750ml

    João Portugal Ramos planted his first vines in 1990 in Estremoz, in the subregion of Borba, north of Alentejo. First making his wines in leased warehouses, he only acquired his own space and modern installations in 1997. Produced from reginal varietals, this Trincadeira, Aragonez and Syrah cuvee is born from…

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    Joao Portugal Ramos 2021 Reserva Vinho Tinto Alentejano Portugal 750ml

    Ruby red in color. This wine displays aromas of ripe red fruit and dried herbs. It is soft and robust with complex tannins. On the palate, the wine is spicy with a long finish.

    In stock (12)

  • Nalewka Babuni Black Currant 750ml

    Nalewka Babuni Black Currant is an apple wine with neutral grain spirits, natural black currant flavor and caramel color. Thanks to its exceptional taste, it quickly won the unquestionable leading position among top-grade desserts wines in Poland.

    In stock (8)

  • Nalewka Babuni Cherry 750ml

    Light, delicate and sweet alcoholic beverage with a slightly tart note which lets you enjoy the taste of sweet cherries throughout the year. It is made according to the principles of fruit wine production: after alcoholic fermentation, the wine clarifies, matures and is eventually bottled. Produced according to carefully devised…

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  • Nalewka Babuni Raspberry 750ml

    Six generations have enjoyed the fine flavors and exquisite aromas of the Nalewka Babuni fruit wines. In Poland, which abounds in all kinds of fruit noted for excellent taste and nutritive values, the production of fruit wines is flourishing. Nalewka Babuni wines are made of top-grade, ripe fruit, and this…

    In stock (9)

  • Noval Black Porto Port 750ml

    Christian Seely recently introduced this wine in New York as a rethinking of the super-premium, multivintage Porto style. Black replaces LB, Noval's former entry in this range, and uses top-quality fruit to create a soft, accommodating texture. The aromas are purple-black while the flavors are pure black cherry. Acidity spices…

    In stock (7)

  • Sandeman 10 Years Old Tawny Porto Port 750ml

    Item has recently undergone a label change, this wine may not reflect label displayed. Sandeman 10 Years Old Tawny is a vibrant premium aged wine, a balance of ripe fruit with oak aged intensity, which highlightsSandeman´s quality. Selected Portos wines are chosen for ageing in wooden vats and casks, concentrating…

    In stock (7)

  • Sandeman 20Yr Tawny Porto Port 750ml

    It is poised between fresh fruit and spice, dried dates and a generous golden glow. The wine is at its peak and ready to drink. Sandeman's long-standing reputation for aged tawny Port is confirmed by this wine.

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  • Sandeman 30Yr Old Tawny Porto 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Old gold amber colors with the intense aromas of honey and spices, underscored with deep flavors of dried apricots, hazelnuts and vanilla, creating a rich yet elegant combination.   Critical Acclaim WE 94 Wine Enthusiast This is a beautifully concentrated wine. Rich and dense, it offers dried fruits, spice…

    In stock (6)

  • Sandeman 40Yr Old Tawny Porto 750ml

    An intense, deeply flavoured Porto Tawny 40 Years Old, with a massive bouquet suggesting vanilla, oak and honey, and a mouthful of very complex flavours of dried fruits, spices, and nuts. As the wine unfolds smoothly and develops in the mouth, one discovers a superb balance of wood ageing and…

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  • Sandeman Apitiv Reserve White Porto 750ml

    The Sandeman brand has expanded its portfolio with the addition of a White Reserve. Sandeman Apitiv Reserve is an extraordinary Port Wine; an intense reserve, with a complexity and fragrance that only the great white Ports of age and quality can aspire to. Sandeman Apitiv Reserve has a golden yellow…

    In stock (3)

  • Sandeman Ruby Porto Port 750ml

    The Wine Selected from the lighter wines of each year, these Porto are chosen for ageing in small oak casks to develop their style. Sandeman's Tawny Porto has the fruit and style of great Porto, but with an added finesse. Pale in colour and light in body this Port is…

    In stock (24)

  • Sao Miguel Do Sul 2020 Alentejano 750ml

    Winemaker Notes sThis wine is ruby in color, with an intense aroma of red and black forest fruits plus toasted notes. With smooth tannins and nice acidity, this is very easy drinking wine. In the Portuguese language, Sul means "South" or "Southern". This wine pairs well with Mediterranean food, pasta…

    In stock (5)

  • Silk & Spice 2020 Silk Route Smooth Red Blend 750ml

    A ruby color, this wine has an intense aroma of red fruit alongside hints of black pepper, white chocolate and vanilla. It is extremely well-balanced, harmonious and smooth, and perfect for everyday consumption.

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  • Taylor Fladgate 10 Years Tawny Porto Port 750ml

     An exceptionally fine old tawny blend, aged for 10 years in oak casks. Elegant and smooth, combining delicate wood notes and rich mellow fruit, it is bottled for immediate drinking. A superb dessert wine, particularly with dishes made with chocolate, coffee or almonds, Taylor's 10 Year Old Tawny may also…

    In stock (13)
