
20 products
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  • E H Taylor Small Batch Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    As founding father of the bourbon industry, Colonel Edmund Haynes Taylor, Jr. left an indelible legacy. His dedication to distilling began at the close of the Civil War when he purchased O.F C. Distillery. There, he developed innovative techniques that are still in use today. Made by hand, this Small…

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  • Echo 2018 Lynch Bages Pauillac Red 750ml

    Like its big brother, Echo de Lynch-Bages displays the characteristic taste, aromas and length of Pauillac wines. As an echo of the first wine, it receives the same care and attention from the vine to the cellars. It is the result of a selection of Lynch-Bages' youngest vines and specific…

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  • Mary Taylor 2018 Bordeaux Rouge 750ml

    This “alternative” Bordeaux is populated by the small independent estates that line the banks of the Garonne and the Dordogne rivers, where conscientious growers craft honest bottles for everyday enjoyment rather than 1oo-point scores.

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  • Mary Taylor 2022 Bordeaux Blanc 750ml

    The word Bordeaux just screams iconic French wine. Images of baguette, cheese, foie gras, berets, and sexy French accents cloud the mind. Bordeaux feels like it should be dotted with family wineries with a rich history, but in the past few decades, it has become more known for mega-wineries and…

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  • Tellus Vinea 2021 By Chateau Belregard-Figeac Bordeaux 750ml

    Vignobles Pueyo is the eponymous label of the Pueyo family, who have owned Chateau Belregard-Figeac in St Emilion since 1853. With Christophe Pueyo, a fifth-generation winemaker, now running the family label, there has been a move towards organic vitivulture, and the use of larger oak receptacles (as well as cement…

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