
955 products
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  • Glenlivet 15Yr French Oak Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    CASK: FRENCH LIMOUSIN OAK FLAVOR:SWEET FRUITS, DELICATE SPICE The origin of this whisky’s deep and satisfying flavor stems from a maturation technique pioneered by The Glenlivet, known as Selective Maturation. A portion of the mature spirit is transferred to virgin oak casks made from French Limousin oak, the same casks…

    In stock (22)

  • Glenlivet 18Yr Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    The Glenlivet 18 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky has an apricot-hued appearance, along with an aroma of dried fruits — particularly mangoes — and toffee. Its palate is wonderfully balanced, with notes of ripe oranges, raisins and ginger, and leads to a phenomenal finish marked by butterscotch candy and…

    In stock (4)

  • Glenlivet 21Yr The Sample Room Collection Triple Cask Finish First Fill Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    At the heart of The Glenlivet is the Sample Room, our creative epicentre. A place of continuous improvement and creation, this is where our makers spend their time crafting, testing and refining our whisky until they achieve the finest balance. It is the place where our new 21 and 25…

    In stock (3)

  • Glenlivet Caribbean Reserve Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Introducing The Glenlivet Caribbean Reserve, a single malt with a bold, tropical twist. To create whisky with a tropical feel, our makers finished a portion of our whisky in barrels that previously held Caribbean rum. The result is a well balanced and exceptionally smooth whisky. It features the sweet and…

    In stock (160)

  • Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt Scotch 1.75L

    For The Glenlivet Founder's Reserve, skillful selection of casks enhances the signature fruity flavors of The Glenlivet with traditional oak casks being complemented by selective use of American first-fill casks to give a hint of creamy sweetness – creating an exceptionally well-balanced and smooth malt. Pale gold color, with delicate…

    In stock (24)

  • Glenlivet Founders Reserve Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    Inspired by our legendary founder George Smith whose vision was to create the smoothest of all whiskies, The Glenlivet’s Founder’s Reserve embodies a new side of The Glenlivet’s classic style. Founder’s Reserve is an extremely well balanced whisky, full of sweet, creamy vanilla and caramel apple notes, along with zesty…

    In stock (297)

  • Glenlivet Rum and Bourbon Fusion Cask Selection Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    The Glenlivet Rum and Bourbon Fusion Cask Selection Single Malt is an innovative creation from The Glenlivet Distillery, known for its legacy in crafting exceptional Scotch whisky. This unique single malt is selectively finished in bespoke, recrafted first-fill rum and bourbon casks, offering a distinctive and luxurious tasting experience. The…

    In stock (8)

  • Glenlivet XXV 25Yr The Sample Room Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    The Glenlivet 25 expression is created by selectively finishing whisky across first-fill Pedro Ximenez Sherry and Troncais Oak Cognac casks. These prestigious casks bring indulgent richness to the iconic smooth and fruity house style of The Glenlivet.

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  • Glenmorangie 12Yr Palo Cortado Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky Finished Aged in Bourbon and Sherry Casks 750ml

    This deeply sweet and nutty small-batch release is the first Glenmorangie ever to be finished in rare Palo Cortado sherry casks. Aged for 12 years, it brings a new elegance to the Highland Distillery’s delicate style. The single malt spent its first eight years mellowing in American white oak bourbon…

    In stock (6)

  • Glenmorangie A Tale of Ice Cream Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Sweet, indulgent and wondrously creamy, our latest limited edition encapsulates the ice cream parlour’s delights. Glenmorangie A Tale of Ice Cream is the fifth release in our award-winning A Tale Of… series, which showcases our whisky creators’ relentless imagination. Some time ago, Dr Bill began to imagine how he could…

    In stock (6)

  • Glenmorangie A Tale of Tokyo Limited Edition Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Inspired by the memories, feelings and flavours of his many visits to Tokyo and a desire to experiment with rare Japanese Mizunara oak casks for the first time, Dr. Bill has created a limited edition expression characterised by enchanting opposites. Dr. Bill united Glemorangie part-aged in Mizunara oak with whisky…

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  • Glenmorangie Nectar D’or Sauternes Cask Finish Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Glenmorangie's Nectar d'Or is finished in Sauternes casks. This is sweet and spicy with notes of ginger, nutmeg lemon meringue and honeycomb.

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  • Glenmorangie The Cadboll Estate 15Yr Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Inspired by the secrets of a Highland heirloom, Glenmorangie Cadboll brings a sumptuous sweetness to our Legends Collection. Extra-matured in superior French barriques which previously held wines such as those of the Muscat and Sémillion grapes, the delectably rich single malt whisky honours the splendour of the Cadboll Cup. This…

    In stock (4)

  • Glenmorangie Triple Cask Reserve Highland Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Rich and subtly spiced, Glenmorangie Triple Cask Reserve brings new dimensions to our delicious range of single malt whiskies. Inspired by the natural splendour of the Highlands to create a deep harmony of flavours, our whisky makers have married together three carefully chosen types of casks. Uniting bourbon casks and…

    In stock (4)

  • Glenmorangie X Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Inspired by the flavor possibilities by mixing whisky, Dr. Bill Lumsden, director of whisky creation for Glenmorangie, set out to make a sweeter style single malt.  This whisky has aromas of pear, vanilla, honeysuckle and oranges, the company reports, before a palate with orange sherbet and creme brûlée with notes…

    In stock (8)
