
73 products
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  • Gaja Grappa Sperss 375ml

    Delicate golden color. Attractive aromas of ripe fruits, hazelnuts and raisins. Good body and a round, full finish.

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  • Galliano Herbal Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (2)

  • Gin Mare Gin 750ml

    Each bottle of Gin Mare is made at our distillery, a thirteenth century chapel located in an ancient fishing village between the Costa Brava and the Costa Dorada. Every bottle of Gin Mare is unique. The acidity levels of our star ingredient, the arbequina olive, change every year. This means…

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  • Gran Gala Orange Liqueur 1L

    Bring exceptional taste and smoothness to your cocktails with imported Gran Gala triple Orange Liqueur. Gran Gala is a rare blend of VSOP Italian brandy infused with the rich and lively flavor of fresh oranges. The result: Gran Gala's rich amber color, velvety-smooth mouth feel and full-bodied, sweet fruit flavor.

    In stock (17)

  • Il Tramonto Limoncello Liqueur 750ml

    In stock (14)

  • Lina’s Crema Di Limoncello Liqueur 750ml

    This lucious blend of Lemons and Cream has its roots in the centuries old tradition made famous by one of Italy's oldest and best loved libations, Limoncello. A perfect balance of delicate creaminess and just the right amount of lemon will make Lina's very easy to drink and extremely versatile.…

    In stock (8)

  • Liquore Strega Herbal Liqueur 750ml

    Liquore Strega is an Italian herbal liqueur produced since 1860 by the S. A. Distilleria Liquore Strega in Benevento, Italy. Its distinctive yellow color comes from the presence of saffron. Strega is bottled at 80 proof (40% ABV), which is an alcohol content comparable to most hard liquors, but it…

    In stock (12)

  • Lucano Amaro Liqueur 750ml

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  • Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur 750ml

    Luxardo Maraschino follows the original recipe from 1821 and requires four years to produce this specialty. Marasca cherries are harvested from Luxardo’s own trees and the solid components are then infused in larchwood. The product is distilled in small copper pot stills. Finally a combination of sugar and water is…

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  • Luxardo Aperitivo Liqueur 750ml

    Luxardo Aperitivo is the result of a well balanced infusion of various herbs, roots and different kind of citrus fruits. Its mild alcoholic content makes it an ideal product to create low ABV drinks, perfect for aperitivo occasions. Mix it with Prosecco and soda for a perfect Spritz.

    In stock (11)

  • Luxardo Cherry Sangue Morlacco Liqueur 750ml

    Deep ruby hue. Sweet cherry aromas follow through on a lighter palate with sweet red cherry flavors showing a trace of natural tartness. Rich and full. Recommended by the Beverage Testing Institute.

    In stock (13)

  • Luxardo Espresso Liqueur 750ml

    Luxardo Espresso Liqueur is a traditional Italian liqueur obtained from a thirty days infusion of a selected variety of fine coffees (Brazil, Columbia, Kenya), with the Arabica type predominating. Enjoy Luxardo Espresso Liqueur either straight up and chilled, or on the rocks.

    In stock (16)

  • Malfy Limone Gin 750ml

    Malfy Gin Con Limone® is distilled with local botanicals, coast grown Italian lemons and Monviso water from Crissolo Spring, the highest and purest spring water in Italy.

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  • Meletti Amaro Liqueur 750ml

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  • Meletti Sambuca Liqueur 750ml

    Sambuca is a licorice-flavored liqueur that derives its flavor from the gentle cold infusion of the elder bush, known in Latin as “sambucus”. The fruit from the elder bush is steeped in alcohol at very cold temperatures. This flavorful mixture is then aged for four months and is cut to…

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