
5465 products
  • Sequoia Grove Carneros 2021 Napa Valley Chardonnay 750ml

    April 14th is a historic day in American history. Not only does it mark ex-spouse day, but you might it also marks the day that the Titanic sunk in 1912 and the night that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865. On Harrowing days in history, we…

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  • Serpentes Anejo Tequila 750ml

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  • Serpentes Blanco Tequila 750ml

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  • Serpentes Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml

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  • Serpentes Reposado Tequila 750ml

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  • Shannon Ridge Giannecchini Family Vineyard 2018 Old Vine Zinfandel 750ml

    There’s something magical about old vine Italian varieties planted by California pioneer grape growers. The wines are bold, beautiful, dense and truly express the terroir.

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  • Shatter 2021 Grenache 750ml

    Inky black in color, the wine has flavors and aromas dominated by black current, spice and cured meats with a touch of coffee from low toast barrels. There’s an underlying minerality throughout with the distinct iron quality that schist delivers. The palate is pure and powerful, but has structure and…

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  • Shaw 2012 Riesling 750ml

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  • Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whiskey 750ml

    Kentucky- Blending peanut butter with whiskey? They thought the idea sounded a little nutty too, but it's time a whiskey was bred to take the party to the next level. Grab a bottle of Sheep Dog Peanut Butter Whiskey, break away from the pack, and woof down the good times.

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  • Shenks Small Batch 2024 Release Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

    Shenk’s Homestead Kentucky Sour Mash 2024 is a tribute to the legacy of John Shenk, an iconic figure in American whiskey history. Founded in 1753, Shenk’s distillery later became known as Michter’s in the 20th century. This exceptional small-batch whiskey honors the tradition of using the sour mash process, where…

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  • Shibata Black Yuzu Japanese Craft Sake 720ml

    The yuzu fruit used is from Shibata’s local farm and is all organic. Shibata Black Yuzu is made with a junmai sake base, using Ginpu rice from Hokkaido, which is clear and has a nice aroma. The yuzu is squeezed with the skin left on, thereby allowing for the juice…

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  • Shibui 10Yr Pure Malt Japanese Whisky 750ml

    This 100% malted barley world blend whisky is a marriage of whiskies from Niigata Japan & the lowlands of Scotland. Matured for 10 years in Ex-Bourbon, Oloroso Sherry & rare Mizunara Oak, Shibui is 100% natural color. Notes of coffee, cinnamon, dark chocolate & oak.

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  • Shibui 15Yr Sherry Cask Single Grain Japanese Whisky 750ml

    For over 600 years, Okinawa has been home to the oldest distilled spirit in Japan. Made from the cereal of the land, Shibui Single Grain Whiskies are a celebration of this ancient spirit - each on exclusively distilled, matured and bottled in Okinawa.  Our whiskies reflect the unmistakable style of…

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  • Shibui Grain Select Japanese Whisky 750ml

    Blended and bottled in Niigata, Japan, this 100% wheat whisky is matured in American ex bourbon, Oloroso sherry and rare Japanese Mizunara Oak giving it exceptional natural color and notes of coconut and cereal.

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  • Shibui Pure Malt Whisky 750ml

    Blended & bottled in Niigata, Japan, this 100% malt whisky is matured in American ex bourbon, Oloroso sherry & rare Japanese Mizunara Oak giving it exceptional natural color with notes of chocolate, coffee & walnut. 

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