
5477 products
  • Pieropan 2018 Calvarino Soave Classico White 750ml

    Brilliant straw yellow color with greenish hints. The delicate nose is reminiscent of almond blossoms and marzipan. Good depth of fruit on the palate, nicely balanced by a zingy acidity that enhances its long length. This wine makes an excellent partner for soups, starters, especially vegetable based such as asparagus,…

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  • Pieropan 2020 La Rocca Soave Classico White 750ml

    Brilliant and intense yellow whit golden hints. Characterful wine, reminiscent of exotic fruit and nuts on the nose; soft and persistent on the palate, with hints of spice, length and elegance. Makes an excellent partner to complex dishes, even with strong flavours particularly risottos such as porcini, or celery, squash…

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  • Pierpaolo Pecorari 2015 Refosco Venezia Giulia 750ml

    Winemaking: Maceration takes place in stainless steel tanks for 20 days with dèlestage at 26/28 °C. The wine ages in 225-litre French oak barrels for 10 months. Bottling and further ageing in the bottle. Food Pairing: Roast meat and mature cheeses, speck, prosciutto, grilled meat. Suggested dishes: Piedmont hamburger served…

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  • Pierre Ferrand Triple Sec Dry Cauracao 1L

    This is one of those bottles where, when discovered on a home bar or even at a cocktail bar, you have to give the owner a knowing nod. Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao is out kicks its coverage when it comes to cocktails. Options abound in the Dry Curaçao / Triple…

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  • Pierre Peters Cuvee de Reserve Blanc De Blanc Cru 750ml

    Now headed by fourth-generation Rodolphe Peters, Pierre Peters’ Côtes des Blancs based estate is made up of 18 hectares, all of which are dedicated to Chardonnay (most of which are designated Grand Cru). Fruit for ‘Cuvée de Réserve’ Blanc de Blancs comes from 67 different vineyard parcels, leading to a…

    In stock (9)

  • Pig’s Nose Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Pig’s Nose is produced by Ian MacLeod Distillers in Scotland. It’s a blended whisky, which means it is a combination of fine oak aged Speyside, Islay, and Lowland malts with high quality, gentle grain whiskies. The name “Pig’s Nose” is a play on the notion that it’s as smooth as…

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  • Pighin 2022 Friuli Pinot Grigio

    Friuli is an ideal region for growing white wine grapes like Pinot Grigio. It is protected by the Alps to the north and receives the sea breeze from the Adriatic Sea in the south. The favorable conditions were known even in Roman times when the region was devoted to winemaking.…

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  • Pighin 2023 Friuli Pinot Grigio 750ml

    Friuli is an ideal region for growing white wine grapes like Pinot Grigio. It is protected by the Alps to the north and receives the sea breeze from the Adriatic Sea in the south. The favorable conditions were known even in Roman times when the region was devoted to winemaking.…

    In stock (12)

  • Pikesville 110 Proof Straight Rye American Whiskey 750ml

    Pikesville Straight Rye Whiskey refuses to be forgotten. First produced in Maryland in the 1890s, the brand, along with the rest of the once-booming Maryland Rye industry, was shuttered by prohibition. The brand reemerged after prohibition and became the last standing Maryland Rye, as the rest of the industry's production…

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  • Pilavas Ouzo Nektar 700ml

    The Pilavas family has been distilling ouzo, brandy and a variety of liqueurs for three generations. The recipe has remained the same for nearly 60 years: fine ingredients, double distillation and lots of patience. With care and love, carefully chosen materials are used in the production of ouzo. Aromatic grains…

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  • Pimms Liqueur 750ml

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  • PInaq Blue Liqueur 750ml

    A refreshing blend of exotic fruit juices, smooth 5 times distilled premium vodka, aged French VSOP cognac, and hints of sweet saffron.

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  • PInaq Colada Liqueur 750ml

    Tropical Liqueur made with Jamaican Rum, Fresh Dutch Cream, and Premium Dutch Vodka.

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  • PInaq Rose Liqueur 750ml

    Tropical Liqueur made with French VSOP Cognac, Premium Dutch Vodka and a splash of Rosé Wine.

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  • PInaq Tropical Liqueur 750ml

    The sweetness of Tropical pineapple and aromatic notes of passion fruit balanced perfectly with French VSOP Cognac and Dutch Vodka for an exceptionally smooth yet daringly bold experience. Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Vegan, and Non-GMO.

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