
5475 products
  • Remy Martin 1738 Cognac 375ml

    Rémy Martin Accord Royal 1738 is a smooth and well-balanced cognac from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne.  An authentic cognac, deeply rooted in the terroir and tradition, it is aged in toasted French oak casks revealing a round and mellow body with oaky notes of…

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  • Remy Martin 1738 Cognac 750ml

    Rémy Martin Accord Royal 1738 is a smooth and well-balanced cognac from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne.  An authentic cognac, deeply rooted in the terroir and tradition, it is aged in toasted French oak casks revealing a round and mellow body with oaky notes of…

    In stock (29)

  • Remy Martin Louis XIII Cognac 750ml

    Think a century ahead. Each decanter is the life achievement of generations of cellar masters. Since the origins in 1874, each generation of Cellar Master selects in our cellars the oldest and most precious eaux-de-vie for LOUIS XIII. Today, Cellar Master Baptiste Loiseau is setting aside our finest eaux-de-vie, as…

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  • Remy Martin V Cognac 375ml

    Born in legendary French vineyards, Rémy Martin V is a sophisticated white spirit. Distilled twice to preserve its bold character, it reveals fresh aromas with hints of grapes, pears, and a uniquely smooth finish. Rémy Martin V is fresh and smooth on the rocks. Mixed, it reveals the soul of…

    In stock (3)

  • Remy Martin V Cognac 750ml

    Born in legendary French vineyards, Rémy Martin V is a sophisticated white spirit. Distilled twice to preserve its bold character, it reveals fresh aromas with hints of grapes, pears, and a uniquely smooth finish. Rémy Martin V is fresh and smooth on the rocks. Mixed, it reveals the soul of…

    In stock (5)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 200ml

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a blend from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. Twice the age of a standard VS, this gold color and versatile  cognac embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas.  It is well-balanced and multi-layered with notes of vanilla, stone fruit,…

    In stock (21)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 375ml

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a blend from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. Twice the age of a standard VS, this gold color and versatile cognac embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas. It is well-balanced and multi-layered with notes of vanilla, stone fruit,…

    In stock (10)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 50ml

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a blend from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. Twice the age of a standard VS, this gold color and versatile  cognac embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas.  It is well-balanced and multi-layered with notes of vanilla, stone fruit,…

    In stock (9)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 750ml

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a blend from the prestigious vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. Twice the age of a standard VS, this gold color and versatile  cognac embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas.  It is well-balanced and multi-layered with notes of vanilla, stone fruit,…

    In stock (7)

  • Remy Martin VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac 1.75L

    Rémy Martin V.S.O.P is a well-balanced and multi-layered cognac with notes of vanilla, stone fruit and licorice. It is a blend from the most sought-after vineyards in the heart of the Cognac region of France - Petite and Grande Champagne. Rémy Martin is the only major cognac house specializing exclusively…

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  • Remy Martin XO 750ml

    Rémy Martin XO is the signature of our Master Cellar who with his expertise blends over 400 precious eaux-de-vie from the two most-sought after vineyards of Cognac - Petite and Grande Champagne. This extra-old cognac is the ultimate expression of Fine Champagne and is a tribute to our passionate commitment…

    In stock (4)

  • Remy, Julien Et Clement T Raimbault 2021 Domaine Du Pre Semele Sancerre Blanc 750ml

    Beautifully fresh and fruit driven with a vigorous mineral presence and a crisp acidity supported by a plush, rounded structure. Drink 2020 – 2023.

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  • Renato Ratti 2019 Barolo Marcenasco 750ml

    Barolo “Marcenasco” is a great expression from Langhe, a historic and prestigious label from the homonym cru, with an aging in oak barrels for 24 months. It has an aristocratic, elegant and very energic taste, with perfumes of fruits, oriental spices and licorice and with a robust, articulated, tannic and…

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  • Renato Ratti 2022 Battaglione Barbera D’Asti 750ml

    Intense red color. Fragrance of ripe fruit against a spice background. Full flavored, pleasant and elegant, with good persistence. It's a rich and structured wine, also suited to medium aging. A wine for first courses and red meats.

    In stock (29)

  • Renato Ratti 2022 Ochetti Nebbiolo Langhe 750ml

    Elegant and energetic Langhe Nebbiolo filled with youthful freshness. The wine was first produced in 1969 and has since become a symbol for Renato Ratti. The wine is incredibly aromatic and has an elegant lightness. The fragrance offers a beautiful bouquet of wild berries and spicy forest berries, bitter almond,…

    In stock (12)
