
17 products
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  • Syltbar Il Concerto Brut Prosecco Sparkling 750ml

    100% Naturally produced Sparkling Prosecco from Friuli, Italy 100% Glera Grape 11.5% Alcohol Content 49 calories per 6oz glass (Avg. calorie count by glucose level.) 750ml (23oz) per bottle Double Fermentation, up to 4 months fermentation, only fruit sugar left no-added-sugar-small-35.png    no-added-sulfates-small-37.png    vegan-small-39.png Flavors of pear, golden apple,…

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    Zonin Prosecco 750ml

    When it comes to sparkling wine, Italy has perfected the craft and for nearly 200 years, ZONIN1821 has established itself as one of the most important wine producers in the world. Operating under the simple philosophy that, “each region has its own traditions, each region has its own wines,” ZONIN1821’s…

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    Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.