
5477 products
  • New Amsterdam Vodka 750ml

    New Amsterdam Vodka is 5-times distilled from the finest grains then filtered three times. It’s so smooth you can create a perfect cocktail or drink it straight, making it one of the best vodkas available. Our premium process makes our distilled vodka as iconic as the cityscape on the bottle.…

    In stock (57)

  • New Amsterdam Watermelon Vodka 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* New Amsterdam® Watermelon offers a refreshing, crisp profile layered with sweet, bright watermelon flavors. The complexity of the natural fruit is perfectly balanced with just enough bite for a clean, smooth finish.

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  • New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Tropic Force IPA 6pk

    Our Voodoo Ranger family is brewed with trendsetting hop and malt varieties—and served with a side of sarcasm. Let’s just say Voodoo Ranger doesn’t take himself too seriously, and neither should you. The bottom line: if you’re looking for innovative IPAs that are hop forward, bold, and occasionally hazy, the…

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  • New Holland Dragons Milk Crimson Keep BB Red Ale 4pk

    Aged in first-use bourbon barrels for one month. Pours a brilliant red color. A smooth, malt-forward flavor profile is highlighted by notes of toffee, stone fruits, and oak that lead to a pleasantly dry finish.

    In stock (9)

  • New Riff Kentucky Straight Bourbon 750ml

    New Riff Distilling’s core Bourbon expression is a genuinely high-rye, full bodied whiskey offering savory, spicy character. Building upon America’s 1897 Bottled-in-Bond Act—already the highest quality standard for aged spirits in the world—New Riff Bourbon is Bottled In Bond Without Chill Filtration. Featuring a mash bill of non-GMO grains at…

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  • New Riff Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

    New Riff Distilling’s core Rye whiskey is full-bodied, offering hugely spicy character. Building upon America’s 1897 Bottled-in-Bond Act—already the highest quality standard for aged spirits in the world—New Riff Rye is Bottled In Bond Without Chill Filtration. Featuring a unique mashbill of 95% rye and 5% malted rye, it represents…

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  • New Riff Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    New Riff Distilling’s core Bourbon expression is a genuinely high-rye, full-bodied whiskey offering savory, spicy character, bottled at Barrel Proof without Chill Filtration. Featuring a mash bill of non-GMO grains at 65% corn, 30% rye, and 5% malted barley, it represents a new riff on Kentucky’s most hallowed whiskey traditions.…

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  • Newton Mt Veeder 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2014 Mount Veeder was a selection of blocks 203, 209, 212, 231, 240 with an average vine age of 17 years. Once harvested, the grapes were hand-sorted to inspect individual berries. The must was then fermented in separate lots and barrel aged for 12 months before being blended and…

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  • Newton Skyside Sonoma County 2015 Claret 750ml

    Skyside" is the new brand name for Newton's wines that have long been been known as "Red Label." The 2015 Claret is a big-time winner with a very warm and inviting array of fruit forward flavors such as ripe black cherries, red raspberries, plum and a touch of cassis. It…

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  • Newton Spring Mountain District Napa Valley 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

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  • Newton Yountville Napa Valley 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2014 Yountville was a selection of blocks 304, 311, 312 with an average vine age of 18 years. Once harvested, the grapes were hand-sorted to inspect individual berries. The must was then fermented in separate lots and barrel aged for 12 months before being blended and returned to barrel…

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  • Nickel & Nickel 2021 CC Ranch Napa Valley Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Wonderful crunchy black and blue fruits with violets, eucalyptus and nutmeg with cocoa powder and subtle pencil shaving notes. Very finely grained juicy tannins with refreshing acidity that cleanses the palate. Full- to medium-bodied yet polished and balanced. Shows beautiful drinkability but it will go much further with age. -…

    In stock (11)

  • Nickel & Nickel Branding Iron 2021 Napa Valley Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Named for the branding iron owned by the proprietor, the eight-and-a-half acre Branding Iron Vineyard lies in western Oakville, close to the base of the Mayacamas Mountains. The vineyard is comprised of well-drained clay loam and the vines are vertically trellised to maximize sunlight and open the canopy. The area’s…

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  • Nickel and Nickel 2021 Fog Break Vineyard Napa Valley Atlas Peak Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Sitting just above the fog line, sheltered from the valley breezes, this distinct vineyard retains the heat from the early morning sun throughout the day and the additional warmth, paired with the vineyard’s shallow iron-rich soils, combine to create a distinctive flavor profile that is concentrated, complex and classically structured.

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  • Nickel and Nickel 2021 State Ranch Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    From the outset, this is one powerful, deeply expressive Cabernet with heady black currant, plum, and cedar aromas leading into a big, juicy entry. Layered currant and black cherry flavors are accented by elegant clove notes. Bold, coating tannins support frame the entire wine, and hints of wet slate add…

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