
5477 products
  • Ramey Russian River Valley 2017 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Pale to medium ruby-purple in color, it has a gorgeous, youthful nose with tangerine peel, baking spices, forest floor and a wicked vein of floral nuance with warm red and black fruits at the core. The palate gives good concentration of spice and fruit, with grainy tannins and juicy acidity,…

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  • Ramey Russian River Valley 2018 Pinot Noir 750ml

    A fresh, refined expression of Russian River Pinot. Rigorous analysis of the world’s best Pinot Noirs guided our winemaking practices—clonal selection, whole-cluster fermentation, and an anaerobic approach.

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  • Ramey Russian River Valley 2020 Chardonnay 750ml

    These are cool sites, with low vigor soil such as Goldridge Loam, planted between 1978 and 2013.  The vineyards are mostly planted to UC Davis Clone 4, known for its prominent acidity and large clusters, with lesser percentages of Wente and aromatic clones like Rued. The 2020 vintage is comprised…

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  • Ramey Russian River Valley 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    The perfect dichotomy of fruit and acid exemplifies the Russian River Valley. The crisp mouthfeel is nurtured in cool sites with low vigor soils such as Goldridge Loam. A classic. Coming from special vineyard sites, our Chardonnays show great depth of flavor, length of finish, aromatic complexity, and a fine…

    In stock (8)

  • Rams Point Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ml

    This whiskey has the sweet and salty taste of peanut butter combined with premium whiskey. Pour this on the rocks or combine in a drink for a fun cocktail. A crowd pleaser!

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  • Rare Hare Lapine 60Yr Petite Champagne Cognac 750ml

    Rare Hare Lapine Cognac Petite Champagne was aged for 60 Years before being bottled at 81.8 Proof (40.9% ABV). Rare Hare is a curator of rare and exceptional spirits, sourcing from across the globe. Guided by our heritage, we pride ourselves on being a lifestyle brand rooted in the core…

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  • Rare Hare Lucky Bastard 30Yr Canadian Whiskey 700ml

    An exceptional Canadian Whiskey imported and aged for 30 years creating a complex, dynamic whisky with worldly characteristics. Finished in Pineau Des Charentes casks, a delicate regional aperitif of western France, which has recently exploded on the high-end cocktail scene. The complex whiskey with layers of flavors and history is…

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  • Rare Perfection 14Yr Canadian Whiskey 750ml

    Rare Perfection 14 Year is made from a bourbon mash bill and aged in the freezing cold warehouses of Canada. Although a Canadian Whiskey, it was distilled from a 4-grain wheated bourbon mash bill with just a hint of rye and malted barley.

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  • Raymond 2020 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    2020 kicked o with ideal growing conditions. Mild temperatures led to evenly developed clusters and an early budbreak was followed by a warm to hot summer. Low winter rains resulted in smaller berries with concentrated f lavors. Harvest started in early August and all things pointed to normal yields and…

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  • Raynal VSOP Brandy 750ml

    A blend of three eaux-de-vie sourced from the most famous French wine regions. Carefully handcrafted and aged in French oak to provide a smooth, velvety taste containing notes of almond and walnut. Long finish, with hints of candied fruit and ginger.

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  • Raynal VSOP French Brandy 1.75L

    Raynal VSOP French Brandy, with 3 eaux-de-vie sourced from the most famous French wine regions, our VSOP has become a worldwide reference point for brandy due to its unique and distinctive flavor

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  • Realm Cellars 2021 The Bard Napa Valley Red Blend 750ml

    The 2021 is the largest and most complex blend we've ever made with dozens of components from vineyards across the realm of Napa Valley. This vintage includes new vineyard sources from Calistoga, Rutherford and Oak Knoll AVA, allowing us to broaden our painter’s palette. The Bard is generally more approachable…

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  • Rebel Yell 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 1L

    Rebel Yell Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 100 is a definantly smooth, wheated bourbon. Handcrafted according to the original honored “wheated” recipe since 1849 and bottled at 100 proof for a rich full flavor. Sweet aromas up front transition into a palate that is hot on the tongue with bold caramel…

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  • Rebel Yell 100 Proof Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    As the newest member of the Rebel Yell family, this wheated bourbon takes everything you love about our Kentucky Straight Bourbon and dials it up. Talk about intense. TASTING NOTES Don’t be fooled by the sweet aroma up front. It’s hot on the tongue with bold caramel and vanilla notes…

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  • Rebel Yell 10Yr Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Rebel 10 Year Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is a meticulously crafted spirit that offers a rich tapestry of dark flavors, aged oak, and a sprig of wheat grain, differentiating it from other wheated bourbons. This whiskey is aged for 10 years in new, charred American oak barrels and…

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