
5477 products
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    Penfolds 2021 Max’s Shiraz Cabernet South Austrailia 750ml

    This inky-hued Cab-Shiraz blend is a broody bottling, with a savory, black olive and dusty library-book note to the raspberry and blackcherry fruit. There’s a minty, earthy nuance too, plus a subtle polish of mealy, chocolatey oak. The powerful palate is densely packed with dark fruit and spice, cinched by…

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  • Penfolds Bin 149 Wine of the World 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Penfolds Bin 149 Cabernet Sauvignon seeks out northern hemisphere excellence via meticulous vineyard and block selection, reinforced by flagship-worthy South Australian cabernet sauvignon. The result is distinctive, and of distinction. House Style is in the building blocks of Bin 149, a name derived from the percentage of South Australian cabernet…

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  • Penfolds Bin 600 2020 Cabernet Shiraz 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Medium-bodied with a glycerous texture and a backbone of sweet licorice brimming with potent aniseed. Radiating from this backbone is pepper-rubbed pastrami, rare roast beef, cocoa dusting, semi-dried dates, and freshly harvested persimmons with an open textural weave. Critical Acclaim JS 93 James Suckling A very fine and…

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  • Penfolds Bin 704 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Dark Cabernet fruits transfer from the nose to the palate with a silk-like flow. Animated and lithe yet still somewhat restrained, it has a humble personality but with the quiet conviction of Napa. Critical Acclaim WE 96 Wine Enthusiast This is the first vintage of the Australian producer’s…

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  • Penfolds Grandfather 20Yr Rare Tawny Port 750ml

    Beautifully presented in an exquisite gift box featuring a Penfolds stopper and certificate of authenticity, Grandfather Rare Tawny is a highly coveted gift for life’s special milestones. The color is a deep tawny with a distinctive yellow-green edge characteristic of extended wood maturation. On the nose are intense raisin fruits,…

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  • Penner-Ash 2022 Viognier 750ml

    We produced our first bottling of this wine in 2000, blown away by how pretty the Viognier fruit was we were seeing in the vineyards, and the flavors that burst from the grape when you popped one into your mouth. We love the uniqueness of this white variety and strive…

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  • Penner-Ash Willamette Valley 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Aromas of spiced raspberries and ripe Hood strawberries gently fold into warm vanilla oak. Rainier cherry and cocoa provide a savory sweetness and weight on the palate leading to a lengthy finish. James Suckling Review -  Rated 92: Crushed cherries, raspberries and dried cranberries here, together with savory herbs, dried…

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  • Pennsylvania Dutch Chocolate Cream Liqueur 750ml

    Pennsylvania Dutch Chocolate Cream is a decadent treat! Creamy milk chocolate, vanilla and toffee flavors blended with fresh dairy cream and a gently roasted hazelnut finish.

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  • Pennsylvania Dutch Salted Caramel Cream Liqueur 750ml

    Deliciously satisfying. Perfectly balanced layers of sweet and salty are blended into a rich, creamy base.

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  • Pennsylvania Dutch Strawberries and Cream Liqueur 750ml

    Fields of fresh, ready-to-pick strawberries on the nose with a rich, silky palate full of sweet cream and fruit.

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  • Pepe Lopez Gold Tequila 1.75L

    Pepe Lopez Gold is made from a combination of natural spring water and the highest quality, mature blue agave plants. The fermented juice of the agave is then double distilled to ensure its appealing flavor. Pepe Lopez Gold is light amber with a spicy citrus taste; the key ingredient for…

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  • Pepe Lopez Silver Tequila 1.75L

    Pepe Lopez Silver is made from a combination of natural spring water and the highest quality, mature blue agave plants. The fermented juice of the agave is then double distilled to ensure its appealing flavor. Pepe Lopez Silver is a sparkling clear tequila with a fresh lime and agave taste.

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  • Pernod Absinthe 750ml

    In the copper stills in the new distillery in Thuir, the wormwood from Pontarlier and the green anise are distilled after maceration in a neutral wine spirit base. The heart cut of the distillation is then macerated again in an aromatic bouquet of star anise, Melissa, petit wormwood, hyssop, and…

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  • Pernod Anise & Herb Liqueur 750ml

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  • Perrier Jouet 2013 Belle Eqoque Rose Champagne Limited Edition by Mischer’Traxler 750ml

    Through this year's artistic collaboration Maison Perrier-Jouët and mischer’traxler bring a poetic and mindful perspective to the terroir of Maison Perrier-Jouët and its most essential quality: its biodiversity. True to the free spirit of Maison Perrier-Jouët, Perrier-Jouët Belle Epoque Rosé is a resolutely original champagne which combines rarity with the…

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