
5465 products
  • Staete Landt Map Maker 2020 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    This is a harmonious SB that says Marlborough without screaming it. Pale, almost colorless, in the glass, there's a pungent tang right from the start that mingles with passionfruit, grapefruit, black currant leaf and green bell pepper aromas. Acidity is fresh but never searing, with some depth of flavor and…

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  • Staete Landt Map Maker 2022 Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    This is a harmonious SB that says Marlborough without screaming it. Pale, almost colorless, in the glass, there's a pungent tang right from the start that mingles with passionfruit, grapefruit, black currant leaf and green bell pepper aromas. Acidity is fresh but never searing, with some depth of flavor and…

    In stock (21)

  • Stags Leap Limited Edition Reserve 2019 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2019 harvest started one to two weeks later than previous years, mostly due to February rains, but because the vines were in their winter dormancy, it did not affect the 2019 crop. Spring continued to be wet with some rain during flowering, followed by cool temperatures that allowed the…

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  • Stags Leap Napa Valley 2018 Petite Sirah 750ml

    Petite Sirah is a varietal that is enhanced by the deliberate diversity of our vineyard sites. Grapes from the vineyards located on our estate's deep, rocky soils make up the backbone of this Napa Valley Petite Sirah. Carefully selected fruit from both northern vineyards in Calistoga and St. Helena and…

    In stock (2)

  • Stags Leap Napa Valley 2019 Petite Sirah 750ml

    Petite Sirah is a varietal that is enhanced by the deliberate diversity of our vineyard sites. Grapes from the vineyards located on our estate's deep, rocky soils make up the backbone of this Napa Valley Petite Sirah. Carefully selected fruit from both northern vineyards in Calistoga and St. Helena and…

    In stock (6)

  • Stags Leap Napa Valley 2020 Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    Winemaker Notes The Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon opens with generous dark cherry, juicy plum, currant, and cassis, while accents of black pepper and chocolate give it a classic feel. Seamlessly integrated oak and refined tannins provide wonderful texture while the bright, fresh fruit flavors balance the wine’s impressive concentration.

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  • Stags Leap Napa Valley 2021 Chardonnay 750ml

    This is 2021 Napa Valley Chardonnay is bright and lively with fresh notes of lemon verbena, orange blossom, Golden Delicious apple, and Asian pear, with Tarte Tatin and brioche toast. Mouthwatering and crisp, the palate is focused with a lean backbone of acidity balanced by layers of honeysuckle, hazelnut, and…

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  • Stags Leap Wine Cellars 2018 S.L.V Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    The 2018 S.L.V. Cabernet Sauvignon has generous aromas of violet, plum dark fruit, cocoa dust and graphite. On the palate the wine has a rich, gravelly structure with pure fruit, dusty tannins and a long, savory finish. The tannin structure, dark fruit, and pleasing minerality point to this wine’s ability…

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  • Stags Leap Wine Cellars 2019 Artemis Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

    ARTEMIS, named after the Greek goddess of the hunt, is a wine that truly reflects its name. It’s the culmination of our hunt for the finest grapes from Napa Valley which, when combined with estate-grown fruit, combine to create a Cabernet Sauvignon that expresses the regional character of Napa Valley…

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  • Stara Kuka 10Yr Zolta Brandy 700ml

    Stara Kukja Zolta Rakija-Brandy is made from distillates of fine wines according to centuries old traditional Macedonian recipes. Once the distillation process is complete, the rakija is aged for 10 years in oak barrels. It has a deep golden color with aromas of cocoa, chocolate and muscat. A medium-full bodied…

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  • Stara Kuka Bela Brandy 700ml

    Bela rakija is the traditional spirit of Macedonia, enjoyed for its taste and healing properties for many centuries. This Makedonska Stara Kukja Bela Rakija is distilled from the finest wines and aged in specially constructed, temperature controlled stainless steel vats. This Makedonska Bela Rakija has a crystal clear colour with…

    In stock (9)

  • Stara Sokolova 7Yr Plum Brandy 750ml

    Old Falcon's Slivovitz is produced using traditional, thousand year old methods of growing and processing plums. Distilled by the Bogdanovic estate in small batches, Old Falcon's unique smooth and silky taste is a result of a secret family recipe passed on through seven generations.

    In stock (13)

  • Stara Sokolova Dunja Quince Brandy 750ml

    Stara Sokolova Dunja is made from fully ripe quince and is double distilled in old copper stills ensuring a perfect harmony between sweetness and the natural tartness of quince.

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  • Stara Sokolova Kajsija Apricot Brandy 750ml

    Stara Sokolova Apricot is made from the highest quality heritage apricots from the regions of Western Serbia and Šumadija. The fruit is picked at the peak of the season and double distilled in old copper stills to ensure the final spirit reflects the pure, sweet essence of apricot. Stara Sokolova…

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  • Stara Sokolova Klekovaca Brandy 750ml

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