
5465 products
  • Silver Oak Napa Valley 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    A compelling, brooding, muscular rendition of Cabernet from Alexander Valley with gorgeous boysenberry notes, black currants, and rose petals laced with vanillin notes and toasty oak...framed by velvety tannins...balanced by grippy acidity. Long and complex.

    In stock (36)

  • Silver Palm 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The Silver Palm California Cabernet Sauvignon is a luscious and smooth red wine with bright fruit flavors and rich, savory notes. This full-bodied red wine is aged in a mix of French and American oak barrels and offers concentrated flavors, firm tannins, and a silky texture.

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  • Silver Palm 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Dark ruby in color with aromas of black currants, anise, tobacco, and dark chocolate. Flavors of blackberries, cherries, cocoa and toasty oak are complemented by round, soft tannins, leading to a silky, lingering finish.

    In stock (2)

  • Silverado Napa Valley 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    TP94 Tasting Panel With some Merlot, Petit Verdot, and Caber- net Franc blended in, this standup Cabernet Sauvignon aged 17 months in primarily French oak, seeing some Hungarian and American oak as well. Sourced from the winery’s estate vineyards (Mt. George, Silverado, and Oakville Station), the fruit yielded tight-fisted tannins…

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  • Simi Alexander Valley Landslide Vineyards 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    TASTING NOTES This vintage, our Landslide Vineyard produced a wine that is youthful and elegant, with deep fruit character. Opaque and deep red with a vibrant ruby edge. The nose shows violets, blackberry, chocolate, cassis, and bramble berry, with notes of toasty oak. Inviting, fresh, and intriguing, this wine will…

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  • Simi Sonoma County 2022 Chardonnay 750ml

    The hue of this wine is brilliantly clear, golden straw—a color that dramatically sets the stage for what is to come. The nose is similarly demonstrative, with expressive notes of tangerine, white peach, green apple, Meyer lemon, and orange blossom laced with hints of butter, cream, vanilla, and flint. It…

    In stock (8)

  • Simonnet-Febvre 2019 Chablis Vaillons Premier Cru 750ml

    This vineyard is situated on the left bank of the Serein river, and has an ideal south-westerly aspect. The soils of the left bank are less clay-like than those of the right bank. This wine is one of the most highly-rated left-bank Chablis. It is an excellent example of the…

    In stock (24)

  • Simonnet-Febvre Cremant de Bourgogne Brut Sparkling 750ml

    A wonderfully well-balanced wine, with fine bubbles, a persistentfoam and a well-developed length on the palate. Fresh and powerful bouquet with beautiful ripe yellow fruit aromas. This Cremant combines the finesse of Chardonnay and the power of Pinot Noir. Blend: 60% Chardonnay, 40% Pinot Noir

    In stock (12)

  • Sinegal Estate 2021 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2021 Harvest season was remarkably smooth and uneventful, a stark contrast to the 2020 fire season. Little rain and moderate temperatures throughout the growing months gave way to a low yielding, and flavor-intensifying crop. The wines produced from this harvest are dramatic, yet elegant, showing promise of becoming one…

    In stock (25)

  • Singha 6pk

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  • Singleton 12Yr Glendullan Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750ml

    Our 12 year old single malt scotch whisky is matured in a high proportion of American oak casks with a small portion of European oak casks to balance the liquid. The result is an easy to enjoy single malt with notes of luscious brown sugar, soft cooked apples and creamy…

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  • New

    Singleton 14yr Autumn Walk Special 2024 Release Single Malt Scotch 750ml

    The Singleton of Glendullan 'Glen Ord 14 Year Special Release 2024' Single Malt Scotch is a captivating expression from the Glen Ord Distillery, nestled in the Highlands of Scotland. This 14-year-old single malt is meticulously matured in first-fill ex-Bourbon casks, with an intriguing twist of partial finishing in Pyrenean and Spanish oak casks. This unique maturation imparts a harmonious blend of fresh and vibrant orchard…

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  • New

    Singleton 14yr Autumn Walk Special 2024 Release Single Malt Scotch 750ml (Damaged Tube)

    The Singleton of Glendullan 'Glen Ord 14 Year Special Release 2024' Single Malt Scotch is a captivating expression from the Glen Ord Distillery, nestled in the Highlands of Scotland. This 14-year-old single malt is meticulously matured in first-fill ex-Bourbon casks, with an intriguing twist of partial finishing in Pyrenean and Spanish oak casks. This unique maturation imparts a harmonious blend of fresh and vibrant orchard…

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  • Sipsmith Lemon Drizzle Gin 750ml

    This recipe takes a classic London Dry backbone and layers on sweet, sun-dried lemon peels, lemon verbena for aromatic sweetness on the nose and vapour infused fresh hand peeled lemon for sharp bite and floral notes to dial up the spritz.

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  • Sipsmith London Dry Gin 750ml

    The quintessential expression of a classic, traditional London Dry Gin. Bold, complex and aromatic – smooth enough for a Martini, yet rich and balanced, perfect for a gin and tonic. The Nose: Floral, summer meadow notes, followed by mellow rounded juniper and zesty, citrus freshness. The Palate: Dry juniper leads,…

    In stock (20)
