
324 products
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  • Tommasi Le Rosse 2022 Pinot Grigio

    A bright straw yellow with pale green reflections, on the nose it offers notes of ripe fruit (pears and Golden Delicious apples), evolving in the glass with delicate hints of hay and almonds. On the palate it is dry and well-balanced, with a particularly fresh, tangy finish.

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  • Tormaresca Calafuria 2021 Rose 750ml

    Calafuria is a bright peach-blossom pink color. On the nose, Calafuria offers fruity notes of pink grapefruit, peaches, and pomegranate that merge with delicate lavender floral sensations. Its palate is supple, with a pleasant freshness, in perfect balance with its lingering aromatic profile and a delicate savory finish.

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  • Torresella 2021 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    A dry white wine with a straw yellow hue. Aromas of citrus and cut pear, and delicate florals. It is elegant and well-balanced, with a clean, crisp finish. Excellent as an aperitif, it also goes well with young cheeses, shellfish and sushi, poultry and seafood-based pastas.

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  • Torresella 2022 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    A dry white wine with a straw yellow hue. Aromas of citrus and cut pear, and delicate florals. It is elegant and well-balanced, with a clean, crisp finish. Excellent as an aperitif, it also goes well with young cheeses, shellfish and sushi, poultry and seafood-based pastas.

    In stock (17)

  • Tropical Peach Moscato 750ml

    This Moscato comes from a grape variety that has probably the highest level of complex aromas of any Piedmont grape. The wine has the distinctive Moscato aroma and flavor with added complexity from the concentrated peach juice. The Moscato grapes for this wine come from vineyards located in Santo Stefano…

    In stock (12)

  • Umani Ronchi 2018 Pelago Rosso 750ml

    The vineyard from which Pelago originates is situated on our estate in the municipality of Osimo, at about 100-150 meters above sea level, on a south-east- facing hillside. The terrain, which started out as marine formations from the Pleiocene-Pleistocene era, consists of very deep soil, a very deep, chalky clay…

    In stock (6)

  • Umani Ronchi 2022 Montepulciano D’Abruzzo DOC 750ml

    The vineyards from which we obtain the grapes are located predominantly in the provinces of Chieti and Teramo. The most widespread training system in the Abruzzo Region is the tendone, which is known for being a fairly productive system. Where it is used with the correct balance, it can yield…

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  • Val Delle Rose 2019 Morellino Di Scansano 750ml

    In 1996, Famiglia Cecchi purchased the Val delle Rose winery in the little village of Poggio la Mozza, which lies at the productive heart of Morellino di Scansano appellation.The Cecchi family has been a pioneer of the Maremma area, believing in the great potential of the wild area a few…

    In stock (11)

  • Vallena 2015 Amarone Della Valpolicella DOCG 750ml

    Amarone della Valpolicella, usually known simply as Amarone, is considered one of Italy’s greatest red wines. Winemakers in northern Italy’s Veneto region, home of the Amarone DOCG, select the ripest Corvina and other grapes and leave them to dry for several weeks in special temperature-controlled rooms. The raisins that remain…

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  • Varvaglione 2015 Salice Salentino DOP Red 750ml

    ALCOHOL 14 % vol. PRODUCTION Vinification by maceration with controlled temperature at 26°- 28°C. After malolactic fermentation, refinement in French and American barriques at least for 10 months. COLOUR  Decisive red wine. BOUQUET Fruity notes, with cocoa, vanilla and coffee aromas. TASTE  On the palate, it is harmonious, balanced and…

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  • Vietti Tre Vigne 2020 Barbera D Asti 750ml

    Ruby purple color with ripe red cherry aromas with hints of mineral and vanilla. A dry, medium bodied red wine with refreshing acidity (making it perfect to pair with food) and soft tannins, the Barbera d’Asti Tre Vigne is well balanced with good integration of oak, good complexity and a…

    In stock (12)

  • Vietti Tre Vigne 2021 Barbera D Asti 750ml

    Ruby purple color with ripe red cherry aromas with hints of mineral and vanilla. A dry, medium bodied red wine with refreshing acidity (making it perfect to pair with food) and soft tannins, the Barbera d’Asti Tre Vigne is well balanced with good integration of oak, good complexity and a…

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  • Vigne Rada Alghero Riviera 2020 Cannonau Di Sardegna Red 750ml

    Historical records show that Cannonau has been cultivated in Sardinia for centuries; planted extensively, it is a major element of the island’s viticultural DNA. Some archaeological studies even suggest that Grenache may actually originate from Sardinia, not Spain. This example from Alghero, the ancient Catalan bastion on Sardinia’s northwest coast,…

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  • Villa Jolanda Happy Holidays Vino Spumante Extra Sec 750ml

    A tad lighter and less effervescent than Champagne, Villa Jolanda's Spumante charms everyone who raises a glass with its delicate fizz and gossamer puffs of pink grapefruit and white peach. Served throughout the Veneto as an elegant aperitivo, it's also the traditional base wine for bellinis.

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  • Villa Jolanda Moscato and Peach 750ml

    The Muscat family includes numerous grape varieties that range from white to nearly black and make many deliciously sweet or dry, fruity and mostly unoaked wines around the world.

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