
5477 products
  • Purple Hands Willamette Valley 2020 Pinot Noir 750ml

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  • Pussers Age 15 Years Navy Rum 750ml

    The Story Pusser’s 15 Year True Aged Rum is hand crafted in small batches.  It is a superb, coveted and limited 15 year aged rum that continues to win awards and accolades amongst peers. The Blend PUSSER’S Rum is a blend of rums from stills located in Guyana and Trinidad.…

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  • Pussers British Navy Rum 750ml

    In stock (12)

  • Pussers Gunpowder Proof Rum 750ml

    Pusser’s ‘Gunpowder Proof’ is a traditional Royal Navy style rum produced at original Admiralty strength and in accordance with the Admiralty’s blending recipe last used when the Royal Navy discontinued its daily ration on 31 July 1970. Gunpowder Proof: Prior to the invention of the hydrometer, the ship’s purser shutdown…

    In stock (2)

  • Pyrat XO Reserve Rum 750ml

    From this dark amber liquid wafts a luxurious aroma of toffee, marzipan, candied fruit and sarsparilla. On the sweeter side of the spectrum, this aged rum is gorgeous and mouth-filling, with caramel and a sprinkling of ginger and cinnamon fireworks on the elongated finish.

    In stock (5)

  • Quady 2022 Electra Red Moscato 750ml

    Red Electra Moscato, first released in 2000, is garnet red, tastes of succulent cherry, berry, and pomegranate, and has a slight sparkle. Try it with all kinds of desserts and cheeses including chocolate bon-bons, truffles, spiced holiday cookies, vanilla, and fruit.

    In stock (24)

  • Quady Electra 2022 Moscato 750ml

    Soft bubbles float over flavors of sweet citrus, peach and melon. A bouquet of wildflowers refreshes the senses. Electra is a Moscato d’Asti style picnic wine for drinking outside, in warm weather, chilled or on the rocks. Pair it with fresh fruit, salads, spicy Asian and Indian foods, burgers with…

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  • Quilt 2021 The Fabric of the Land Red Blend 750ml

    Our winemaking begins in the vineyards, picking fruit at optimum physiological maturity to create a blend that highlights the outstanding terroir of the Napa Valley. From the moment the grapes are harvested until final blending, each vineyard lot is kept separate. Once in the cellar, each lot is worked in…

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  • Quilt Napa Valley 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Deep, dark ruby in color with a hint of brick red around the edges.Striking aromas of dark chocolate, blackberry jam, toasted oak and hazelnut with hints of red berry fruit, baking spices and vanilla.Broad and mouth-filling with a satisfying mix of flavors ranging from rich molasses, stewed rhubarb, tobacco and…

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  • Quilt Napa Valley 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Quilt Cabernet Sauvignon 2021 is a superb wine crafted through a meticulous process that starts with selecting grapes that are at optimum maturity. The resulting crimson red wine with scarlet highlights boasts an enticing aroma of Bing cherry, blackberry jam, dark chocolate, lightly toasted oak, and a hint of vanilla.…

    In stock (30)

  • Quilt Threadcount Red Blend 750ml

    The grapes were harvested early in the morning so the fruit would arrive at the winery while still cool to preserve the vineyard-fresh flavors. After de-stemming the berries, the fruit was cryo-extracted and then cold-soaked to soften the skins and allow for ideal extraction. During fermentation in a combination of closed and…

    In stock (9)

  • Quintana 5Yr Aged Rum 750ml

    This Rum has elements of smoked and pure cocoa, vanilla, nutmeg and coffee notes that ultimately burst into a cascade of warm and rich flavors like the mexican caribbean.

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  • Quintessa 2016 Napa Valley Proprietary Red 750ml

    The Iconic Napa Valley red, Quintessa is a Meritage style wine from estate vineyards in the heart of the Rutherford Bench district. Each year, it is a blend that can include some or all of the five varietals grown on the estate: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot and…

    In stock (15)

  • Quintessa 2016 Rutherford Napa Valley Red 1.5L

    The 2016 Quintessa is eloquent in its message. The wine is powerfully structured, with an elegance to its tannins, and new layers of complexity that reveal themselves as the wine opens in the glass and as it ages in bottle. The aroma begins with notes of black cherry and cassis,…

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