
5477 products
  • Plantaze Crnogorski Privijenac Grape Brandy 1L

    Lozova rakija brandy is distilled from the finest dark blue grapes grown in the southern parts of Montenegro. It is recommended that this fine brandy be chilled to bring out the aroma, full essence, and superior harmony of this fine traditional brandy from Montenegro.

    In stock (11)

  • Planteray 5Yr Grand Reserve Rum 750ml

    A very fine blend of Barbados rums, aged for five years in bourbon casks in the Caribbean then refined in old French oak casks. Its succulent nose, typical of the Barbados style, reveals notes of toasted coconut, fudge and oaky vanilla. Planteray Grande Réserve 5 Year Old can be enjoyed…

    In stock (4)

  • New

    Planteray Rum XO 20TH Anniversary 750ML

    A luxurious and exquisite blend of Barbadian richness and French Savoir-Faire, creating one incredibly indulgent rum first launched in celebration of our Master Blender, Alexandre Gabriel and subsequently achieving over 55 Gold Medals making it the most awarded XO Rum.

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  • Planteray Stiggins Fancy Pineapple Rum 1L

    Fruit flavored rums may have a less than stellar reputation these days, but wait until you meet Stiggins! Rum infused with pineapple has long been a tradition in the caribbean, and this rum serves as an homage to that tradition while also putting a Plantation twist on it. The barks…

    In stock (5)

  • Platinum 10X Vodka 1.75L

    In pursuit of perfection, we developed Platinum 10X vodka. It is vodka redefined and refined - a perfect balance of taste and design; offered at an accessible price point. Platinum 10X is the perfect vodka for independent thinkers who appreciate form and function. With award-winning taste and bold & beautiful…

    In stock (78)

  • Platinum 10X Vodka 750ml

    Distillery Notes In pursuit of perfection, we developed Platinum 10X vodka. It is vodka redefined and refined - a perfect balance of taste and design; offered at an accessible price point. Platinum 10X is the perfect vodka for independent thinkers who appreciate form and function. With award-winning taste and bold…

    In stock (17)

  • Platinum 7X Vodka 1.75L PET

    Amplify your drinking experience by 7X with Platinum 7X Vodka. Platinum 7X Vodka is crafted using high-quality American corn, distilled seven times and finished with 100% pure water for an exceptionally pure spirit with a clean, crisp taste. Enjoy this 80 proof vodka liquor as a smooth vodka on the…

    In stock (346)

  • Platinum 7X Vodka 200ml

    Amplify your drinking experience by 7X with Platinum 7X Vodka. Platinum 7X Vodka is crafted using high-quality American corn, distilled seven times and finished with 100% pure water for an exceptionally pure spirit with a clean, crisp taste. Enjoy this 80 proof vodka liquor as a smooth vodka on the…

    In stock (17)

  • Plomari Ouzo 750ml

    In stock (172)

  • Plumpjack 2019 Napa Valley Merlot 750ml

    Savory spices like sage, clove, and nutmeg swirl around blackberry, blueberry, and dark cherry. Jeb Dunnuck calls this “a big, rich, pedal-to-the-metal beauty,” and we couldn’t agree more. Perfect balance and sweet tannins complete the picture in this remarkable example of both region and vintage. It’s no surprise that this…

    In stock (5)

  • Plumpjack Estate 2021 Oakville Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    PlumpJack Oakville Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2021 is a true gem, reflecting the excellence and dedication of the PlumpJack Winery. As it fills the glass, it reveals a deep, luxurious garnet hue, a testament to its depth and complexity. On the nose, it presents a captivating bouquet of ripe dark fruits,…

    In stock (8)

  • Plymouth Gin 750ml

    In stock (7)

  • Plymouth Navy Strength Gin 750ml

    In stock (4)

  • Poderi Luigi Einaudi 2020 Dolcetto di Dogliana 750ml

    Luscious and jammy reds are medium-bodied, full-bodied or very full-bodied wines that combine ripe berry notes and pronounced jammy flavours. You can discern notes of cherry jam, wild berry jam or dark plum in these wines. Ripe tannins add the necessary structure for pairing the wines with food.

    In stock (14)

  • Podrum Pevac Desetka Slivovitz Plum Brandy 750ml

    In the Heart of Šumadija especially nurtured, limited series kept for ten years, plum Ranka is autochthonous the variety aged in barriques barrels.

    In stock (6)
