
5475 products
  • Rhum Barbancourt 4Yr Rum 750ml

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  • Rhum Clement Private Cask Finished in Oloroso Cask Rum 700ml

    The Clement Private Collection series is a unique selection of casks reserved by our Cellar Management re-barreled in various exotic barrels. The bottle in your hand came from an Oloroso sherry cask, where the rhum rested one year after previously spending its first 4 years in a heavily charred American…

    In stock (6)

  • Rhum Clement Private Cask Tequila Cask Rum 700ml

    The Clement Private Collection series is a unique selection of casks reserved by our Cellar Management re-barreled in various exotic barrels. The bottle in your hand came from an reposado Tequila cask, where the rhum rested one year after previously spending its first 4 years in a heavily charred American…

    In stock (6)

  • Rhum Clement Select Single Barrel Rum 700ml

    Select Barrel matures in specific oak barrels selected for their distinctive natural sweetness and intense aromatic properties for at least three years under the close supervision of the master of the Habitation Clément. Imaginative alchemy with a current approach to selected oak leads to a wonderfully ripe Rhum Agricole with…

    In stock (3)

  • Ribera Del Duero La Vina D Amalio 2010 Tempranillo 750ml

    This wine is homage to the wineries founder, Amalio who started everything back in the 70´s. It reflects the essence of what is a wine from one plot (Pago). It is the expression of a vineyard with particular characteristics. Its grandness is due to its imperfections. Each harvest has the…

    In stock (1)

  • Ricard Pastis De Marseille Anise Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (14)

  • Ricardo Dumas 2020 Tempranillo Joven Ribera del Duero 750ml

    In stock (23)

  • Rich & Rare Canadian Whisky 1.75L

    Rich & Rare Reserve comes from a full-bodied blend of hand-selected reserve barrel whiskies from Sazerac's stock in Canada of more than 200,000 barrels of Canadian Whisky. The nose starts off with a velvety depth. The initial sip shows the complex intermingling of mocha and caramel followed by a wonderful…

    In stock (64)

  • Rich & Rare Reserve Canadian Blended Whiskey 750ml

    In stock (8)

  • Rich & Rare Reserve Canadian Whisky 1.75L

    Rich & Rare Reserve is a unique Canadian Whisky distilled in small batches and aged in hand picked oak barrels. It is bottled by Sazerac Company in Frankfort, Kentucky, under the watchful eye of a world renowned master blender.The initial sip shows the complex luxury of berries drizzled with mocha…

    In stock (10)

  • Rickshaw 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes This vintage of Rickshaw Cabernet is just that, a Cabernet Sauvignon in a food-friendly, Tuesday night glass in front of the TV style. Black cherry, black currant and blueberry aromas lead to flavors of dark fruit, vanilla, and hints of cedar.

    In stock (5)

  • Ricura Horchata Cream Liqueur 750ml

    A delicious combination of the finest Barbados rum with cream and natural cinnamon flavors, Ricura has aromas of bread and rice pudding with a creamy cinnamon finish.

    In stock (6)

  • Ridge 2019 Monte Bello 750ml

    "This is a very powerful Monte Bello with currants and blackberry, black licorice and smoked meat. Mint. Some sesame seed, too. It's full-bodied with incredible darkness and saltiness like volcanic salt. Umami. Grilled seaweed. Flavorful and captivating. It goes on for minutes. Try after 2025, but this may age forever."…

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  • Ridge 2020 Geyserville 750ml

    Critical Acclaim JS 94 James Suckling A beautiful red with lots of blackberries, cloves, stone, spice and purple fruit. It’s full and balanced with a creamy texture and a flavorful finish. Some graphite to the black fruit. More zin this year in the blend. 71% zinfandel, 19% carignan, 7% petite…

    In stock (17)
