
5533 products
  • Bacardi Zombie RTD 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* Made with natural flavors, juices or concentrate, BACARDÍ Ready-To-Serve Hurricane is crafted with high quality, real ingredients and a base of BACARDÍ Rum. Simply pour over ice and serve!

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  • Bacchus Gingers Cuvee 2018 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Tasting Notes: Sometimes oak can really get in the way of the fruit showing through in a Pinot Noir. This is not the case here. This is a completely unoaked style that’s light, fresh, and bursting with raspberries on the nose and palate.

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  • Backbone Uncut Single Barrel Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    We call this Backbone bourbon, "Larry Bird" because it's from Indiana and it can't miss. The nose on this single barrel is a dream and the balance of sweetness and spice on the palate is baking-spice perfection. The mouthfeel is viscous and the finish is long and continuous like #33's…

    In stock (18)

  • Bacoo 12 Year Old Rum 750ml

    The Bacoo is the Caribbean version of the "Genie in the Bottle'. Bottles found floating in the ocean or upon the sandy white beaches are said to have small wish granting, highly characteristic and sometimes deviant characters inside. Grown, produced and bottles in the Dominican Republic.

    In stock (6)

  • Badel Orahovac Brandy 1L

    Badel Orahovac, a traditional bitter-sweet liqueur, nattily in aroma, along with its famous curative features guarantees an unforgettable pleasure of flavours and fragrances. The rich natural green walnut aroma is preserved by traditional maceration of chopped nuts in aromatic distillate. Best served well chilled as aperitif or digestif.

    In stock (16)

  • Badel Komovica Brandy 1L

    Badel Komovica is Rakija produced from selected Benkovac region grape marc, traditionally distilled and nourished. Marc is the residue left over from winemaking after pressing. It guarantees the magnificent flavor and perfect wine aroma. The exceptionally smooth flavor is guaranteed by the traditional fermentation and distillation process.

    In stock (13)

  • Badel Lavov Liqueur 1L

    Lavov is a bitter liqueur with unique aroma and slightly bitter flavour. Well known herbal liqueur with specific odour and bitter taste.Harmonic combination of three aromatic herbs grants the specificity to this liqueur. After 30 days of maceration, macerated herbs are added to a high quality brandy and aged together.

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  • Badel Medica 1L

    Honey liqueur from Rakija. Badel Medica is a traditional Croatian liqueur in certain regions also known as Medenica, Medovača or Medovica. Badel Medica is produced by blending Benkovac Komovica with natural honey. Honey, apart from its curative properties, gives this unique liqueur its recognizable honey-scented flavour.

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  • Badel Pelinkovac Brandy 1L

    Badel Pelinkovac is the oldest and most famous Croatian herbal liqueur as well as the best-selling herbal liqueur in Croatia. Badel Pelinkovac is produced according to a traditional maceration method where selected curative herbs, with the dominant herb Pelin (lat. Artemisia Absinthium), are soaked in basic liquid and after that…

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  • Badel Prima Brand Brandy 1L

    Badel Prima Brand is produced by blending high quality wine distillates and selected top quality alcohol. That combination gives a clear, golden-brown colour, and a distinctive and recognizable aroma and taste.

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  • Badel Prima Brand Brandy 700ml

    Badel Prima Brand is produced by blending high quality wine distillates and selected top quality alcohol. That combination gives a clear, golden-brown colour, and a distinctive and recognizable aroma and taste.

    In stock (29)

  • Badel Slivovica Brandy 1L

    Fine plum brandy from Croatia. This delicious apertif is primarily drunk as an aperitif or can be used as a base or twist in various exotic cocktails. Deliciously bitter sweet!

    In stock (26)

  • Badel Sljivovica Premium Selection Plum Brandy 700ml

    Šljivovica Premium Selection is aged in Slavonian oak barrels for at least 24 months, giving the distillate twice as much time to acquire a distinctive vanilla note that blends perfectly with the fruity aroma of plums.

    In stock (82)

  • Badel Svatovski Kruskovac Liqueur 1L

    An authentic sweet style pear liqueur produced in Croatia, known as the Wedding Kruskovac. Kruskovac is a flavored liqueur made from refined distillate with a pronounced aroma of pears.

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  • Badel Travarica Brandy 1L

    The macerate produced from aromatic herbs unravels the abundance of Mediterranean flavors in Travarica. Its fragrance, strength and top quality has a beneficial effect on our body. This brandy is filled with a combination of Mediterranean herbs including Melisa, Salvia, Anise and Lavender. In Croatia it is served on ice…

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