
5391 products
  • Bardstown Discovery Series #10 Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskies 750ml

    Our Discovery Series highlights the Art of Blending, creating exciting expressions that together are greater than the sum of its parts. Through artfully combining rare and exemplary whiskies we discover from all over the world, this series pushes the boundaries of innovation by creating completely unique flavor profiles and styles.…

    In stock (5)

  • Bardstown Origin Series Kentucky Straight Rye Whiskey Finished in Toasted Cherry Wood and Oak Barrels 750ml

    A celebration of innovation, our rye whiskey is finished in hybrid American oak and cherry wood barrels for up to 6 months. Alternating cherry wood and oak staves toasted to custom specifications in the second finishing barrel, provide this 95% rye with unique bursts of flavor and represents the best…

    In stock (3)

  • Bardstown Origin Series Kentucky Straight Wheated Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Honoring tradition and pushing boundaries of innovation, our High Wheat Bourbon is the first 39% wheated mashbill available on the market. This expression explodes with flavor imbued by the 39% wheat in the mashbill, and is presented at 106 proof. Estate-distilled, aged and bottle on-site; enjoy the unmatched character and…

    In stock (1)

  • Bardstown Single Barrel Private Barrel Select Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml Private Barrel Select This is one of the first “Futures Series” single barrels released from Bardstown Bourbon Company. This was a single barrel program we were lucky enough to be selected for two years ago where we got a chance to pick a barrel and let it age until…

    In stock (73)

  • Bardstown Straight Bourbon Whiskey Finished in Plantation Rum Barrels Collaborative Series 750ml

    Savor the latest addition to this innovative series with our plantation rum release — 10-year-old Tennessee bourbon (84% corn, 8% rye, 8% malted barley) finished for 22 months in Plantation Rum barrels. The result is a tropical bomb of flavor. Orange peel, allspice, and cinnamon highlight layers of banana bread…

    In stock (16)

  • Barenjager Honey Liqueur 750ml

    Dating back to 18th Century Germany, this honey liqueur recipe was originally concocted to lure bears out of their dwellings by hunters & fur trappers. Originally called Bärenfang (‘Bear Trap’), this drinkable honey was not only enticing to the bear, but soon became the beverage of choice to the bear…

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  • Barlow 2018 Rose 750ml

    Barlow Rose is a crisp, dry fruit forward Rose' that is a perfect summertime wine with a beautiful color and bright red fruit flavors of raspberry and strawberry.

    In stock (5)

  • Barmen 1873 Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskeys 750ml

    Inspired by our founder’s great, great grandfather, A. Coors, the Barmen 1873™ name honors his birthplace and the year in which he established his legacy, now 150 years strong. That same legacy of ingenuity and grit still runs through our veins at Coors Whiskey Co. here in Golden, Colorado. Savor…

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  • Barnard Griffin 2022 Columbia Valley Chardonnay 750ml

    Bright citrus notes nicely supported by spicy wood accents in the nose. Lime, apple, pear fruit enlivened by vibrant acidity in the mouth. Lingering minerally finish with hints of apple and butterscotch. Try this with halibut or fresh mussels. A pleasant, vibrant medley of peach, guava and tangerine aromas. Strikes…

    In stock (11)

  • Baron Philippe De Rothschild 2021 Escudo Rojo Gran Reserva 750ml

    The Escudo Rojo Gran Reserva is a fine blend of traditional grape varieties grown in our own vineyard and in rigorously selected parcels by our partners. The Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenere, Syrah, Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc grapes are selected by our technical team and vinified in the Baron Philippe de…

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  • Baron Phillippe De Rothschild Mouton Cadet 2020 Cuvee Heritage Bordeaux Rouge 750ml

    Mouton Cadet Cuvee Heritage is a refined Bordeaux wine that embodies the rich winemaking tradition of the region. Crafted from a meticulous blend of varietals, this wine offers a harmonious and elegant profile that is perfect for any occasion.

    In stock (8)

  • Baron Phillippe De Rothschild Mouton Cadet x Pierre 2023 Organic Bordeaux Rouge 750ml

    The Mouton Cadet Rouge Pierre is a testament to the rich heritage and winemaking expertise of the Bordeaux region. This red blend showcases the elegance and complexity that Bordeaux wines are celebrated for.

    In stock (14)

  • Barr Hill Gin 750ml

    Made in small batches by a beekeeper. Raw, Northern honey is added after distillation giving Barr Hill Gin its unique, rich texture and a subtle notes of blossom and juniper. Sip neat. 2020 SIP Awards Platinum Winner.

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  • Barr Hill Reserve Tom Cat Gin 750ml

    Aged 6 months in new charred American White Oak for it's unique character. Lush textures and flavors of clementine, banana, caramel, and oak coming full circle to the mellow finish. 2020 SIP Awards Best of Class and Platinum Winner.

    In stock (6)

  • Barrell Bourbon Cask Finish Series: Amburana Blend of Straight Whiskeys 750ml

    Amburana casks are challenging to work with, as they impart strong cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and vanilla spice notes. True blending expertise is required to enhance the bourbon with Amburana and maintain balance. The BCS blending team created a bourbon blend of two mash bills with different char levels finished in…

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