
62 products
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  • Heavens Door 10Yr Decade Series Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    This 10-year bourbon is the first release in a trailblazing new collection of premium whiskeys, curated out of a true labor of dedication and patience over time. Every drop of this bourbon tells a story about the importance of time, age, and maturation. Heaven’s Door invites you to be part…

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  • Heavens Door 11Yr Wheated Bourbon The Bootleg Series Volume IV Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Introducing the 2022 release of The Bootleg Series by Heaven’s Door. Featuring rare and unreleased whiskeys, each annual release features one of Dylan’s paintings on a hand-made ceramic bottle in a bespoke leather case. The fourth annual Bootleg release, The Bootleg Series Vol. IV featured a wheated bourbon aged for…

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  • Heavens Door 18Yr Bourbon Aged In Spanish Vermouth Rouge Casks The Bootleg Series Volume V 700ml

    Heaven’s Door is pleased to announce the highly-anticipated annual Bootleg Series release for 2023. Bootleg Volume V is an exceptional 18-year-old straight bourbon whiskey secondarily finished in Spanish vermouth rouge casks.  The Bootleg Series offers rare and unreleased whiskeys with special blends and barrel finishes that showcase Heaven’s Door’s innovative…

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  • Heavens Door Cask Strength Single Barrel Private Barrel Select Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Our annual Single Barrel Bourbon limited allocation is comprised both of our own distilled barrels and sourced from partnering whiskey makers. Mash Bill: Corn 70% , Rye 22% , Barely 8% Distilled in TN Warehouse: W9 Rick/Level: T Cooperage: Kelvin Char: #4 Barrel #: 22699 Alc/Vol: 58.70% Proof 117.4

    In stock (8)

  • Heavens Door Exploration Series I Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished in Calvados Casks 750ml

    Heaven’s Door Exploration Series is all about pushing the boundaries of whiskey craftsmanship. With our master distiller’s guidance, we explore new finishing methods to create unique limited-time offerings, enriching the whiskey experience. The series’ debut is deeply rooted in French influence, with carefully incorporated elements of product, wood, and technique.…

    In stock (4)

  • Heavens Door Refuge Straight Rye Whiskey Finished in Sherry Casks 750ml

    Heaven's Door "Refuge" Straight Rye Whiskey is aged for six years, blended to ensure consistent maturity has been reached and then finished in Amontillado Sherry casks for no less than 6 months. Our Straight Rye Whiskey boasts a sweet, fruity character that is distinctively rich and refined with lively notes…

    In stock (3)

  • Heavens Door Revelation Double Barrel Whiskey 750ml

    Placing our already-aged 6-Year whiskey in an alligator charred, new American oak, deepens the color and fills our whiskey with flavors of dark toasted vanilla. The finished product came out so smooth we increased the bottling proof to 100. 100 PROOF | 50% ALCOHOL BY VOLUME

    In stock (9)

  • Heavens Door Revival Tennessee Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Heaven’s Door Straight Bourbon Whiskey is distilled and aged in Tennessee, for a minimum 6 years in new American oak barrels. The sour mash distillation process and non-chill filtered bottling allows this mature whiskey to remain consistent, as well as creating reliable flavor profiles that come from being aged in…

    In stock (6)

  • High Rock Vodka 750ml

    High Rock is a premium, handcrafted vodka co-created by Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Amy Earnhardt in collaboration with Sugarlands Distilling Company. The partnership between Dale, Amy and Sugarlands was born from mutual values, including a shared commitment to excellence, an emphasis on integrity and the importance of family. Beginning with…

    In stock (12)

  • Jack Daniels 100 Proof Triple Mash Blended Straight Whiskey 700ml

    Jack Daniel’s Triple Mash is a blend of Bonded American Malt, Rye and Tennessee Whiskeys at 100 proof. It delivers notes of honey, malt and soft oak leading to a long lasting well rounded finish. The Bottled-In-Bond Act (1897) stipulates that the whiskey must be: From a single distillery From…

    In stock (11)

  • Jack Daniels Black Label Sour Mash Tennessee American Whiskey 1.75L

    Mellowed drop by drop through 10-feet of sugar maple charcoal, then matured in handcrafted barrels of our own making. It’s only ready when Jack Daniel's tasters say it is. It’s how Jack Daniel himself did it over a century ago. And how it is still done today. In 1866, the…

    In stock (85)

  • Jack Daniels Bonded Rye Tennessee Rye Whiskey 700ml

    Experience the boldness of Jack Daniel's Bonded Rye, a robust offering from one of the most iconic names in American whiskey. Crafted with the same commitment to quality that defines Jack Daniel's, this rye whiskey carries the bonded designation, meaning it's bottled at 100 proof and aged under government supervision,…

    In stock (7)

  • Jack Daniels Bottled In Bond 100 Proof Bonded Tennessee Whiskey 700ml

    Bourbon history buffs will know that the Bottled in Bond Act of 1897 was passed by the US government as a means of encouraging honest distilling, after poor practices had crept into American distilling (flavouring with tobacco, for example, was increasingly common). The act essentially allowed the government to vouch…

    In stock (21)

  • Jack Daniels Eric Church Single Barrel Select Tennessee Whiskey 750ml

    Setting itself apart from other single barrel bottles, this limited edition black bottle is adorned with an ornate matching black and gold embossed label. In fact, it is one of the few black bottles ever produced by Jack Daniel’s and Church was proud to be on the receiving end of…

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  • Jack Daniels Tennessee Apple American Whiskey 750ml

    Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Apple — crafted with Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7 whiskey and crisp green apple for a fresh and rewarding taste.

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