
5477 products
  • Quintessa 2022 Illumination Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    The 2022 vintage was shaped by a moderate growing season, yielding fresh fruit character with excellent acidity and brightness. It is a wine of intensity: layers of fruit flavor and aromas of white peach and pink grapefruit, with spice and lemon verbena. Citrus and elderflower blend on the palate with…

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  • R Jelinek 10Yr Gold Plum Brandy 700ml

    Gold Slivovitz is a superb brandy produced from the best assortment of late-harvested plums. The triple distillation and patient aging process gives a gentle taste to this brandy. This typically Czech product has been produced in the same traditional way for more than a hundred years in the Vizovice region…

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  • R Jelinek 5Yr Slivovitz Plum Brandy 700ml

    Slivovitz (plum brandy) is produced from fully matured fruit grown in the plum region of Bohemia. This triple distilled product, made from our own recipe, ranks among the premium quality alcoholic beverages, worldwide.

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  • R Jelinek Fernet Liqueur 750ml

    Throughout Central Europe, brandy produced from plums (slivovitz) has been popular for centuries and R. Jelinek has always been at the center. While traveling in Bohemia and if you were to inquire about R. Jelinek, the response would generally be ah, you mean the plum people. The point being that…

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  • R Jelinek Pear Williams Pear Brandy 700ml

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  • Rabbit Hole Boxergrail Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey 750ml

    Our Straight Rye Whiskey, composed of 95% rye, celebrates Louisville’s rich boxing heritage. Here, local fighters have emerged from neighborhood gyms to become prizefighting champions. Bold and unexpected, this whiskey reveals a character worthy of a title.

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  • Rabbit Hole Cavehill Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Appearance/Color Amber. Nose/Aroma/Smell Young and hot aromas of orange, honey and mint, followed by almond cookies and toasted rye. Rich and sweet, slightly herbaceous. Flavor/Taste/Palate Creamy flavors of orange, honey and mint with hints of toasted grain, followed by ginger and black pepper. A touch of maple syrup and a…

    In stock (5)

  • Rabbit Hole Dareringer Sherry Cask Finished Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Our Sherry Cask Finished Bourbon epitomizes Kaveh’s wife, Heather. Elegant, sweet, and charming, she is the muse behind our brand. A Louisville native and bourbon enthusiast, she lured Kaveh away from his beloved Scotch and down a rabbit hole he may have never dared alone.

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  • Rabbit Hole Founders Collection Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished in Brazilian Amburana Oak 750ml

    Our Founder, Kaveh Zamanian, has always been drawn to Brazil's culture. With its passionate fans, exotic foods, infectious music, and colorful carnivals, it is a region pulsing with energy. It is also home to the majestic Amazon rainforest where the timber towers and the Amburana tree soars. Finishing this Founder's…

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  • Rabbit Hole Heigold Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Our Straight Bourbon Whiskey, made with a high percentage of imported German rye, pays tribute to an immigrant maker. Strong and bold, this offering honors Christian Heigold, a German stonecutter who settled in Louisville prior to 1850. Taken by the hope of this new land, he carved symbols of his…

    In stock (13)

  • Rabble 2019 Paso Robles Zinfandel 750ml

    From our sustainably grown vineyards in Paso Robles, where Zinfandel’s roots date back to the 19th century. A lively, balanced Zin that stands out from the crowd—excellent with pulled pork sandwiches, smoked brisket and, best of all, Chinese takeout. Bright aromas of black cherry, raspberry, cola and Asian spice Brambly…

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  • Rabble 2020 Paso Robles Red 750ml

    Bursting aromas of juicy raspberries, blueberries and cherries on the nose, with some cocoa powder, red licorice and vanilla. Full and chewy on the palate, with soft tannins and moderate acidity. The cherry and blueberry fruit oozes across the palate, backed up with cocoa, smoke, root beer and cola.

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  • Rabble 2021 Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Ripe black fruit notes of cherry, plum and mixed berries with more quiet notes of warm spice and tobacco. Seamless texture with great mid palate volume and length. Subtle oak notes weave in and out, and balance the fruit with smooth tannins and essence of cinnamon and vanilla.

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  • Rabble 2021 Paso Robles Zinfandel 750ml

    From our sustainably grown vineyards in Paso Robles, where Zinfandel’s roots date back to the 19th century. A lively, balanced Zin that stands out from the crowd—excellent with pulled pork sandwiches, smoked brisket and, best of all, Chinese takeout. Bright aromas of black cherry, raspberry, cola and Asian spice Brambly…

    In stock (11)

  • Rabble 2022 Paso Robles Rose 750ml

    Harvested starting September 16, 2019, our 2019 Rabble Rose is a pale rose of Syrah styled after Provence. Aromatically, the 2019 is driven with young wild strawberry and kiwi and sports tropical notes creating an alluring and complex Rose. The palate explodes with stone fruit and strawberry flavors framed with…

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