
20 products
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  • Solera Gran Reserva Carlos I Brandy 700ml

    A long-aged traditional Spanish grape brandy from the Jerez region, more famous for its fortified wine. Carlos I XO has been aged in a solera system, just like the sherry itself.

    In stock (12)

  • Suau Orange Liqueur 750ml

    Elaborated respecting our traditional methods of elaboration by soleras, Suau Orange is the result of the union of Brandy Suau with a careful maceration of Sóller oranges, which provide the aromatic phase that gives it its own identification. Once the orange peels have been macerated in alcohol for serveral days…

    In stock (5)

  • Terry Centenario Brandy 700ml

    Our most iconic spirit and #1 best-selling in Spain within its category. Its solera was created in 1925. Its organoleptic characteristics make it the best ally for coffee, giving it a sweet and intense sparkle.

    In stock (9)

  • Torres 10 Gran Reserva Imperial Brandy 750ml

    Torres 10 Imperial brandy is a solera gran reserva brandy from Spain. Torres 10 Imperial brandy has a dark amber color with fading gold tints. Torres 10 Imperial brandy is quite intense with warm hints of cinnamon and vanilla. On the palate Torres 10 Imperial brandy is round and rich,…

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  • Torres Magdala Orange Liqueur 750ml

    Magdala is a Mediterranean orange liqueur made by steeping orange peel in grape brandy that is carefully distilled in small batches at the Torres distillery in the Penedès (Barcelona). Ageing in old oak casks produces an aromatic elixir, silky in texture and exceptionally elegant. The recipe for this smooth, exquisite…

    In stock (8)
