
5472 products
  • Sandeman Ruby Porto Port 750ml

    The Wine Selected from the lighter wines of each year, these Porto are chosen for ageing in small oak casks to develop their style. Sandeman's Tawny Porto has the fruit and style of great Porto, but with an added finesse. Pale in colour and light in body this Port is…

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  • Sandhi 2021 Santa Rita HIlls Pinot Noir 750ml

    Sourced from Domaine de la Côte estate vineyards 94%, and the remaining 6% from La Riconada Vineyard (Sta. Rita Hills AVA). 2021 Sandhi Pinot Noir 'Sta. Rita Hills' leads with crunchy red fruits of pomegranate, wild strawberry, and sun-warmed raspberry. The exuberantly fruited nose is undergirded with orange zest, black…

    In stock (12)

  • Sanford 2021 Estate Grown Sta. Rita Hills Pinot Noir 750ml

    Rich and beautifully focused from top to bottom. Deep, and vibrant red fruits and baking spices aromas inform the palate which is supple, serious, and wonderfully fresh. Although charming now, it will continue to improve over several years. "Lively, with sleek, tangy pomegranate and blood orange notes that add a…

    In stock (3)

  • Sanford La Rinconada Vineyard Sta Rita Hills 2014 Pinot Noir 750ml

    TASTING NOTES:  The palate delivers flavors of black fruits framed nicely by bright acidity. AROMA NOTES:  Exploding with spicy black cherry, cola, bacon fat and anise.

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  • Santa Carolina 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon Estate Reserva 750ml

    "A tight, focused red with fresh-plum and chocolate character. Medium body, firm and creamy tannins and a flavorful finish. Drinkable now, but better in 2022." 93 Points, JS "Expansive cherry and plum aromas are clean, friendly and fluffy as they introduce a deep palate that's in fine shape. Flavors of…

    In stock (7)

  • Santa Ema 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    It's got lush red fruit, spice and savory notes, smooth tannins and a beautifully balanced body. Not to mention, it's a ridiculously great value! Pour some generously full glasses and drain them with a platter of prosciutto-wrapped dates stuffed with Stilton cheese. The lovely heft of this Reserva red is…

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  • Santa Julia Organic 2021 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Santa Julia Colour: Intense red ruby colour. Aroma: Nice fruits aromas of red and black fruits like cassis, black cherries and spices like black pepper, sweet pepper. Flavour: Medium bodied, well balanced wine with soft tannins and long finish.

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  • Santa Julia Organic 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    Winemaker Notes A pale yellow color with green hues. Elegant aromas of tropical fruits: green apple, pear, banana, pineapple, with honey and a hint of citrus. This dry, medium-bodied wine is well balanced with a pleasant, long-lasting finish.

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  • Santa Julia Organic 2023 Malbec 750ml

    Winemaker Notes Violet-intense purple, concentrated and bright. A complex nose with varietals notes of ripe fruits, figs. prunes, jam and raisins. A good body, with tannins and well balanced by acidity. A lingering and complex finish.

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  • Santa Julia Reserva 2020 Valle De Uco Malbec 750ml

    Dark violet with blue hues. Nose of ripe red and black fruits such as cherries, plums, and blackberries. Notes of vanilla, chocolate, and snuff. Medium-bodied flavor, with soft tannins and balanced acidity with a fruity and spicy finish.

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  • Santa Margherita 2020 DOCG Riserva Chianti Classico 750ml

    The aromas of this complex red wine range from cherries and plums to gladiolus flowers and earthy flint. The tannic, oak-aged flavors are bright and round, with a dry, warm, fresh earthy finish. Santa Margherita Chianti Classico Riserva takes its name and its unmistakable spirit from its birthplace in the…

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  • Santa Margherita 2022 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    With its straw yellow color, clean intense aroma, and dry golden apple taste, our signature Pinot Grigio is full of authentic, flavorful personality.

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  • Santa Margherita 2023 Pinot Grigio 750ml

    With its straw yellow color, clean intense aroma, and dry golden apple taste, our signature Pinot Grigio is full of authentic, flavorful personality.

    In stock (25)

  • Santa Margherita Prosecco 750ml

    The wine is dry with fine, lively bubbles, delicate pear and apple fruit aromas and a crisp finish. Whether served at the beginning of a beautiful evening for two, or sipped throughout a lively meal with friends, this celebrated bubbly has versatility at the table that can be shared time…

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  • Santa Rita Medalla Real Gold Medal 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    TASTING NOTES Deep ruby-red in color, with a bouquet of black fruits such as black currants, blueberries, and blackberries with dried figs, cigar box, and spice notes. The concentrated palate offers well-rounded ripe tannins that create the prominent backbone that leads the wine on to a long, lingering finish. SERVING…

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