
5477 products
  • Prairie Organic Vodka 1.75L

    *This item is only available for shipping in FL.* This Minnesotan Vodka is made from vintage organic corn and is distilled to taste, giving Prairie Vodka its own unique character and award-winning taste. Certified Organic.

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  • Prairie Pink Guava Colada Sour Ale 4pk

    Sour ale with pink guava, pineapple, toasted coconut and coconut flavor. 5.5% ABV

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  • Prairie Tiny Esses Sour Ale 4pk

    Our most highly anticipated release for full distribution! This beer has been an absolute smash hit in the taproom. It’s a sour ale made with… rainbow chewy candy. It’s very delightful, and perhaps our highest rated sour ale ever. 5.9% ABV

    In stock (8)

  • Praline Original Pecan Liqueur 750ml

    Just like sweet pecan pie, this creamy liqueur exudes richness with plenty of dark brown sugar and pecan flavors. For a unique adults-only treat, sip it chilled on its own, blend it into holiday cocktail or stir a bit into coffee.

    In stock (22)

  • Presidente Brandy 750ml

    Presidente Classic Brandy is crafted from the finest grapes, sourced from select vineyards. This brandy undergoes a meticulous production process, including carefully controlled fermentation and distillation, followed by aging in oak barrels. The result is a brandy that is both rich and smooth, with a complex flavor profile that embodies…

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  • Presidente Pilsner 6pk

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  • Priest Ranch 2018 Peacemaker Napa Valley Estate Grown Proprietary Red 750ml

    The 2018 Peacemaker is a red blend that was aged 24 months in 75% new French oak and 25% once-used French oak barrels. The lees were stirred for the first year followed by three racking in the second year of aging. The wine was bottled unfined and unfiltered. The first…

    In stock (5)

  • Prima Perla DOC Prosecco Treviso 750ml

    This Prosecco is crisp, clean and refreshing with flavors and aromas of pears, peaches, green melons and citrus with a touch of honey and vanilla. This bubbly, light-bodied sparkling wine is creamy with accents of pear, peach and melon. This Prosecco goes well with lighter fare, such as appetizers, fish,…

    In stock (14)

  • Primal Roots 2019 Red Blend 750ml

    "A full-bodied, smooth red blend of Merlot, Syrah and Zinfandel with aromas of raspberry, black currants and mocha along with flavors of cherry, chocolate and vanilla." -Winemaker

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  • Primarius 2021 Pinot Noir 750ml

    With its diverse topography and rich terroir, Oregon provides the perfect palette from which to compose wines of elegance and balance. Primarius is a wine made for the people, by the hearts and hands of the people who know Oregon Pinot best. With each release, winemaker Sarah Cabot hand-selects the…

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  • Primo Amore Veneto Moscato 750ml

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  • Prison Pals Annoying Orange Smoothie Style Sour Ale 4pk

    5% ABV Smoothie style sour ale with peaches and oranges.

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  • Prisoner Unshackled 2019 Rose 750ml

    This rose is bright and crisp with citrus and strawberry aromas. On the palate there's tangerine, melon, strawberry and red cherry flavors that are tart, dry and refreshing. When the Prisoner finally escapes this is the first wine he's going for!

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  • Prisoner Unshackled 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Aromas of plum and blackberry with a hint of olive. Vibrant flavors of black stone fruit and dried herbs with solid tannin structure result in a flavor-forward Cabernet Sauvignon with balanced acidity.

    In stock (5)

  • Prisoner Unshackled 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Notes of sweet cream, juicy white peach, green apple, brown spice, and vanilla, with a hint of minerality. Bright acidity with flavors of stone fruit and honey on the palate.

    In stock (11)
