
5477 products
  • Oyster Bay Marlborough 2023 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    The first Oyster Bay. Which happened to win the best Sauvignon Blanc in the world. Its brilliant clarity, extraordinary aromatic flavors, and refreshing zest are both thrilling and enthralling. It all starts in Oyster Bay’s Marlborough vineyards, in the region famous for introducing elegant, cool climate New Zealand wines to…

    In stock (30)

  • Oyster City Brewing Mangrove Mango Pale Ale 6pk

    Pale Ale with Mango 8.2% ABV Classic Pale Ale with malty body, hopped with Centennial and Cascade. Fermented with mangos and reminiscent of heavenly days spent in tropical climes. Hammock not included!  Gold Medal Winner US Open Beer Championship 2020

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  • Oyster City Brewing Mill Pond Dirty Blonde Ale 6pk

    Blonde Ale 5.5% ABV Almost-easy-ale with a well-balanced, crafty malt structure. Hopped with Ahtanum, she pairs well with oysters, sunny beaches and salt water. Gold Medal Winner US Open Beer Championship 2020

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  • Oyster City Hooter Brown Brown Ale 6pk

    Brown Ale 8.5% ABV Robust Ale made with local Tupelo honey harvested upriver at Owl Creek. Full bodied and easy drinking thanks to the rich honey and chocolate malts. Bronze Medal Winner Great American Beer Festival 2021 Gold Medal Winner Best of Florida Beer 2019 Silver Medal Winner US Open…

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  • Sale

    OZV 2021 Old Vine Zinfandel 750ml

    OZV Old Vine Zinfandel 2021 is a deep ruby-colored wine with rich and abundant flavors of dark fruit. The ripe notes of blackberry and plum are beautifully balanced with baking spice and vanilla, creating an exquisite taste that is sure to impress. This full-bodied wine features medium tannins that provide…

    In stock (126)

    Original price was: $10.97.Current price is: $7.98.
  • Pacific Redwood 2021 Organic Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Full-bodied red, layered with flavors of cherry, chocolate, and cloves. Pairs well with all cheeses, from soft to hard, fresh mozzarellas to rich blues, grass fed lamb, roast beef, braised broccoli, endives, radicchio, and morel mushrooms. Also wonderful with desserts featuring chocolate, currants, cinnamon or mint.

    In stock (6)

  • Pacific Rim 2019 Dry Riesling 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Pale straw in color with a bouquet of Jasmine. The palate has notes of citrus, white peach and minerals. Crisp, dry and lush with flavors of citrus, jasmine and minerals. Ideal with Asian and European cuisine and a wide variety of seafood, cheeses and cold meats. Critical Acclaim…

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  • Pacific Rim 2021 J Riesling 750ml

    The "J" in the name stands for "Just Right" Riesling! Because of the popularity and demand of our Dry Riesling and Sweet Riesling, we thought it made perfect sense to craft a Riesling in a taste profile that was directly between our other popular Rieslings.As wine lovers crave alternatives to…

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  • Pacific Rim 2021 Sweet Riesling 750ml

    Moderately sweet and refreshingly low in alcohol with flavors of pineapple and peach. Pacific Rim Sweet Riesling brings perfect balance to all fiery fare - especially Thai, Szechwan and Caribbean cuisine... or simply enjoy as an aperitif.

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  • Pacific Rim 2022 J Riesling 750ml

    The "J" in the name stands for "Just Right" Riesling! Because of the popularity and demand of our Dry Riesling and Sweet Riesling, we thought it made perfect sense to craft a Riesling in a taste profile that was directly between our other popular Rieslings.As wine lovers crave alternatives to…

    In stock (7)

  • Pacific Rim 2022 Sweet Riesling 750ml

    Moderately sweet and refreshingly low in alcohol with flavors of pineapple and peach. Pacific Rim Sweet Riesling brings perfect balance to all fiery fare - especially Thai, Szechwan and Caribbean cuisine... or simply enjoy as an aperitif.

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  • Paddys Irish Whiskey 1.75L

    Taste a touch of vanilla? How about a light fruitiness? That’s Paddy’s. A local favorite in Cork since 1779, and named Paddy’s in honor of salesman Paddy Flaherty who roamed pub-to-pub about a century ago spreading good cheer and free tipples along the way.

    In stock (57)

  • Paddys Irish Whisky 1L

    Fruity bouquet with hints of honey on the nose. Sweet entry with grain notes dominating the palate, with subtle hints of vanilla and butterscotch. Finish is dry and peppery.

    In stock (14)

  • Page Wine Cellars Napa Valley 2013 Propietary Red 750ml

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  • Pago Del Vicario 2023 Blanco De Tempranillo 750ml

    Pale, steely yellow, with green hues, viscous and very bright. Nose: Grapefruit and pineapple fruit, with kumquat, quince, pear and passion fruit followed by notes of hay, spearmint, and bay. Palate: Full, fresh and unctuous. Marked acidity gives an agreeable combination between sweet quince and pineapple fruit and the freshness…

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