
5533 products
  • Bacardi Pineapple Rum 1.75L

    BACARDÍ Pineapple rum is a unique fusion of naturally fresh pineapple and white rum. Open a bottle and take your taste buds on a trip to the tropics, without ever leaving your own backyard.

    In stock (24)

  • Bacardi Pineapple Rum 750ml

    BACARDÍ Pineapple rum is a unique fusion of naturally fresh pineapple and white rum. Open a bottle and take your taste buds on a trip to the tropics, without ever leaving your own backyard.

    In stock (20)

  • Bacardi Raspberry Rum 1.75L

    Is it sweet? Is it tart? Or a mouth-watering combination of the two? BACARDÍ Raspberry rum is a crisp blend of white rum and raspberry flavors.

    In stock (16)

  • Bacardi Raspberry Rum 750ml

    Is it sweet? Is it tart? Or a mouth-watering combination of the two? BACARDÍ Raspberry rum is a crisp blend of white rum and raspberry flavors.

    In stock (15)

  • Bacardi Reserva 8Yr Barrel Select Rum 750ml

    Unique blend especially selected for Jensen’s Liquors. Barrel-aged no less than 8 years under the Caribbean sun. Tropical aging accelerates the maturation, making it significantly smoother, with taste that rivals that of cognacs and older scotches. It takes eight years for a batch of BACARDÍ Reserva Ocho Select Barrel Aged…

    In stock (11)

  • Bacardi Rum Punch RTD 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Made with natural flavors, juices or concentrate, BACARDÍ Ready-To-Serve Hurricane is crafted with high quality, real ingredients and a base of BACARDÍ Rum. Simply pour over ice and serve!

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  • Bacardi Spiced Rum 1.75L

    Made with aged rum and with a hint of smokiness from charred American oak barrels, BACARDÍ Spiced is a Gluten free rum blended with natural flavors and spices for a bold, yet smooth taste. BACARDÍ Spiced rum’s liquid has both light and deep notes, making it perfect for mixing the…

    In stock (44)

  • Bacardi Spiced Rum 750ml

    The latest rum from the family-owned spirits maker is said to have “a hint of smokiness” and a “bold, yet smooth taste”. The arrival of Bacardi Spiced to the market, following the launch of Bacardi Ginger and Bacardi Raspberry in 2018, is said to be in response to the “increasing…

    In stock (30)

  • Bacardi Superior Rum 200ml

    Bacardi Superior is the main bearer of Bacardi's authenticity, origin and craft; it has carried the Bacardi bat device as its symbol since 1862. The original, mixable light rum, BACARDI Superior starts out as a pre-blend of the lightest distilled spirit. This blend is passed through charcoal filtration to achieve…

    In stock (45)

  • Bacardi Superior Rum 375ml

    Bacardi Superior is the main bearer of Bacardi's authenticity, origin and craft; it has carried the Bacardi bat device as its symbol since 1862. The original, mixable light rum, BACARDI Superior starts out as a pre-blend of the lightest distilled spirit. This blend is passed through charcoal filtration to achieve…

    In stock (34)

  • Bacardi Superior Rum 1.75L

    In 1862, after 10 years of perfecting his rums, Don Facundo Bacardí Massó introduced the world to his BACARDÍ Superior rum. A sublime rum for cocktails, it doesn’t dominate other flavors nor does it disappear when mixed. Perfect for classic rum cocktails like the Mojito.

    In stock (171)

  • Bacardi Superior Rum 1.75L PET

    In 1862, after 10 years of perfecting his rums, Don Facundo Bacardí Massó introduced the world to his BACARDÍ Superior rum. A sublime rum for cocktails, it doesn’t dominate other flavors nor does it disappear when mixed. Perfect for classic rum cocktails like the Mojito.

    In stock (357)

  • Bacardi Superior Rum 750ml

    Bacardi Superior is the main bearer of Bacardi's authenticity, origin and craft; it has carried the Bacardi bat device as its symbol since 1862. The original, mixable light rum, BACARDI Superior starts out as a pre-blend of the lightest distilled spirit. This blend is passed through charcoal filtration to achieve…

    In stock (153)

  • Bacardi Tropical Rum 1.75L

    A perfectly balanced blend of juicy pineapple, creamy coconut and sweet guava flavors.

    In stock (27)

  • Bacardi Tropical Rum 750ml

    Bacardi Tropical is a perfectly balanced blend of juicy pineapple, creamy coconut, and sweet guava. Nothing tastes more like summer than this limited edition.

    In stock (25)
