
5475 products
  • Ridge 2021 Grenache Blanc 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Translucent gold color. Aromas of yellow pear, green plum, orange blossoms, and sweet oak. Enters with juicy, tart citrus fruits, lively acidity, with medium-body fullness; Lengthy lime-zest aftertaste. Blend: 77% Grenache Blanc, 18% Picpoul, 5% Roussanne Critical Acclaim WW 93 Wilfred Wong of COMMENTARY: While l long…

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  • Ridge Benito Dusi 2021 Zinfandel 750ml

    Each year we pick the zinfandel at the Dusi Ranch over five to six days. The last parcel harvested is typically the ripest. Rather than blend this wine into our Paso Robles bottling, we keep it separate to express the ripe, abundant fruit typical of old vine zinfandel. Enjoyable upon…

    In stock (5)

  • Ridge East Bench Dry Creek Valley 2020 Zinfandel 750ml

    JS94, James Suckling Lots of blackberries and wrought iron with cloves and black peppercorns. Medium-bodied with firm, chewy tannins that are linear and run the length of the wine. Solid and fine. Focused. W + S 94, Wine + Spirits While Draper and Gates have long sustained ancient plantings, they…

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  • Ridge Estate Vineyard 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    In 1886 the first blocks of the Monte Bello vineyard were planted and construction on the winery begun. The first vintage was the 1892. In the early 1940s, the last of the old vineyard was abandoned; in the late forties a few blocks were replanted. Those cabernet vines—now over sixty-five…

    In stock (12)

  • Ridge Lytton Springs 2019 Red Blend 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Appealing nose of pepper, and raspberry. Layered plum, blackberry and cocoa on the palate with chalky tannins and a lingering finish. Pair with Texas-style BBQ beef brisket, a classic American burger or fig stuffed pork loin. Blend: 73% Zinfandel, 16% Petite Sirah, 9% Carignane, 2% Mataro Critical Acclaim…

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  • Ridge Lytton Springs 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    In 1972, Ridge made its first Lytton Springs from vines planted on the eastern half of the vineyard at the turn of the century. Both the eastern and western portions of the vineyard were purchased in the early 1990s, (In the 1870s, under “Captain” William Litton’s ownership, the two were…

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  • Ridge Three Valleys Sonoma County 2021 Red Blend 750ml

    The history of the Ridge Three Valleys began with the release of the 2001. The wine contains grapes from a number of Sonoma vineyards—this year, ten. We take great care in selecting the fruit, which is hand-harvested then crushed and fermented on its native yeast and naturally occurring malolactic bacteria…

    In stock (13)

  • Risata Moscato D Asti Sparkling 750ml

    This Moscato d Asti is fresh fragrant and frizzante with vibrant flavors and aromas of ripe stone fruit tangerines and honey The wine is concentrated and flavorful but not overly rich or heavy sweet yet balanced.

    In stock (35)

  • Risata Pink Moscato 750ml

    Risata Pink Moscato is bursting with juicy flavors of strawberry, cherry and raspberry, finishing sweet and well-balanced. Enjoy with spicy Thai takeout, Sunday brunch or salty snacks. Varietals – 95% Moscato, 5% Malvasia Rosso Alcohol – 5.5%

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  • Risata Raven Semi-Sweet Red 750ml

    Say yes to the temptation of Risata Raven, an exquisitely bold wine with aromas of blackberry, blueberry and currant that will leave you wanting more. Save with grilled steak, pasta with red sauce and dark chocolate.

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  • Risata Scarlet Semi-Sweet Red 750ml

    Experience the allure of Risata Scarlet, a seductive semi-sweet red, with flavors of raspberry, cherry and strawberry that entice you with every sip. Savor with barbeque, pizza, chocolate or your favorite desserts. Serve slightly chilled.

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  • Rittenhouse Rye 100 Proof American Whiskey 750ml

    On the nose - profound dusty rye grain fresh from the farm, some mint and a little cinnamon. Taste - creamy butter, vanilla and light brown sugar. Finish - long, longer, and longest, wow! The best rye obtainable dollar for dollar.  

    In stock (13)

  • Rivarose Mediterranee Brut Prestige Rose 750ml

    A gorgeous bottle of Provence rosé with a fine and elegant sparkle. The nose offers up a fresh, soft scent of strawberry, raspberry and a little cherry. The mousse is mouth filling and fine. Flavors of red berries and a little spice. Delicious and refreshing. The only Brut Rose from…

    In stock (6)

  • Robert Craig Affinity Napa Valley 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2013 vintage marks our 20th anniversary of producing Affinity Cabernet Sauvignon. It is also our first vintage of Affinity bottled as a 100% estate grown, single vineyard selection from our La Londe Vineyard. Our primary mission at Robert Craig Winery is to produce wines that feature pure site expression.…

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  • Robert Craig Winery Gap’s Crown Vineyard Sonoma Coast 2013 Chardonnay 750ml

    Vineyard Notes: Like the Durell Vineyard, where we made lovely Chardonnay in a similar style in past vintages, Gap’s Crown Vineyard is owned by wine mogul (and all around good guy) Bill Price. We simply traded our contract for Durell fruit to one for Gap’s Crown fruit in the same…

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