
5465 products
  • Shimizu-No-Mai Pure Dusk Junmai Daiginjo Sake 300ml

    Pure Dusk Shimizu No Mai Junmai Daiginjo Sake has aromas of bright pear and hints of green apple, with an underlying minerality. The palate has delicate structure, with hints of fresh orange peel and cantaloupe. The finish is of medium length, finishes dry.

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  • Shiner Lemonade Shandy 6pk

    This is Lemonade Shandy and it will be brewed with agave and lemon. The beer will roll in at 4.2%-AbV and it will be packaged for a seasonal release in 12oz bottles and 12oz cans.

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  • Sia Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

    This Award-Winning Whisky awakens the nose with vanilla and caramel notes, then opens the palate with citrus and honey. Hint of soft smoke for a gentle warm finish. A blend of Speyside, Highland and Islay malt and grain whiskies.

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  • Sideward Brewing Pub Feed ESB 4pk

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  • Sideward Brewing Space Wizard New England IPA 4pk

    NEIPA double dry hopped with Citra, Simcoe & Rakau hops. We’ll also be releasing limited edition full wrap Space Wizard Nordic Cooler glasses.

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  • Sale

    Siduri 2022 Pinot Noir Willamette Valley 750mL

    The Siduri Willamette Valley Pinot Noir is a medium bodied, serious Oregon Pinot Noir. Fresh red and blue fruit, along with faint hints of earth and leather. The wine shows good acidity on the finish, carrying it forward and promising a long life ahead of it.

    In stock (22)

    Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $19.99.
  • Siduri 2022 Santa Barbara Pinot Noir 750ml

    Aromas of cherry, sage, and mulberry. Flavors of black cherry, spice and star anise. Siduri explores two exceptional areas within Santa Barbara County that are exceptionally well - suited for growing Pinot Noir - Santa Maria Valley and the Sta. Rita Hills. Pinot Noirs from the Santa Maria Valley provide…

    In stock (20)

  • Siduri Willamette Valley 2019 Pinot Noir 750ml

    Siduri has long specialized in cool-climate Pinot Noir, and was one of the early California producers to reach all the way north into the Willamette Valley to get the fruit they desired. The winery's collection of appellation-level bottlings offer an enticing snapshot of the vintage--from Santa Barbara to Oregon, and…

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  • Siduri Yamhill Carlton 2017 Pinot Noir 750ml

    In comparison to the Chehalem Mountains fruit that Siduri has used for the previous two decades, the fruit from the Yamhill-Carlton AVA produces bigger, richer wines. Though this works well for Siduri given the winery's California experience, the goal here is not to make a California wine out of Oregon…

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  • Siempre Exclusivo Vivo Blanco Tequila 750ml

    Siempre Tequila comes from founders Alex Lacroix and Monica Sanita with the addition of partner Chris Matte and are part of the recent wave Canadian brand owners - this influx also includes Calgary’s Wayne Henuset who lead the investor group in the purchase of El Tequileño.  Sanita’s mother and great-grandmother…

    In stock (5)

  • Siempre Plata Tequila 750ml

    5X Gold medal-winning, 100% agave tequila made with love, perfectly balanced by combining agave from two entirely different regions creating an exceptionally smooth, naturally sweet spirit made for sipping. Complex aromas and flavours of spice, herb, pepper, brine/sea salt and citrus with candied, floral notes and hints of cooked agave…

    In stock (12)

  • Siempre Rebel Cask Reposado Tequila Aged in Bardstown Barrels 750ml

    Siempre Rebel Cask is a prohibition-style rebellious range of aged expressions. Wild-fermented Supremo Plata tequila is used and filled into barrels at still strength.

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  • Siempre Supremo 110 Proof Tequila 750ml

    Still strength blanco 110 proof / 55% ABV, fantastic pick for aficionados 100% tahona crushed agave, wild fermentation, 2x distillation and bottled as a blend of hearts and tails.

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  • Siervas Guava Whiskey 750ml

    Established in 2021, Siervas was created from the fusion of traditional American whiskey and Caribbean flavors. Driven by the roots of our flavors from Puerto Rico, Siervas provides the perfect balance of soft, gentle and smooth after taste while also providing a hint of traditional whiskey on every sip. Siervas…

    In stock (50)

  • Siervas Passion Fruit Whiskey 750ml

    Established in 2021, Siervas was created from the fusion of traditional American whiskey and Caribbean flavors. Driven by the roots of our flavors from Puerto Rico, Siervas provides the perfect balance of soft, gentle and smooth after taste while also providing a hint of traditional whiskey on every sip. Siervas…

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